May 18, 2020

Monday Morning Musings (AKA Currently)

Outside my window...

The skies are cloudy, but no rain so we've got that going for us. The temperature this morning is a cool 64 degrees. Today's high is predicted to be 71. 

We got the raised beds ready to go over the weekend. I pulled weeds and churned up the soil to stir in last year's mulch and the stuff we composted over the winter. Then smoothed it all out. Tim helped me spread a thick layer of newspaper over all of it, wet it down, and then spread new mulch on top. We'll plant this coming weekend. We should be safe from worry about frost by then. I hope.

Reflecting on the weekend...

We were blessed with beautiful weather Saturday and Sunday. As I mentioned above, I worked on the raised beds on Saturday. I also planted a few pots of flowers. 

Tim had to work on Saturday, but helped with those garden beds when he got home. That's about all he had in him, though. I am getting worried about him again. He is really making a lot of comments on how bad he feels and he made one the other day that if he can't get in to see the doctor soon he doesn't think he's going to be around much longer. What???? Please say a prayer for his health and that the doctor will agree to see him. Soon!

Colton stayed over with us on Saturday night. Mommy and Daddy wanted to have a movie night where they could actually watch the movies. (Somebody isn't much of a sleeper and stays up quite late even though he doesn't sleep in late or take naps.) It was such a nice night, though, that they decided to build a fire in the firepit and sit outside instead once little Leah went to bed.

Colton and I played and watched Minions. Again. We went to bed at 10:00 and he went right to sleep for me. He always does.

Sunday was a busy day. Tim went to Megan's early to help Cody fix a plumbing issue they've been having. Colton went home with him. I went over a little later to swing with Megan and Leah while Colton drove his Power Wheels truck around the yard. Mom walked over and visited, too. She was mask free! She even held Colton's hand and walked around with him.

Tim finished up at Megan's and went with my stepdad up to his place on the ridge to help him fix his flagpole. I did a couple loads of laundry and did some straightening up and ran the sweeper. When Tim got back he sat with me and we watched a couple of episodes of In the Heat of the Night. (I'm on the last season and feeling kinda bummed about that.) 

It was pretty hot in the house by then because it was nearly 80 degrees outside and I was preheating the oven for supper, so Tim got the air conditioner out and put it in the window. It cooled things off nicely...such a relief after it being at least 80 degrees in the house for sleeping the previous night.

I made a favorite recipe from Pinterest for supper. It's so easy...just cut 2 or 3 chicken breasts in half (across, not length-wise), line them up down the center of a long baking dish, dump 2 cans of drained green beans on one side of the chicken, cut up potatoes and put them on the other side, sprinkle a packet of Italian dressing mix over everything and then cut a stick of butter into 12 pats and place them all over the top. Cover the pan tightly with foil and bake at 350 degrees for an hour. That's it and it is so yummy!

Tim went to bed not long after we ate because he had to leave extra early this morning because they are pouring concrete at work...always a long, hard day...and then he is stopping by our son's to help him start building his shed.

Thinking about...

All the things I need to get done today...laundry, the grocery store, there are still a few spots waiting to be organized.

The things I am learning as I work through Beth Moore's study on faith.

What to plant in the garden.

The job I applied for online. It's a part-time job with a printing company right here in town making custom photo jewelry and other photo gifts plus customer service. It's 20-29 hours per week and the hours would always fall Monday-Friday between 10 and 5. It would be perfect. Say a prayer for me.

Listening to...

I'm in a Darius Rucker mood since I shared his version of Wagon Wheel last week and Alexa is indulging me. By the way, did you know she is polite? When she does something for me, I say, "Alexa, thank you." (You always have to say her name first.) Then she will say different polite responses. Today she said, "You're welcome, Stacy. Have a good day."

And now I am off to get to those things on my to-do list.
Have a blessed and fabulous day, friends!


  1. (((TIM!!!))) Keeping in prayer, Stacy.

    It was really humid here Friday and Saturday. The rain has since moved in and cooled it down. Hubby is thinking he will have to put the ac's in sooner than later.

    Keeping in prayer over your job search.

    1. Thanks, Linda. Yeah, we put the ac's in yesterday and I ran it again today. Whatever happened to spring? Why do we always have to go from cold to sweltering?

  2. I will pray for your husband and also about the job you're hoping to get. Sounds like you had a really nice weekend. Hope you have a great day too.

  3. Oh my gosh--I hope Tim gets in to the doctor soon!

  4. OMW, Alexa knows your name?! That recipe sounds delish, but I'll have to find a substitute for the green beans. 'Someone' hates them so much, he probably wouldn't touch the chicken for fear some bean-juice touched them. LOL! Prayers being lifted now for Tim (and the job)!

    1. I've read comments on it and others have said they've tried all kinds of veggies, fresh, canned and frozen and all worked pretty well. I'd love to try Brussels sprouts, but Tim hates them. And yes, Alexa calls me by name all the time.

  5. Phooey! I just thanked Alexa and all I got was, "Of course!" … then, "You bet!"

  6. Hmm, I hope hope your Tim will get to the dr. sooner than later. If he is really not feeling that well he needs to go regardless. just saying. I will be praying for him to feel better. Sounds like you had a busy and lovely weekend, with family near and enjoying one another as well as helping each other out. Love to see that. You are blessed to have them all so close by. That recipe sounds really good. I may have to try that one. Praying for you to get the job if that is what you want! May the Lord lead and guide you and His will be done! Have a blessed week.

    1. Thank you, Pamela. I do appreciate the prayers.

  7. I have seen that recipe and will get around to trying it now that I know it is so good! I will have to try to be more polite to our Alexa... I always just order her around! Please know that Tim is on my daily prayer list and I sure hope he gets to the doctor soon!!

    1. Thank you, Terri. I appreciate your prayers. You and Joe are always on my list, too. :)

  8. Hi Stacy, I am visiting you via Pam Steiner. I pray your husband will visit the dr. soon and I also pray for you regarding the part-time job. You are blessed to have family near. I know you will enjoy all that you are planting. We have mostly flowers but did add a few vegetables this spring. I live in GA. Have a blessed day.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes