March 21, 2020

Sunday Stealing: Corona

It seems Covid-19 is all that's on our minds these days and this week's Sunday Stealing is no exception. It should be interesting to hear how everyone is feeling about things and handling the situation. 

Pandora has posted a bunch of Coronavirus questions on her blog and shared them with all of us.  Thanks, Pandora!!

1. Has the COVID-19 affected your work environment?  Well, it had. I resigned from my job after my shift on Friday. (A story I will probably tell on Monday's blog if you are interested.) If you remember I worked in a nursing home so we were dealing with a lot of changes. No visitors at all. Residents must be kept at least 6 feet apart (a difficult task in the dementia unit). Staff must change clothes when they get to work. Purses may not be brought in the building. Lunch bags/boxes are okay as long as they can be wiped down with disinfecting wipes. Same for cell phones. Leaving requires changing clothes again and leaving work shoes at work. On Friday we began getting residents in touch with family members through Skype and Facetime.

2. How are you feeling about the Coronavirus?  Stunned? It is just crazy how fast the entire world has been turned upside down.

3. Has anybody you know been tested / have you?  A woman I went to high school with came out on Facebook the other day to tell us she had been tested after all other tests came back negative. She was waiting for results. I haven't heard anything yet. Other than that, I don't know anyone, including myself.

4. Do you have any friends stuck in any exotic locations?  My half-brother just told me his youngest daughter is stuck in Peru.

5. Have you changed any of your personal habits due to the pandemic?  Since I was working in healthcare, I was pretty much washing my hands and using hand sanitizer all the time. I still do, only more so. I still hug my grandchildren, but I don't kiss their little faces. I'm talking to Mom on the phone, but I'm not going to her house unless she needs me to do something. 

Oh, and we are not ordering take-out. I know much has been made of helping small businesses by ordering take-out, but I think that might be a good way to spread the germs. 

6. What's the craziest thing you've seen or heard about the outbreak?  I think the craziest thing to me is just how fast we've shut down the entire planet.

7. Do you think our politicians are doing enough to curb the crisis?  I think they are doing a good job at some things and not so good at others.

8. Have you stockpiled anything because of the crisis? No, not really. I just do my regular shopping, though if I happen to see something I will probably need in the next week or two that has been hard to get, I will pick up one (whatever it is).

9. What do you think you will miss the most if you are subject to a lock in?  Hunting for treasure in thrift shops, going to auctions, and things like that. Otherwise, I'm pretty good with myself for company. Introvert, only child, and all that, you know? Now if it gets to where I can't see my grandchildren that live right nextdoor, that will be a whole new ballgame.

10. What is the weirdest rumour you've heard about the virus?  I have heard so many and it's hard to know which are true and which are false so let's just say the jury is still out on that one.

11. Do you have a favourite meme about the virus?

12. Has the virus made you grateful for anything?  All the little freedoms we take for granted on a daily basis....taking a walk around the block, shaking hands with people we meet, going to work every day, going to church, being able to buy toilet paper, etc.

13. Have any of your plans been upset by the outbreak? Not really at this point.

14. Are you planning do to anything different because of the COVID-19 outbreak?  Life itself is different these days. We're all learning to adapt.

15. What do you hope to see in six months time?  A return to our normal lives, but perhaps with a cure or a medicine to fight or prevent the virus and a new awareness of how precious certain things are.

16. Has the Coronavirus upset your mental health in any way?  Not really. The restrictions are frustrating, but I have faith that God has things under control. It may not seem like it to us at times, but we can only see a small part of the picture while he sees the whole. I will not surrender to fear.

** It seems I received a visit from a very angry young person over night. I did not delete their comment, so you can read it and respond to it if you choose since most of you are also of the Boomer generation this person has such an issue with. I may respond. I may not. But I can tell you I am praying for this person who is being eaten alive by anger. Expecting hate to solve anything is pure foolishness. Just saying.**


  1. you boomers are shutting down the entire economy because you're afraid of a flu. Seriously, can you boomers kill yourselves? You are the most selfish generation to ever exist. You don't give a shit about climate change, why should we young people give a shit if you get sick and die of some virus? I HOPE the virus gets much stronger and kills you all.

    Do you boomers realize how universally hated you are? There is not one single demographic that does not hate you- white people, black people, asians, mexicans, indians, chinese, millennials, GenX, GenZ. Something tells me that you boomers are not going to have a very comfortable or easy retirement, especially once you end up in the retirement homes.

    Can you baby boomers hurry up and fucking drop dead? Enjoy your retirement homes cause we younger people will not take care of you even if we wanted to, due to the shitty economy you boomers created. Do you boomers realize that the younger generation is simply waiting for you to fucking drop dead?

    You are all going to end up in retirement homes and we all know that the elderly gets treated pretty badly in retirement homes. Well, that's what you get for ruining your own children's lives. Even if your children WANTED to take care of you, they couldn't, due to you boomers destroying the economy. So I hope you enjoy the retirement homes, boomer scum!

    1. Your words don't hurt me or anger me, just so you know. All I feel is sorrow and pity. For you. It must be awful living with all that hate. I imagine something quite awful happened to wound you so deeply. I hope that one day you will know peace, but until you learn how to forgive and let go of the perceived wrongs done to you and the anger it won't happen. Find a way. Life is much too short to go through it so bitter.

  2. Oh, Stacy, I'm so sorry about your job! I know you have had issues with it, but still!

    How is your half brother doing with his daughter in Peru?

    1. Thank you, but I actually feel nothing but relief, which I'll explain tomorrow, and my family is quite glad I'm out of there.

      My brother seems to be fairly okay. Not thrilled with the delay, but confident that she will get home okay. Eventually.

  3. Umm...I got the same message and deleted it...I will not tolerate folks using the F word, sorry...who is this person? I don't know. Enough...and that's where I am. So, that person is making its sorry, Stacy.

    I am sorry about your 1/2 brothers' daughter...hopefully, folks can get home soon...

    I enjoyed your answers, friend...and truthful...that's why we are friends, grin.

    1. I don't like that garbage, either, but this is a person who does not know God and maybe never will, but I decided to respond in kindness...though I am sure it won't be seen that way by him/her. It's in my heart that they can't meet Jesus if Jesus walks away. Anyway, if they come back and post anything else ugly I'm done. If they speak more rationally, I welcome conversation. I doubt they will be back, though.

      Yep, truthful. No room for lies...and no point. It just musses everything up more. :)

  4. The problem with social media is that lots of rumours are going around - some of them bizarre and some just wrong. The best thing is to listen to government and expert advice.

    Oh and ignore angry comments from morons.




    1. I don't listen to most of what I hear on social media...every clown with an opinion can get it out to the world. As for the angry morons, they don't bother me. I just feel sorry for anyone carrying that much hate around.

      Have a good day and stay safe and healthy!

  5. I deleted their comment. I always delete those types of comments, I think of them as spam. It is sad really that people are that angry.
    I totally agree with you that everything has happened so fast! It is shocking. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

    1. I usually delete those, too, but for some reason I felt the need to leave it today and respond with kindness (though I'm sure they won't see it that way if they return). Yes, I think it's the speed with which everything is happening that is so incomprehensible to everyone. Have a beautiful day, yourself!

  6. I got that same comment and deleted it … but it still left me feeling unsettled. And angry. That's what he/she really wanted, I guess.
    An only child/introvert -- me, too. So, not being overly concerned about isolation's a hidden blessing. Thank you for your words of reason -- and spot of humor!

    1. That's absolutely what they want, to get you angry and defensive and involved in a big argument so they can say "look how crazy these people are." I hope to show him/her something else. :)
      Yep, no worries about the isolation part, anyway.

  7. I especially like your comment.. "we are all learning to adapt".. I pray that will not be a necessary learning curve for the future!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I, too, am amazed at how rapidly everything is changing.

  10. That angry person hasn't found my blog yet but when s/he does, I will just delete it. I appreciate your reply to him/her though. We just continue our lives and continue to pray and continue to do what we can, when we can, and be good citizens.

  11. I didn't get the angry commenter yet, but I will delete it. You're a good person to reach out to someone like that. I think younger people may be having a harder time with this than some of us who are steadier. Your faith is admirable, just so you know.

    1. Thanks, Anita. I agree, some younger people are having a hard time and some just aren't getting it. I just can't see how they think the hate will help anything.

  12. I got the same comment. I also deleted it. I still have a copy in my emails. It’s rather sad that someone has that much vile hatred inside them. You’ve got the right attitude. I need to pray for them instead of being angry. Thanks for that reminder.

  13. My sister Deanie text me this morning saying I had an ugly comment on my blog. I marked it as spam and deleted it. I didn't even read it.

    1. Normally I would do the same, just felt a nudge to react differently this time.


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes