March 17, 2020

Odds & Ends

An older picture of me in my Irish Princess
tiara for those who said they wanted to see it.
Happy St. Patrick's Day and welcome to this week's Tuesday 4. Thanks to Annie for the questions...especially welcome right now as a distraction during these days of forced social distancing. 

I don't know how things are where you are, but today is day one of a shutdown of non-essential businesses here in PA. Exceptions are grocery stores, pharmacies, medical offices, (I'm assuming) gas stations, and restaurants are open for take-out orders, but no dining in. I haven't heard anyone say anything about banks, but I have to wonder when we are hearing that we should avoid using cash due to the germs and that some venues like the PA Turnpike will not be taking cash (just drive on through and they'll snap a photo of your license plate and send you a bill). Many churches are also suspending services.

There are some good stories coming out of this crazy mess we find ourselves in and I love hearing the people who shop for their elderly friends family to reduce the risk for them, or the school bus drivers in WV who are running their regular routes to deliver meals to at risk children at home, or the stores that are setting aside special hours for only senior citizens to shop. Good on all of you. I hope when this is all over we can all say that we stepped up, that we did our part to make this easier for all of us, that we didn't think only of ourselves.

Now, on to today's questions.

Odds & Ends

1. Ever been to a drive-in theater?  Many times. My town used to have one of the last ones around. It was sad to see it go.  Would you like to see drive-in theaters make a comeback?  It would be nice, as they are a really fun way for a group of people to go to a movie, but it would be tough these days with all the light pollution and noise.

2. Should towns provide community entertainment like bands in the park, fireworks on the 4th, community picnics or is the cost just too much?  Those are certainly nice things to have, but with all the other needs most communities have I'm not sure that towns should be expected to provide them. A better thing would be to have committees who can focus solely on those events and find funding or do fund-raising to pay for them. My town has a week-long July 4th celebration and that's how they run it and fund it.

3. What would you change about your town if you had the power?  Mostly just the look of the downtown area. It's neat and clean but not particularly attractive. Otherwise, I think my town is a pretty nice place to live.

4. My little high school offered 3 courses of education: business, university track, and general education where you could also major in shop, carpentry, home economics and metal working, etc. Would you like to see schools bring back business courses, shop classes, and home economics?  If they have done away with them, I certainly think they should be brought back. Our school still offers all of those. We are fortunate to have a career and technology center that serves three school districts and teaches traditional things like auto mechanics, carpentry, masonry, and plumbing but also offers training in food service, nurses' aides, graphic arts, computers, cosmetology, hair stylist, etc. Kids spend half a day in their regular high school classes and then come to the center for half a day. 

Our high school is also the only one around that still offers an agricultural track through Future Farmers of America. Kids who choose that can learn about taking care of livestock, growing plants, and the maintenance side of things like carpentry, welding, plumbing and more.


  1. Yep, same here in regards to non essential, which is 100% here. All stores/shops/boutiques, rest., bars, City Hall, schools, colleges/univ., factories, closed. Only the banks are open drive thru, only are small Walmart, Aldi, Wegmans are open until like 7 or 8. It's sad and I will leave it at that.

    I really enjoyed seeing you in your tiara, grin. Have a great day, friend.

  2. We have a vocational school in our county also and I think it's a great thing! Not everyone needs or even wants to go to college.

    1. That's for sure. College isn't for everyone.

  3. Same here with the shut downs. It is all happening so fast. The library closes tomorrow, so Josh and I are going to go today and try to get some things. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Love that picture of you!

    1. This is all so nuts! I hope you and Josh got some great books.

  4. Whaaaa?! Wow. If I had school-age children, your local schools' curricula would tempt me to relocate! Love the tiara!

    1. They offer all of that, but I have to say from experience with my daughter, that they don't help the kid who needs extra help, but doesn't technically have a learning disability. They sweep them under the rug, push them through, help them underachieve. They are also babying the kids, creating entitled little crybabies. If I was raising kids again I would NEVER enroll them in public school. I'd home school and then take advantage of a few carefully chosen things at the school. (home schoolers can do that)

  5. I love that there's still good stories out there in the chaos. On our Next Door App - people have put out posts saying they will come do whatever they can for the eldery in our town. Pick up food / get whatever they need - so many are stepping up to help all those in our area.

  6. We have vocattional opportunities, too, but they are only for the non college students. I believe all students need their life skills!

  7. Kudos to your school system for offering technology and agriculture classes, etc. Kids need to know they don't have to go to college if they have a passion for working with their hands. Fun questions again this week!

    1. An awful lot of the "experts" these days actually say kids are better off with a diploma from a technical school than a college degree. They say that the degree isn't a good value for the cost of getting it...with a few exceptions.

  8. Glad to hear some schools still offer those courses! I miss drive ins a lot. Fun for a family and you can talk during the movie!

    1. Yes, the drive-in was a lot of fun. Had a lot of good times there.

  9. #2 -- You got me thinking about this more carefully. The fireworks around here were sponsored by local businesses.

    1. That's good! I think there are a lot of ways to provide the nice things communities want without using the town's budget.

  10. I love that so many are helping others during this crazy time. Lots of things closed here. All schools, statewide have gone online. Our governor has closed the dining areas of restaurants - take out and delivery only. Nice picture of you. Happy St. Pat's Day. :-)

    1. Yep, same here. Hoping it doesn't go on for too long.

  11. Same here, almost everything is closed. Now they have extended school closing until the end of April. My grand daughter was crying because she can't see her friends. If this goes until the end of the year which my grandson will miss his 6th grade graduation. It makes me sad.
    They also canceled his basket ball practices. Our church has closed to and we all saw it online. My Life group will no longer meet. We do have a private chat but it I will miss them.

    1. It's just crazy, isn't it? I get being careful but this feels like too much.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes