July 20, 2020

Monday Morning Musings

The weekend was all about Miss Leah's birthday party, which was celebrated in high style Saturday evening by family and friends.

The adventure began on Friday when I met up with two of Tim's sisters (one was visiting from out of town) and a family friend, who is like a sister, for lunch at Olive Garden. I was there before they opened at 11:00 to be sure we snagged a table since they are at 25% capacity. Apparently everyone had the same idea because I was the 6th or 7th party in line, but we got a table and all was good. We had a great time talking and laughing.

After lunch we all went back to Megan's house so my sister-in-law from out of town could see Leah. The other sister-in-law and I got put to work blowing up balloons for the party. I think we blew up about 100. They were supposed to make a really pretty watermelon arch but none of us were quite that crafty or patient so Megan ended up just using them as regular decorations.

After that, I went to the grocery store to get everything I need to make Boston baked beans and pasta salad for the party. Megan brought the kids over when I got home and I watched them while she and Tim mowed the grass.

Saturday morning we were up bright and early. I was on my feet all morning until about 1:00 cooking up the beans and making huge bowls of pasta salad. It all turned out well, but those beans were nearly the death of me....I had the roasting pan full of naked beans sitting on the oven door and when I went to pour the sauce over them...it spilled all over the door. It flooded onto the floor and in typical me-fashion...it's even in between the two layers of glass on the oven door. Some of it ran out the bottom of the door and into the drawer. Some of it ran out the vent slots when the door was down, but most of it is congealed between the glass and there's no way to get it out. Sigh.


The party began at 4:00 and our little birthday girl was ready to party!

Our niece made the adorable melon shirts for the family. Yes, Colton had one, too, but he was too busy running around playing with his cousins to pose for a picture.

Lots of family, neighbors, and friends stopped by to wish Miss Leah a very happy first birthday.

There were pretty decorations, including a banner featuring pictures of the birthday girl from each month of her first year.

There was lots and lots of food!

And birthday cupcakes...including a "smash" cake for the birthday girl.

There were presents (even though Mommy told most people to just give money because there are too many toys in the house now).

Grandma and Pap-pap on Daddy's side gave Leah her first Schwinn.

Pappy and Nana's present was a house!

Pappy and Leah played in the bounce house.

Big brother, Colton, and the cousins all had lot of fun.

It was such a busy day and so darned hot that Leah had to take a second nap early in the evening, but she was back and raring to go as the sun went down.

The day ended with a big bang. Literally. 

Today was all about picking up and putting away...and resting! Though Mommy did take the kids out to the bouncy house for a while and one look at the picture will tell you that one of these days very soon, big brother is going to get back what he's been dishing out.

So, that was our big birthday bash. It was sweltering, but it didn't storm and everyone had a wonderful time. It was nice to see family and friends and just be sort of normal for one day. Especially since I heard the news last night that there is a good chance our county will be rolled back to the red stage in the near future.


  1. Wow! What a wonderful birthday party! Looks like Leah had a great time, as well as everyone else! I am sorry about your bean fiasco. Did you have enough sauce left for the beans? That's why me and Bush's beans get along quite well...just open some cans and put them in the crock pot, add a few extra secret ingredients and let them cook. But I'll bet your beans are really good. What kind of "beans" do you use? Do you soak them overnight or what do you do? Please tell! So happy for Leah...she is well loved!

  2. Now that is a party! She is so precious, and looked to have had a wonderful day! Sorry about the beans. That is something that would happen to me! Happy Birthday to your sweetie. Now today, you can rest and relax!

  3. AWESOME!!!! I am so glad you shared Leah's party. Sweltering here too, smiles.

  4. Happy Birthday to Leah! The party looks like a great success!!!

  5. Leah's party looks great.
    Sorry about your mishap with the
    baked beans.
    Sounds like that is something I would do.
    Cleaning between the glass door is an impossibility (sigh),
    I've tried it.
    Have a good Monday.

  6. Now THIS is how you do a weekend :)
    That little watermelon tutu is ADORABLE!!!!! So glad you all had a fun celebration.
    See- the beans spilling - this is why I dont cook - LOL!!!!!!

  7. What a wonderful party for Leah. She is a cutie!! I enjoyed attending her party via your pictures, great fun for sure!!

  8. Looks like a great party and the little birthday girl is adorable! I can't believe what you did with the beans, what a mess. Sounds like something that would happen to me. Have a great week :)

  9. What a great time everyone had... including the birthday girl!! First birthdays are so special and you sure helped make it so for your little princess!! Thanks for sharing the day with us!

  10. OMW, her expression in that last photo! Great timing on the shutter button. I'm seriously in awe of it all -- from the custom t-shirts to the food and those fireworks. Hope you're able to giggle someday remembering the great beans debacle!


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