July 23, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Well, hello there! I've missed you all this week. It's great to be able to link up with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand for Thankful Thursday today. It's kind of a fluke, which I will get to.

This week I am thankful... 

** to be here to post today, even if I am late. We are in the process of getting rid of Comcast for our cable, phone, and internet (sort of...I'll explain). I went Monday to find out about getting internet through Boost Mobile like our daughter does. What I found out was that it was still Comcast internet, but it's pre-paid and is only $45 a month. They looked up our address while I was in the store and said they couldn't sell it to me then because Comcast said I already had service. Well, yeah...   

So, I got in my car and drove back up the street to the Comcast store and cancelled our service. The woman who took care of it said it took effect that day and I just had to bring the equipment in by the end of the week. No problem. Except that I've been checking all week and Boost still says they can't do it yet. I finally yelled my way through the voice prompts at Comcast today to get a live person and now he tells me that a cancellation won't go into effect until I return the equipment and they scan it back into their system. Really??

Anyway, for tonight at least, our cable and internet and home phone are on and first thing in the morning I will take the equipment in to the store.

And just FYI...I may disappear for a couple of days again while we make the switch. I don't really know how it will time out.

** they caught the perpetrator of a horrible crime today. A very dear woman and friend to many in our community died early Monday morning when someone fired several shots outside her home while she and her family were sleeping. One of the bullets came through a wall and hit her in the chest as she lay in bed. She actually woke up and called 911 herself, but she was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.

A 20-year-old admitted to the crime. He said he was retaliating for a drug deal gone wrong...AND HE HAD THE WRONG HOUSE. I feel for his family, but I am glad he is in custody and I hope they lock him up and lose the key.

The Christian school where she taught is understandably heart broken as are all who knew her. She was a Christian in the best sense of the word and while our world got a little darker, I am sure there was much singing and rejoicing in heaven to welcome her.

** I'm done with physical therapy. It has really helped my hip and I have exercises to continue doing at home so it never gets like that again!

** I started at the weight loss clinic today. Mostly I met the doctor and she asked me lots and lots of questions and sent me home with a bunch of things to read about different food plans, medications, etc. I have to get blood work done and journal all my food until I go back August 6. At that meeting we'll discuss what plan I'm going to use and what, if any, medications I'll take to help. I'm pretty excited about it.

** for the rain. We've had nothing but thunderstorms and heavy rains all week. It's definitely holding us off even more on the pool getting installed, but we did really, really need it.

** to be honest, for a couple of days away from social media. I don't check on it that much on my phone, but man, when I do I realize it's all so negative and there is precious little on Facebook that isn't about Covid-19 or politics. I've realized that I'm more than a little saddened by the behavior of a lot of Christian friends. The break has just been refreshing. I feel....cleaner.

** as always for each one of you.


  1. Well first, I'm so relieved that you and your family are all okay! I was starting to fret. Cutting ties with the Big Boys is so frustrating; Tom went through something similar with Cox Communications when we moved. Thunder boomers here, as well; and loss of internet. Gosh, I start freaking out after 10 minutes and here you've gone days. I really need to start unfollowing some folks on FB.

    1. The big guys are seriously frustrating! Lots of boomers here tonight. We're good as we're on a hill, but the whole area is under flash flood warnings. Definitely not getting a pool this week.

  2. I'm self isolation in regards to FB/Twitter in solidarity with Annie was banned for 3 days...anyways...yes it has been refreshing and I haven't even bothered to check it either.

    We spent 5-6 yrs without internet/cable when we lived on the farm in Alabama, NEVER EVER AGAIN, sorry, I screamed that. grin. Although, I realize perhaps at this time I probably should give it up for awhile. I am very sorry if I caused any of that anxiety/sadness...truly I am.

    I am sorry about your friend, how sad. Condolences and Prayers to her family.

    1. No worries. You aren't one of the ones I mentioned. I'm talking about the ones that have the same views we do, but they make a HUGE FREAKIN' DEAL about being a Christian and just come off so smug. I know they are pushing people away left and right. Heck, they turn me off!

      Yeah, I am missing the internet anyway. I like to play online games in the evening to relax. On the flip side, I've read two books! lol

  3. Thanks for letting us know where you have been and why and that you may disappear again for a couple of days. I won't worry! That is such a tragic story about your friend and the drive by shooting. I'm glad they caught who did it. We switched our cell service to Boost. I didn't know they offered internet service. Will have to look into it. Prayers lifted for the family of your friend.

    1. Thank you for the prayers, Terri.

      Boost has internet here, but it's Comcast so I don't know. Do you have Comcast in Florida?

  4. Hi Stacy - we switched out internet back in January. It's always a pain. Hope you can get it all worked out. So sad about that murder in your community - and some people want to defund the police. I have no idea what those people are thinking. We need the police and we need to back them up. I am trying to stay away from Facebook too. I am just posting one thing I am thankful for each day, to try and keep things positive. Have a good weekend.

  5. Hi Stacy, that is so sad about the teacher that got killed. I try not to be on FB that much. I try to keep things positive too. Our Pastor remind us about our behavior should show the love of Jesus. The enemy loves when there is negative behavior because it keeps people from seeking Jesus. I am at a 3 day craft camp along with my other things so I was hardly on FB. I hope you get your phone issues taken care of and I hope you get your pool soon!

  6. That story about the woman who was shot in her bed is so tragic. Wow, but so thankful she was a Christian and that absence from this body meant she was in the presence of the Lord immediately. Glad the perpetrator turned himself in. Glad you are back and that your internet issues are resolved, at least for now. We've been through all that with our move, etc. We gave up cable last year and just use the internet to access our TV, and that has made a world of difference in price for us. We also gave up our home phone, although we still have one connected only for 911 service, but we keep it turned off because of all the robo calls that drive us nuts. I am withdrawing more and more from Facebook because of all the negativity that is taking over and will get worse and worse as November approaches, and then who knows what will break loose after the election? Praying hard for that event. God knows what is best, but we need to truly pray for our nation. Please take care and try to relax these days while you can! Hope the pool arrives soon.

  7. I too have been really sadden by people on social media... I just told Ricky that this whole climate is just making me disappointed in a lot of people so I fully understand.

    That shooting - that is AWFUL. I honestly had to stop a second & take a breath after reading. Just horrible.

    I LOATHE dealing with cable companies & cell phone companies. They make it nearly impossible to deal with. They know you NEED the service so why make it so hard?

  8. Great news about your physical therapy helping so much.

    Hope you get things straightened out with the cable company really soon.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes