March 20, 2020

Saturday 9: Beethoven

Good morning! This is day one of our new "normal." Tim is home indefinitely due to Pennsylvania's closure of all non life-sustaining businesses. I am home indefinitely due to the fact that I resigned from the nursing home after my shift last night (a long story for another day).  

It's a cold, but sunny morning and God is still in control no matter how it feels. I'm celebrating that it's a great day to be alive by joining in with Sam and the rest of the gang for the Saturday 9.

Complete Symphonies (2019)

This week we're classing up the joint with a well-received box-set by the Danish Chamber Orchestra. You can listen to the orchestra here.

1) Beethoven is one of classical music's best known composers. Do you often listen to classical music?  No. I don't hate it, but it isn't one of my favorites, either, so I don't choose to listen very often. When I do, I enjoy it. I guess I have to be in the right mood.

2) Though a musical genius, Beethoven never learned to multiply or divide. When faced with a simple arithmetic problem, do you do it in your head? Or do you rely on the calculator in your phone or on your computer?  It depends on how "simple" it is.

3) Beethoven bathed often, which was considered "quirky" for a man of his time. (Understandable, since you had the heat the water, haul it to the tub, and then empty the tub bucket by bucket when you were done.) Do you bathe in the morning or in the evening?  Again, it depends. If I am dirty at the end of the day or if I worked at the nursing home, I shower at night to get rid of the dirt and/or germs. I prefer, however, to shower in the morning because it helps me wake up and feel ready to take on the day.

4) Adam Fischer conducts the Danish Chamber Orchestra for this 5-disc set. He began his musical career young, when he sang in the children's choir of Budapest's National Opera House. Have you ever sung in a choir or chorus?  Nope. I, along with everyone else, recognized my complete lack of musical talent at a very early age.

5) Mr. Fischer was awarded the Gold Medal of Arts from the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC. Tell us about a prize or award you have received. (Yes, that ribbon you earned for penmanship in second grade counts.)  It took me a while to remember the handful of awards I've ever received, but the first one that popped into my mind was the safety award I received the summer I worked for the Youth Conservation Corps in the Pocono Mountains.

6) The Danish Chamber Orchestra is beloved in Demark. When, in 2014, the Danish Broadcasting Company announced it would no longer fund the Orchestra, citizens began a crowdfunding campaign and raised more than $1,000,000 to keep the music playing. Have you ever contributed to a crowdfunding platform, like GoFundMe, Kickstarter or FundRazr?  Once or twice back when they first started popping up, but not lately. I'm so leery of scams when it come to anything online these days.

7) The Orchestra's "home" is the Royal Danish Conservatory of Music in Copenhagen. Where were you when you last heard music played live?  Live? Probably at the nursing home. They get musicians and groups to come in at least once a month.

8) In 2019, when this boxed set was released, China became the first nation to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. Are you fascinated by stories about space?  Yes. I've always been fascinated by space and even (briefly) considered majoring in astronomy.

9) Random question: Tell us about your week. These are extraordinary times, and it might feel good to share.  Well, gee, I kind of did that up there at the top. Whoops! To tell the truth, our lives had not changed until now. We were both still working outside the home and continuing on much as normal. Today is the first day we join with those finding their way through being socially isolated. It doesn't feel terribly isolated so far. We have a small family community right here, in that my daughter's family lives on one side of us and my mother and step-father live behind us. We see them daily. In fact, my daughter and I are going to the grocery store together this morning. Sunday our son and his family are coming home (he is also experiencing this new normal as of today). He would probably not normally come right now, but he has reversed his stand on guns and purchased a pistol due to his fear of how crazy people may become if this goes on long enough. He's coming to learn how to use it properly from his dad and I.


  1. Love your answer to #4! I so wish I could sing, but I cannot.

    1. I wish I could, too. I always say God gave me the heart and soul of a singer, but the voice of a bull moose with strep throat.

  2. This craziness has to end soon. Stay well.

  3. I'm happy to hear about your son's responsible decision to own a firearm. I'm sure his was not an easy to decision to come by. Just curious -- when you and your daughter go to shop, will you wear masks and/or gloves?

    1. No, we did not wear masks or gloves. Unless you have the expensive respirator masks they do not prevent you from becoming sick. The paper masks are to keep you from spreading anything. The news keeps telling people that over and over, but it isn't sinking in...just like the whole toilet paper thing. *sigh* I had hand sanitizer with me and we used that and then I washed my hands when I got home before I did anything else.

  4. I have to tell you, we are ready for anything that will come our way (I think it is a responsible decision to own a firearm). Being married to a Marine, we all have "bug out" backpacks and are constantly updating them...right now, the world is acting crazy. I wish we lived on the farm...this city dwelling, well, with the mandatory isolation of sorts, might just get out of hand (read my post).

    Good luck on shopping...our Wegmans, Walmart and Aldi have empty shelves. I am sorry you quit...things are crazy, aren't they?

    1. We did just fine shopping. We even found toilet paper, paper towels, meat and bread! Just curious, what type of things do you have in your bug out packs?

  5. Youth Conservation Corps in the Pocono Mountains that sounds interesting, I love the outdoor and used to go backpacking when I was a lot younger.

    1. It was hard work, but a LOT of fun. I spent the summer with teens from all over PA. We built hiking trails, did stream improvement, cleared underbrush, picked trash, learned to canoe and canoed down the Delaware Water Gap. I was heart broken when the program was cut from the budget the next year. I had intended to return as one of the leaders.

  6. Have a good weekend. I hope you enjoy quality time with your family. Hope you find everything you need at the store when you go shopping. Stay safe and well.

    1. We found everything we went to get! And the hubby and I are enjoying a nice Saturday and getting a few things done. Thanks and you stay well, too!

  7. Well, I am interested to hear your story about your resignation! It is probably for the best. I know you did not like your boss. That can be a horrible thing. Walmart and the grocery stores are all hiring here. Take care! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

    1. It's a long story, but I will share it next week...maybe Monday or Friday. I don't think our Walmart is hiring, but I heard Target is. Thanks for visiting, Lori. Have a good weekend, yourself. :)

  8. The new normal is surreal. I'm glad I live close to my parents and can run errands for them.

    1. This new "normal" is certainly something, though I'm not quite sure what term I'd give it, just yet. I am glad my parents and our daughter's family are all right here beside us. It's too bad our son is further away.

  9. Staywell, and it must be something to be working in elder care these days.. Around here theya rent allowed out of their rooms.. nor visitoris! Stir crazy madness!

    1. We hadn't totally confined them to their rooms as of yesterday, but they were to be socially distanced and there have been no visitors for more than a week already. They had started helping the residents Skype and Facetime by Friday.

  10. I too am interested in your resignation story. And as for Alexa - she can do simple math. For longer problems I split them up and write down her answers to come up with the final solution. I used her for that long problem we had in Sunday Stealing the other week. Not sure I had the right answer but I don't think that was Alexa's fault. Enjoy your time at home. I've been home since March 12. Fortunately I am quite introverted so it is ok.

    1. I will most likely tell the tale on Monday or Friday...slower blogging days for me. My husband tried a fairly complicated problem on her after I told him she could do that and she got it right. As for staying home, it won't bother me as much as it will bother Tim. I'm an introvert, too, and grew up an only child. I'm more than content with my own company most of the time.

  11. Our concealed carry permits are up in September so we need to get them renewed by the end of the summer. Good for your son! We don't carry our guns often but we are glad to both have a weapon we can use if needed. We aren't going out to just go out and when we do, we sanitize in the car and wash well when we get home. Things we should have been doing all along, anyway! Be well!!

    1. I don't carry my weapon very often because if I am with Tim, he's carrying. I usually only carry when I'm out with another female friend. Yes, we are sanitizing and washing like crazy. I thought I did it a lot before this, but now I am doing it constantly.

  12. I am sorry to hear that you had to retire, but maybe it was time? Maybe you can share with us?

    1. Yes, ma'am. It was definitely time to "get out of Dodge" so to speak. I've been telling the others that I'll probably tell the tale on Monday or Friday.

  13. Well, can't wait to hear your tale. Inquiring minds want to know. :o)) So enjoyed your answers and blogging is a great outlet right now.


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes