May 18, 2021

Tuesday 4: Hobbies

Welcome to Tuesday 4 kept up in honor of Toni Taddeo.  Let's talk today about your interests and hobbies.

1. What are your interests and hobbies? .. reading? writing? collecting?  I like to read, mostly mysteries; play games on Facebook; journal and keep planners (that are more like scrapbooks); cook and bake; and I'm a treasure hunter...I'm ALWAYS up for an auction, yard sale, or scouring the thrift shops.

2 How much time a week/day/month do you devote to your interests?  I spend some time on all of them most days, except for the treasure hunting (if I did that we'd have to talk about hoarding!) so let's just say probably more than I should.

3. Do you share your interests with anyone?  I have lots of reading friends, a few online friends who keep journals and planners, I trade recipes with lots of people...the treasure hunting is a love passed down through the generations of my mom's family so I share it with her and my husband and children also enjoy it. I have a few friends who do also.

4.Tell us why you enjoy your hobby, pastimes or interests.  I read for entertainment, education, and escape to places I'll never go in real life. I play online games to relax. I journal because writing is just something I have done for as long as I can remember. The planners, I keep so I don't miss appointments and special occasions. I cook and bake because I like to eat. I hunt treasures because it's fun and it's a real rush when you find something awesome at an amazing price.


  1. Hi Stacy! I think we sure do have a lot in common. I also love to read, and I keep journals and planners. I write in my journal every day, and even keep a food diary! Treasure hunting at thrift stores and yard sales is a favorite of both my husband and I. It was fun to learn that we have more in common. If I lived near you, we would meet up for lunch and some quality time at Goodwill! :-) Have a great Tuesday!

  2. Not for the first time, I'm wishing I could shadow you through 'thrifting world'! Mine's not fancy, but I'd be lost without my planner.

    1. Leah and I went to Goodwill today and it was a banner day. Maybe I'll share my finds for tomorrow's post. :)

  3. I love planners too. I am always hunting for planner stickers on the internet that is interesting and cute. Have a great week.

    1. I found a whole brand new book of Happy Planner stickers at Goodwill today! $1.99!!

  4. A lot of my family are treasurer hunters too, but I never really caught the bug. From time to time I'll do it, but not often.

    1. My mom's family probably went beyond the normal. My grandfather was what we now call a picker (think the show American Pickers). He did it for a living. I cut my teeth on that kind of thing. I was going to auctions as a toddler and I started buying in my teens.

  5. Many years ago, I was into treasure hunting too, and, like you, had to pare that back or we'd have to have a discussion about hoarding. *lol* My thing was antique rose colored glass. I still like antique glass but stop collecting it. Not only would I run out of room but I'm running out the clock on the age thing. Don't want to leave a mess for the next generation when God calls me Home.
    I love mysteries too.
    Blessings. xx

    1. I'm not thinking that far ahead yet. lol But I do know what you mean. My mom and dad collected vintage Avon bottles back in the 70's because "they were worth so much." They apparently missed the memo on the value being in selling them, not hoarding them. Seriously. They had about 2000 bottles. Actually, Mom still has them. They used to be displayed EVERYWHERE but after Dad died I casually told her that if she didn't pack them away before she died, I was going to toss them in the hole with her. I guess she believed me because it wasn't too long afterward that she packed them up. At least I only have to deal with them in a few big boxes.

  6. I inherited the collecting gene from my parents, and plus we inherited a lot of collectible STUFF from both sets of family, so I come by it honestly. I enjoy finding interesting and pretty things, but I limit my purchases to less than $10.00. I expect our church Thrift Store will be the beneficiary of many of the things that I know our kids won't want. But until them I will enjoy them, or give them away to someone else who will enjoy them. I just hope I don't have to move again because then I will have to do some serious downsizing. I only pretended to do so this last move. LOL>

    1. I know what you mean. My kids aren't particularly interested in inheriting any of my treasures...and who knows if our son will be back to the family when that time comes or not. If not, he certainly won't be inheriting anything. I had hoped to leave my collection of Beatrix Potter figurines to his daughter, our first granddaughter, but we shall see how it all plays out. We have some other things that are earmarked to pass on, but the things I treasure because they have come down through the family just never excited my kids. They didn't know their great, great grandfather so they don't have any interest in the fern stand that he made or the cradle some long ago ancestor fresh off the boat from Scotland made or Nana's china cupboard with the kitty postcard in the door. Kids.

    2. Those special family heirlooms should stay in the family. Your little granddaughter or grandson may enjoy them someday if your own kids don't. Sometimes the next generation is the one that gets the most sentimental. I know I wish I had more of my grandparents' things to remember them by. And I treasure the things I do have. So don't give them away to strangers yet...

  7. I always enjoy your answers.
    I am a TV junkie and love movies.
    I also love playing Nintendo with my husband.
    Have a good day.

    1. I like TV and movies, too, but my hubby and I don't agree on what kind to watch very often so I don't watch too much. Only at night after he's gone to bed. (He goes early.) I bought a Wii when they came out thinking it would be fun for us to play golf or bowling together, but I've never, ever been able to get him to play. Sigh. Our son really wanted our Wii because it's a red one and that is apparently rare. I told him no and since he's no longer talking to us...good choice on my part! Thanks for visiting, Gloria. Have a wonderful week!

  8. All of this reading talk is making me want to read. I am so excited for summer vacation, so I can do just that. I wish cooking was a hobby for me. I hate cooking. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.

  9. Reading... yes! My biggest time-killer is TV these days. I enjoyed your four today! xo

  10. Hi Stacy, my husband and I like to go to Antique stores and thrift stores. I like the idea of using a planner and have several but don't use them often. I do like the graphics I find from The Planner Shack on Etsy. I use it for Bible jouranling and dex cards. I started 2 new books and wrote about it at my blog post.

  11. I'm game for flea markets, auctions, yard sales, ETC. grin. I hope you have a beautiful day Stacy!


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes