March 20, 2020

It's a Whole New World

And just like that...everything has changed. Late yesterday afternoon Pennsylvania's governor made it mandatory for all non life-sustaining businesses to shut down. Grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, health care, and restaurants (take-out only) aren't included, but as of 8:00 last night (or 12:01 tomorrow morning for those who need today to comply) Pennsylvania is effectively shut down.

Tim is working today to shut down and secure his construction site, but then he is done until this is over. Our son is working half a day today to wrap up loose ends and then he is also done. I'm not sure about our son-in-law. He had not gotten a call last night, but I saw his truck was in the driveway this morning much earlier than it should have been if he had worked.

I saw that California ordered people to stay home, but there are so many exceptions to the rule that I'm not seeing where it's going to make any difference. New mandates are rolling out every day in more and more states.

I don't know where this is all leading or how long it will go on, but I know God is still in control and that gives me peace. I know that come what may he will see me through it. 

I pray that you and your family are safe, healthy, and come through this mess just fine.


  1. Hornell has been shut down for a week now...and its miserable. The mayor just enacted a curfew for the 17 and under crowd, and it was much needed. Hopefully those delinquents (sorry, some teenagers were very destructive). The new normal? Probably until June-July, so our governor is stating.

    Keeping you all in prayer.

  2. Yep, that pretty much is how it is in Ohio too, but we started a little earlier. I'm still working and so is my hubby. Stay safe!

  3. Yes, many things closed here as well. My son lives in Sacramento and he and his wife both work for the Federal government. They have both been working from home for a while. Charly and I are both working from home now. Our youngest, Josh is still going into work at a warehouse and has even taken on extra hours and I am glad. I think it helps him stay busy and focused and keeps his anxiety at bay. Stay safe and well!

  4. I'm trying to teach from home. It's challenging. I miss my students!

  5. I fully expect to hear Rod Serling's "You're now entering the Twilight Zone." Instead, I'll ask Alexa to play, "Let it Be." Thank you for your prayers, Stacy.

  6. I am finding comfort in my faith as well. God is in control. I still have my chiro appointments and my PT appointments. The grocery stores are still open with plenty of food in all departments. I ordered some paper products from Amazon for delivery in a few days. Restaurants are delivering or offering pick-up meals. I figure about the time we settle into this new normal, our old one with find its way back to us. That's my prayer, anyway. Stay safe!!


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes