April 27, 2021

Tuesday 4: The Times They are A-Changing

Lets discuss the times we live in.

1. What changes are you grateful for? How have things changed in your life time?  I'd say I am most grateful for the new technologies that have come along to make the simple act of daily living easier so that we now actually have leisure time in our days. I would not be a happy camper if I had to go back to making lye soap and washing clothes on washboards in vats of boiling water. 

As for how things have changed? I think I most notice the breakdown of the family. I grew up as part of a big extended family, blended together from both my mom's side and my dad's side. We got together all the time. We had huge, wonderful holiday celebrations together and so many traditions. Since the late 80s or early 90s, we've become scattered. None of us live near each other (except for us, my mom and stepdad, and our daughter's family) and try as I might, my kids are just not interested in keeping up the old traditions.

2. Did your parents have things better than you today?  In some ways. Mainly financial. Things were simpler and less expensive and people didn't always think they needed the next new thing as soon as it came out. They made things last and there wasn't so much excess and waste. They adhered to the old adage about "use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." I think people were happier in general when we weren't always on the quest for the next new thing.

3. What time period would you rather live in.. or are you okay with today?  Oh, I might prefer the 70s and 80s, but this is the time period the good Lord put me in and He knows best! I would NOT want to go way back to a totally different era or century. I sincerely doubt any of them are as romantic as we've imagined them.

4. What changes would you make for our time to make it nicer/better to live in?  I would put God back into our schools, our government and our homes for a start. If it was possible, I'd clear out the cesspool that is Washington, D.C. and strip the government back down to the foundations, getting rid of the layers upon layers of stuff that's been added on. I'm not talking about amendments to the Constitution or anything...I'm thinking all the extra agencies and such. Government has gotten so big there is no possible way for any one part to know what all the rest is doing. There just isn't any accountability these days and we need to bring back the checks and balances.

Thanks to Anne for the thought-provoking questions!


  1. Very interesting post. I think if I could got back in time, I would choose to live in the 1980s. I loved the hair, the clothes, and music, and Charly and I were young and just starting our family. I remember it as being my favorite decade, but I also remember that there were stresses we had to deal with like not enough money, or time, and the general tension of having little kids and three extended families. Maybe I am wrong, but it seemed like things were a lot more hopeful back in the 1980s and even the 1990s. I completely agree with you about the breakdown of the family, and no accountability in Washington. Scary with regards to what lies ahead.

    1. The 80s were a very good decade and I'm not just saying that because my hair was MADE for big 80's hair...but seriously, that was my hair decade! lol I liked the clothes, too, except for shoulder pads. Hated them then and hate them now. I always cut them out. I agree that life was more hopeful.

  2. Yes, the family breakdown is not good. We spend very little time with family these days except for funerals. That is sad, but true. But I think it's because the ones that organized these events are gone now and no one as stepped up, including me.

    1. That's how it usually is here, too...funerals and weddings and we are at the point where one generation is all married off and the next is still arriving or too young to get married yet so that just leaves the funerals. :(

  3. We don't spend much time with family, they are busy
    doing their own thing. Family breakdown is sad.
    I would not want to go back to a different era either.
    I also agree with your answer to #4.
    Have a nice Tuesday!


    1. Aw, it makes me sad to hear you don't spend much time with family, either. It seems like its a reality for a lot of us.

  4. Loved your answers - I find myself watching TV shows from the 70's and 80's .

    1. There were some really good shows back then! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. big yes to God back in our daily life and schools!!

  6. Loved your answers! #1, I have a theory, perhaps the break down of the family and so many are unsaved now, is because of all this technology and free time. Just a thought.
    Blessings. xx

    1. Like just about everything in life, I am sure there are two sides to the coin. It's up to us how we use it. Sadly, many choose badly.

  7. I still remember saying prayers at public school. It was not weird for me since I went to church. I am looking forward to getting back to normal. We took the grands to the park and didn't wear mask. I went to church and we still have to wear mask but it was good to be back. Our small groups are starting back up next week. Two in person and one on Zoom. Covid and politics did put a damper on things, but I have faith things will improve. I do miss our big family gatherings.

    1. I'm glad to hear things are beginning to get back to normal out there! You guys have had a rough time of it. The church I've been attending was closed the last 2 weeks due to Covid cases among the members. I don't know yet if they will reopen this coming Sunday or not.

  8. You have just the best answer for #4. Yes. I need to copy it and paste it over what I said. I couldn't agree more. Well done, Stacy!! xo

  9. Amen to #2 and #4! Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  10. Can’t imagine the people who complain so much living during WW II or through epidemics that have happened before...I am so proud of my five grands and family who have not complained at all...we know kids are suffering most without being around others. I have most been amazed at the complaints about isolating and masks...good grief...as to prayers in public schools...it can happen just not mandated...I taught...there were Bible club and prayers around the flagpole...kids seldom went...prayer does not have to be taught in schools...should be at home...I saw it first hand...thank you for your blog...you are positive about your life...that is heartwarming...as to Washington...blink and it will change...I have seen many changes in my lifetime...thank you again

    1. Hi, Brenda! Thanks for visiting my blog. I agree. Prayer should be taught at home, but it shouldn't be blocked in schools and other public places, either. The kids here pray at the flagpole and stuff, too, but I have seen schools block some things even when student sanctioned and not officially school sanctioned. It's just such a tightrope walk through a legal minefield these days. Do you have a blog? I'd love to visit back.

  11. I totally agree with your answer to #4. but I am just "romantic enough" to wish I lived in the 1800's, horse and buggy days, but I would have to be quite well to do and have helpers to help with all the hard work. LOL. Seriously, I am thankful to live now, but I would not want to be raising young children in public schools today. If I had young school age children today, I would have to either homeschool them or put them in a good Christian school. The public school system is broken and they are being used to brainwash our children to believe so many ungodly things and untrue things. It is very very sad. I am glad I was raised in the 50's and 60's. Now those were "Happy Days". LOL. Good post.

    1. I totally agree about the public school system! Not so much about going back in time. I am not an outhouse person!!

  12. I do not have a blog but thank you. I taught almost twenty years...it was a dream...people should not depend on the schools for raising 5eir kids...my three granddaughters in Indiana have and are being home schooled and have been successful. One graduates Purdue in May...one is almost in third year college...one will be high school junior in fall...all by mom and nana...my two little grandsons...gifted school here in Florida and doing great...although during COVID learning online with teachers...they are exceptional...I love home school...I love public school...I waited forty years and became a teacher in my forties...I finished Master’s plus degree age almost 50...a dream come true...thank you for not judging all public schools by a few...here are good ones...I have friends who teach...we must remember that schools are not religious institutions and once we try to do that we open the door to all religions...I know from experience...just like judging members of one political party...everyone is not the same...I appreciate your blog and appreciate your openmind I do not understand the negative people...I do teach a couple of students on Facebook and of course my own grands...when I grew up, I remember folks blaming all the ill will on television...those same people today see nothing wrong with social media which I refuse to use...except blogs...thank you for your insights....

  13. Masters almost sixty...old fingers can’t type lol

  14. Amen to everything you said, grin. Have a beautiful day friend.


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