August 16, 2020

Sunday Stealing

Linking up with Bev and the gang of thieves for Sunday Stealing!

Stolen from Friday Five

1. What makes it easy to talk to someone?  Initially? I don't know...some sense of a kindred spirit, maybe? After that, if they carry their end of the conversation, if they listen to what you have to say, shared interests and perspectives.

2. Have you ever had a great conversation with a complete stranger?  Yes, quite a few times. Sometimes there is freedom in speaking to someone you will never see again and who is removed from your life. Or there is just that kindred spirit thing.

3. Do you like to argue?  Not at all and I don't believe arguing convinces anyone of anything very often. It does just the opposite and makes everyone dig in.

4. Some people like to talk about things, and some people like to do things. Which are you?  A bit of both, I think. It just depends on the "thing."

5. Who is easier to talk to – men or women?  For a lot of my life I'd have said men, but I've learned to love and appreciate women more as I've gotten older and I'd say it's usually the women now.

6. What is your favorite place?  Chincoteague, Virginia

7. What is your favorite place in your home?  The little room where I have my desk, all my books, my crafty stuff, etc. It's ALL me so I'm very comfortable in it.

8. Would you most want to live in a city, a suburb or the country?  The country!

9. What is special about the town you live in?  It's beautiful here and there are lots of things to recommend it, not the least of which is all the opportunities to enjoy nature. Its claims to fame are that both Arnold Palmer and Fred Rogers were born here, the banana split was created here, the first all-professional football game was played here, and the Pittsburgh Steelers hold their summer training camp here (or they do in normal years).

10. How much time do you spend in nature?  Not enough.

11. Do you make up a dinner plan for the coming week?  No. I should. It would help with the diet, I'm sure...but I'm a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl.

12. Do you make up a grocery shopping list and stick to it when shopping?  I might list a few things, but on the whole...see #11.

13. What is one thing that you always buy, but never write down on a list?  Diet Coke. Buying it is a given.

14. Is there anything that you always think you are out of and come home with it to discover you already have a year’s supply on hand?  Usually some spice. Those little jars get pushed back behind things and I forget they're there.

15. Do you get your groceries delivered?  No. Our stores aren't doing that. I've ordered them online and picked up curb-side, but that's it.


  1. Oh yes - spices. We have a cupboard full of them and usually Mrs PM does exactly the same as you.




  2. Spices, yes!!! I enjoyed you answers, Stacy. Have a great day, friend.

  3. I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a great Sunday my friend.

  4. Our stores never did deliver. We can do curb-side pick up all of the time like at Wal Mart, but other than that no. I think that is a city thing. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  5. My response to #5 would have been exactly what you've written! One of the best all-nighter conversations I enjoyed occurred on an overseas flight ... after which he went his way and me, mine. No regrets!

  6. My whole life people have opened up to me with little to no prompting on my part. I guess I'm one of those people.

  7. The Sunday questions are always interesting and pull out some fun answers. Is your birthday present (chair) going in YOUR room or will it live in the living room? I agree with your on arguing. Have a good week ahead!

  8. I hate to reach for a spice and remember I finished it up but not bought more.
    #1 and #2

  9. I've overbought on spices as well usually around Thanksgiving time.

  10. Spice is a good answer. I had some young women clean out my spice rack for me a few years ago, when I was really unwell and they were helping more with housework, and they found spices in there that were older than they were. And they were in their early 20s.

  11. I am glad you have your get away office/craft room. I had one but gave it up so my grandson could have it since he is here 5 days a week. I actually took a list to the market today and got everything on it. No leisurely shopping, just in and out as quickly as possible.

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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes