January 8, 2021

Friday Amazon Favorites

Because I've got nothing I feel like chatting about today I've decided to steal borrow from Rebecca Jo again and do a Friday Favorites/Amazon favorites post.  Because I'm not as computer gifted as she is, the titles are linked. I have no idea how to link the photo and the way New Blogger treats me I'm not even going to mess with it.

Favorite Desk

I totally love this desk. It's roomy enough to spread out all my books. The printer fits perfectly on the shelf. And I love the industrial look, plus the metal legs keep it from seeming too heavy and overpowering my small space.

Favorite Headboard

We haven't had a headboard since we bought the Sleep Number bed. We agreed it was time to get one (it only took 5 years!). I wanted something simple, nice looking, and that didn't break the bank.

Favorite Skin Help

This stuff is seriously amazing! I use like a dime-sized dollop. It doesn't feel abrasive at all, but man, does it peel off the old skin. 

They are kind of thick, but other than that these are the best highlighters ever! I can use them on the thinnest of Bible pages and they don't bleed through because they aren't liquid. They are a solid, waxy sort of gel.

Because I love journals like I love planners and I always need another one. This one is so pretty! It makes me want to write important things in it to live up to the cover. It's not leather, but it has the look with embossing and gilding.

The bottle that actually gets me to drink water. I don't like drinking water. I never have. Give me one of those big old jugs and I'm just overwhelmed by the thought of trying to drink all that water. This bottle, besides being so pretty, is only 32 ounces and breaks the water drinking down into manageable chunks. Drink it all once in half a day, then fill it up for the second half of the day.

These silverware holders have changed the landscape of my kitchen drawer. Two of these babies hold all of the silverware that a large traditional holder couldn't contain...with space left over for other things in the drawer!


  1. I LOVE journals, too! But my handwriting's so awful, I'm reluctant to buy one and actually write in it. Those Sharpie gel pens look like something I need for Bible study. Fun post, Stacy.

  2. I love journals and planners, however I seem to never be able to continue past a week or so. Lazy, I guess. lol

    Nice desk, but I really like those utensil boxes.

  3. {{{grin}}} Love this post, I will have to look for that face stuff, smiles.

  4. OHHHH... i've not seen those Sharpie highlighters before. I'm totally adding them to my cart. I love ones I can use in my Bible!

    1. You will love them! Since I found them I don't use anything else in my Bibles.

  5. I'll have to try that skin peeler. I could use a new face. *giggle*
    Simply Linda told me about the Hask Argon Oil Shampoo because I have very fine hair. That Hask is great stuff. It's a little pricey (to me) but one only uses a dollop to wash the hair with. It lathers up nicely. It makes my hair so squeaky clean and smells lovely. Kinda like oranges. I tried the Hask Conditioner but didn't like it.
    Never could get into journaling. Guess I should since we're witnessing history unfolding right before our eyes.
    Blessings xx

  6. I'm not a journal or planner girl but I am going to look at those highlighters because I do use a gel pen in my Bible. Thanks for sharing your good finds!! Have a good weekend!

  7. I love to keep a praise journal. I have several that are full and really need to start a new one. I love the hiliters, I'm putting them on my list.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes