November 19, 2021

My Favorite...

I find myself with time to post something this morning, but nothing in particular to post about so I'm borrowing this past week's Sunday Stealing meme. I don't usually participate these days because Sundays are just a very busy day for me with no time to get around and visit all the other players. 

The questions were simple and fun for this one, so here are my answers about favorite things.

Name your favorite:

Place:  That would probably be home. All of my favorite people, animals and things are here. Outside of home, my favorite place is Chincoteague Island, VA. I love the eastern shore and how it is still fairly natural and wild. 

Color:  I don't think I have a favorite right now. These days I seem to be drawn to different colors at different times and to colors that weren't preferences before. What's up with that? That said, most of the time I do at least tend to lean toward the whole pallet of autumn colors (reds, oranges, golds, browns, sage greens).

Smell:  Homemade bread or cookies baking, ripe Concord grapes, the air at the beach, sheets dried on the line, freshly sawn wood (my grandfather was a carpenter and that scent is embedded in my childhood).

Magazine:  Any decorating magazine like Country Sampler or Country Living.

Texture:  A soft, chenille sweater or a stone worn smooth by water.

Thing to do when bored:  You're looking at it! Honestly, I usually hop online to check out blogs or Facebook. I'll also grab a book and read and lately I'm sort of hooked on a coloring app on my phone...mindless and relaxing.

Precious stone:  Not a huge fan of gemstones. They are pretty enough, but I don't have any reason to dress up enough to wear them. I have to admit, though, that I love the look of some of the rings I have seen done with chocolate diamonds and rose gold. Rose gold confuses me. Other than white or black I'm never sure which colors it looks good with.

Animal:  Dogs. Always dogs. I suppose I should mention cats as a close second to be fair to Jasper.

Time in history:  I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but I've always been interested in the second half of the 19th century, with our expansion into the western territories and the industrial revolution. It's the period when we seemed to make the great leap forward to modern times.

Font:  Verdana and sometimes Comic Sans or Lucinda

Sound:  Ocean waves, a running stream, my grandchildren's laughter, Jasper's purr.

Fruit:  Mandarin oranges and pineapple

Vegetable:  Green beans, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts

Store/shop:  Any thrift shop

Quote:  Oh good grief, I hate these questions. How can I choose just one??

Historical figure:  I've always been fascinated by the larger than life image of Teddy Roosevelt.

Letter:  I don't think I've ever picked a favorite or even thought about it, but maybe subconsciously the letter "M" is a favorite since both of my children have names beginning with it.

Memory:  I'd say it's my memories of our wedding day. That was the last time all of my family was intact and together. Very shortly after that we lost my grandfather, then both of my aunts got divorced and I lost the uncles I'd been so close to growing up. 

Dessert:  Whatever. I'm not much of a dessert eater.

Candy:  Lindt chocolate truffles

Restaurant:  I love seafood and, unfortunately, around here that usually means Red Lobster or Joe's Crab Shack. Joe's is much better than Red Lobster, but it's not very convenient as it is an hour away in downtown Pittsburgh.

Language:  I always think Italian sounds so beautiful.

Thing to learn about:  History. Any history, but especially ancient history.

Thing about yourself:  My sense of humor or my heart for those in this world others often keep their distance from (those with dementia or developmental disabilities, the homeless, the mentally ill, etc.).


  1. My favorite animals are dogs too. I won't hurt a cat but I sure don't like having them around.
    I have lots of favorite places. First is my home and our land. Next is anywhere it's quiet, peaceful and scenic.
    Blessings. xx

    1. I don't mind the cats...they are kind of funny to have around. Any I've ever had have been big and friendly, more like dogs than cats. I'm working on making this guy like that, too.

  2. Glad to see we've several like-kind answers, Stacy ... great minds! Do you do anything special with your brussel sprouts to make them tasty? I've tasted them several times, but there must be some fracture between (them) and my taste buds.

    1. I just love them steamed with butter, but I really like them baked until they carmelize. Try them at Red Lobster. So yummy!

  3. I've never seen anyone list Brussel Sprouts as a favorite vegetable, although I will eat it if it isn't scorched. Have you ever scorched them? P-U they stink! I like the 2nd half of the 19th century too, but would like to have indoor plumbing and electricity. I think I like the 1950's the best for some reason...the decade of my first decade of life. LIfe was much simpler then. I enjoyed your answers. I love your sense of humor too.

    1. Ha! Yeah, well...I have different tastes, I guess. I love them baked and carmelized in the oven. Red Lobster makes them the best. I like my indoor plumbing, too. I don't want to LIVE in the 19th century...I just like to read about it. I'm sure life was simpler in the 50's. It seems to get more complicated every year.

  4. I enjoyed your responses to the Stolen Sunday meme! Glad you had some time to 'play'. I am interested in your coloring app...?? Have a blessed weekend! xo

    1. Terri, it's called Happy Color and is a freebie so you do have to endure a few ads, but it's not too bad unless you need a lot of hints to find the small spaces. I got it in the play store. There are tons to choose from though so you can find one that has the kind of pictures you like.

  5. It was sure fun to get to know you a little better with this meme. I have often thought I would like to meet Teddy Roosevelt too, and I think that period of time your mentioned is fascinating and would be my favorite as well. Of course, we LOVE thrifting too and those Lindt chocolate truffles are just to die for! I think that your heart to help those with disabilities and dementia makes you a blessing to so many in need. Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

    1. Aw, thank you for the kind words, Deb. I don't know what it is about Teddy. I mean some of his policies were rather awful. I guess it's just that he was such a larger than life character. I was good today when walking past all that Christmas truffles!

  6. ...and this why we would be fast friends if we ever met up, LOL...EXCEPTION --I love dessert, smiles and laughter.

  7. Hi Stacy, I enjoyed your post. I finally had a chance to blog. Life has been super busy for me. I love to go to thrift and antique stores. I love seafood and enjoy Red Lobster and Joe's Crab Shack. I am a dog person for sure. I love to hear the sound of the ocean and like listening to ocean wave on my IPhone. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  8. I've always wanted to try Joe's Crab Shack, but they cancelled plans to put one in Albuquerque. We have a good local place, Pelican's, and the requisite Red Lobster. We also have Pappadeaux, but my Lord, the prices are crazy. Seafood in the desert. I think the best place for seafood is a local brewpub, that does "New Mexico Soul Food" Nexus Brewery. Their fried catfish is out of this world, in fact, that's what I chose for my birthday meal. Have a great Monday!


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes