March 19, 2020

Feeling Thankful in Trying Times

In these crazy times it's more important than ever to keep our eyes, not on the storm around us, but on the One who calms the storm. When you do that you find that there is much to be grateful for. Because of that, I am linking with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand for Thankful Thursday.

This week I am thankful...

** that everyone in our family is still working. Well, everyone except our daughter-in-law, who worked at a gym and had given her two week notice, anyway. It is such a relief that everyone still has income when so many are not working or are working greatly reduced hours.

** the nursing home where I work continues to take measures to protect the residents and employees and that so far it is working. Along those lines, I am thankful the home isn't under quarantine and that I am still able to come and go.

** that even though he had already hired an assistant by the time I learned he was looking and inquired, a podiatrist friend said he would keep me in mind if she didn't work out.

** I continue to deal with some tough issues in my past and learn some biblical principals concerning weight loss in the Lose It for Life book. My friend and Bible teacher is doing it, too, and God has really taken her through the valley to heal some old wounds. That's what's behind the LIFL study...finding out and dealing with the why of how we deal with food. It feels good to understand what's behind what I do and don't do.

** that Tim was able to get a new truck. Sort of. I am glad that when his old truck finally gave up the ghost, we were able to find a truck that is only slightly used, but greatly reduced in price because of that. He has to have a vehicle for work and so do I. It's just pretty scary taking on a big loan right now with everything the way it is. I feel like I just signed my life away.

** we had our St. Patrick's Day corned beef and cabbage dinner with my mom and step-dad. We had a nice visit with them and it's one of my favorite meals...I like to make the most of it since it's a once a year thing.

** our daughter listened more than usual to my advice about trying not to be so focused on the negative. I pray some of what I said sunk in and she will try to put it into practice. She is one who rolls everything over and over and worries and over thinks and gets herself all worked up...usually over nothing. I have been trying to teach her to take it one day at a time and not borrow the next day's troubles ahead of time for a very long time. Usually, she just gets mad. This week she has at least listened. A sign of these unsettling times, I suppose.

** that the older he gets, the more our son is coming back around to the values he was raised with and his wife, if not totally in agreement with him, is at least not fighting him tooth and nail any more. We are beyond thankful for that! I have been praying for him for a long time. Go get him, God!

** that everyone I know and love is healthy and unaffected by the Coronavirus.

** for the good I see played out in the world each day in the face of all the bad stuff.

** and just like every week, I am thankful for all my blogging friends who share their wisdom, their humor, their love, and their friendship.

Have a wonderful day, friends. Be safe, be healthy, trust in the Lord, and be blessed!


  1. Boys in general are hard headed, grin...keeping in prayer, sweet friend.

  2. Glad to hear you all are doing are we! God is so good!

  3. Your daughter sounds a lot like me. Rather, the way my "what-iffer" used to react. I still do once in a while, but not so often anymore.
    After another unsuccessful go (changing my eating habits) I'm going to look into that book.

  4. Dont you love when prodigals make their way home? It can be a slow pace, but a pace is still better than standing still or backing away!

  5. Praise God for progress with your son! I am thankful we are all healthy too, and sure hope it stays that way! Do keep us posted about your job and how that plays out. Praying for all of my blogging friends!

  6. Hi Stacy. There is still much to be thankful for. So glad you are dealing with things from the past in a constructive way with God. Believe me, we all have past "stuff" to deal with. So glad your son is coming around. Our oldest son, who became an atheist in college and didn't speak to use for three years, texted both his dad and I this week, very nice texts. He is a good guy and God is bringing him back. You and I have much in common, Stacy. Have a good weekend.

  7. I feel for your daughter. I can be like that. I hope she hears you. I once heard a minster warn us, "don't waste your dread." That's always stayed with me because I can certainly waste my dread.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes