May 26, 2020

Tuesday 4: Good Old Days

I'm linking up for the Tuesday 4 today. Thanks goes to Annie for continuing the tradition and supplying the questions each week.

1.Do you know who supplied the voice of Lamb Chop, Hush Puppy and Charlie Horse? It was Shari Lewis according to It was a very popular kids show in the 50's and 60's. What childhood program meant a lot to you or taught you things you feel were important to you.  I did know it was Shari Lewis, but only because she and the puppets enjoyed a bit of a revival when my daughter was small and the show was on in our house every afternoon. I remember watching Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers, but I think I'd have to say my favorite was Captain Kangaroo. He wasn't as commercial as the rest, but he was on every day for a very long time. Some classmates and I were just talking about him the other day on Facebook.

2. Is there a memory from your past that makes you feel at home, warm and nostalgic? Maybe you would share it with us. Perhaps there is  a story your parents told you that brings back good memories.  I could not have asked for a better grandmother and I spent a great deal of time with her at her home when I was growing up. Any and all of my memories of her and the things we did evoke those feelings of home and make me feel nostalgic.

3.Dirty Dancing was a big hit movie of the 80's. Mullet hair dos for guys and huge puffy hair for girls was a hallmark of those days. Did you dance at school dances, Proms, etc? What kind  of dancing did you enjoy?  Dirty Dancing is my all-time favorite movie! I went to some school dances, but not the prom. I just did whatever you called the dancing of the 70's and 80's. I did know how to do some disco moves, but otherwise, it was just that move how the music moves you that we all did.

4. Do you think we have passed by the good old days or do you think we will be able to look back and see these as the good old days in the future? Will your kids or grand kids think they were?  I think we have passed by our good old days, but yes, our children or grandchildren will probably view these as the good old days. Each generation, as it grows older tends to view the days of its youth through rose colored glasses, I think. The hard edges blur and soften with the distance of time and as we hear the clock ticking, we naturally long for the days of our youth.


  1. I like Phil Vassar, he has a good voice. I hope you have a great day, stay cool. smiles

    1. We saw him in Indiana, PA a couple of years ago...he said he used to play there all the time in the early 80's and when he was coming out on stage the band played the theme from the Munsters, 1313 Mockingbird Lane. I messaged him on Facebook after the show to ask if his band had played that back in the day because I remembered THE band we all loved to dance to played that and I knew the drummer. He sent me a "thumbs up." Who'd a thunk he'd be famous one day?

  2. Hi Stacy! Hope all is going well for you. I watched Captain Kangaroo as well. He was my favorite. I also have good memories of my maternal grandmother. She was a kind, sweet, dear woman and I miss her. Hope you have a good day! See you again soon.

  3. Yep... every generation has their "good ole days"
    I dont hear Dirty Dancing & not think of your old blog name :)

  4. I watched those same shows and how cool Mr. Rogers is from your hometown. I loved his puppets. Loved your answers! Have a great Tuesday!

  5. I love Dirty Dancing too. I'm too old for Mr. Rogers and kind of remember Lambchop. My show was Mickey Mouse Club and I also watched Capt. Kangaroo. Have a blessed week, Stacy!!

  6. Yes, every generation thinks they are in the good old days.
    Dirty dancing is sooo popular!


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