March 7, 2020

Saturday 9: Bye, Bye Blackbird

I'm joining in with Sam and the gang for the Saturday 9 this morning. Please join in the fun with us if you enjoyed the questions. This week's song is one I'm pretty familiar with as it's one I play often at the nursing home. In fact, we just listened to it yesterday during our sing-along time.

Saturday 9: Bye, Bye Blackbird (1957)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Julie London complains about all the "hard luck stories" people are handing her. Did you more recently listen to someone else's problems, or share your own?  With all that is going on at work right now with the job terminations, management resignations, working without enough staff, running short on's a mix of both. I've listened to those who've lost their jobs vent, staff from different departments rant because they don't have enough help, and I've shared some of my own frustrations, as well.

2) She promises to arrive "late tonight." What time do you think is too late to drop in on someone?  I wouldn't "drop in" without calling at 8:00 and I wouldn't "drop in" at all after 9:00. People have to work and need their sleep...and because they work, they need to relax at home. I also tend to think it's just plain good manners and being considerate to always call first.

3) Julie's nickname was "The Liberty Girl" because she was Liberty Records' first successful artist. The second was singer-songwriter David Seville, who had a couple novelty hits as "The Chipmunks." There were three singing chipmunks. Without looking it up, can you name them? Yes, I can. Alvin, Simon, Theodore.

4) Julie's love of music was shared by her mother. When Julie was a little girl, mother and daughter would listen to Billie Holiday records together. What recordings did you enjoy when you were very young?  This is when my very eclectic musical tastes were formed. I grew up listening to my parents' country music and big bands. Hee Haw and the Lawrence Welk Show were staples as were Elvis, Glenn Miller, Ricky Nelson (who was about as rock 'n' roll as my parents got), Roger Miller, Benny Goodman, Patsy Cline, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Bing Crosby, Bobby Vinton, and Jim Reeves. I enjoyed all of those, but my first musical preference that was all mine was he of the purple socks...Donny Osmond.

5) She began modeling when she 17. Julie was working as an elevator operator when a talent agent saw her and decided she would photograph well. With the advent of push-button elevators, elevator operator is a job that doesn't exist anymore. Can you think of another job that was once common but now is rare (or non-existent)?  Gas station attendant. I really miss those guys. I'd be more than willing most days to pay a few cents extra per gallon to have my gas pumped for me and my windshield cleaned. A few others are milk man, bathroom attendant, paper boy, telephone operators...

6) Julie recorded more than 30 albums and was named "most popular female vocalist" by Billboard magazine in 1956. If you could see any entertainer -- male or female -- in concert, who would you choose?  These days I have it in my head that I'd really, really like to see The Steve Miller Band in concert. I liked Steve's music as a kid, but he wasn't really a favorite. Now it seems my older adult brain remembers his music quite fondly.

7) She appeared in Westerns on both TV and in the movies. Have you ever dreamed of being a cowboy/cowgirl?  Oh, yes! I crushed on all the cowboys when I was a kid and I was all about horses for many years so I definitely went through a period of thinking "cowgirl" would be the ultimate career. I still think it would be pretty cool.

8) For six seasons, Julie played Dixie McCall R.N. on the show Emergency! The series was about Los Angeles paramedics and firefighters. Do you often hear sirens in your neighborhood?  They aren't exactly in my neighborhood most of the time, but the neighborhood sits up on a hill above the town and a good bit of the surrounding countryside...sound seems to carry up to us very well. Also, the hill is kind of surrounded by all the major roadways in the area and the ambulances and fire trucks have to use those to get where they are going. 

9) Random question: You're pulled over for speeding. Do you think you'd have an easier time talking your way out of it if the officer was a man ... or a woman?  It wouldn't matter, because I wouldn't try to talk my way out of it. Even if I knew I was in the right, pulled over on the side of the road is not the time to argue. I'd go to the hearing and argue it there if I really thought I could win.

*FYI*  If you have me in your blogroll from previous weeks of Saturday 9 or Sunday Stealing, please change the blog address if you haven't already. Something went horribly wrong between my blog and computer last Saturday and I have been unable to access my old blog no matter what corrective measures I've tried. I finally had to concede defeat and started this blog.


  1. I have been worried. I checked your profile and saw this. I am glad you are ok.....

    1. I am fine. Just ran into some kind of glitch with the old blog and my laptop. None of the recommended fixes solved the problem so, here I am with a new blog.

  2. One of our local politicians has introduced a bill making it MANDATORY to have gas pumped by a station employee. She says she doesn't expect it to pass but she wants to start a conversation. First of all, it would mean jobs in her neighborhood. And secondly, it would reduce car jackings. I think it would be nice to have attendants back. My dad owned a gas station, and pumping gas was the first job of a lot of kids.

    1. We still had one station that pumped the gas for you when my kids were growing up and I loved it. You couldn't pay at the pumps back then, but had to go in...such a hassle when you had small children with you, especially if the weather was bad. My kids liked going, too. The men who worked there knew us and them and always had candy for them and goofed around with them to make them laugh.

  3. Same music genres, smiles. My grandparents would watch Lawerence Welk etc. I am so sorry about the job situation. I am only a docent at the museum, but I do hear from the older gentlemen, "You young whippersnappers are taking our jobs!" Excuse me, how old do you think I am? LOLOL

    1. I would take the "young whippersnapper" label. Remember, I work with dementia residents and quite often they think I am rather, uh, "mature." My personal favorite is when someone in their 90s reminisces with me about our growing up together. It keeps me humble. LOL

  4. I'm sorry to hear you had to redo your blog.. I suppose you lost all your older posts.. That would be a great loss to me.. Goodness! Loved your answers here.. I too, loved all the cowboy shows and have just discovered them since I've been ill, on tv channels in the 100's stations.. the best on channel 124 in the morning.. Wells Fargo and Laramie were my favorites! I had a real thing for Rober Fuller!!!

    1. Well, I can see my old blog on my phone, but neither Chrome nor Explorer will open it on the laptop. We watch a lot of old cowboy movies at the nursing home so I get my fix there.

  5. Exactly! I've not a lot of discretionary dollars, but would happily pay for the privilege of sitting in my car while the nice man filled the car, checked the oil and cleaned my windows. "You can trust your car, to the man who wears the star!" Remember?

    Oh, and THANKS for echoing what I said about calling before dropping in. Even my son will text before just showing up.

    1. I hate to say it, but I don't remember the man with the star. Either that was before my time or we just didn't use Texaco stations. I hate drop ins and our daughter is the queen of them. She just doesn't take our hints that while she is up most of the night and is ready to roll at 8:00-9:00, we are old and tired and just want to chill by then.

  6. I am the same way with #9. I also never drop in on people. I hate it when people do that to me. When I was younger I was always dressed with make-up and ready to receive company and it didn't bother me then, but if I am not working, I am in my pj's and no make-up most of the time. I look like a train wreck. I don't want people dropping in on that. hahahahaha Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. I will get your link updated.

    1. I don't care about the makeup, but chances are I'm in my jammies and they aren't always the best looking things to greet people in. LOL Besides, by later in the evening I am in chill mode and not really up to company. Thanks for stopping by, Lori. Have a great day!

  7. Well, a new year, a new blog. Why not? At least we didn't lose you! I am sorry work is stressful. Life in general seems to be. I've come the conclusion that 2020 is going to be a year to just get through and hope I come out on the other end.

    1. Oh boy...I hope it's going to be a better year than that. For all of us!

  8. Oh yes, the gas attendant was so helpful!!!I am so glad you continued blogging. I was not getting many visitors at my old site because I could not join the linky's. Also people had a hard time using my blog with its frames. But I have over 300 pages at that blog/website.

    1. It would be wonderful if all the computer things could get together and work together and not cause problems, wouldn't it?

  9. I miss gas station attendants too and didn't think of that one. I enjoyed your answers today!


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes