March 7, 2020

Sunday Stealing: Cottage By the Sea

Our hostess, Bev, borrowed this week's Sunday Stealing questions from blogging friend, Annie, at Cottage By the Sea. Thanks, ladies, for the fun questions!

01  What is the worst nickname that anyone has ever called you?  I've had a few nicknames in my life, but I don't recall any bad ones. They've always come from friends or family members so they were nice names.

02  Have you got a favorite flower?  I like all flowers, but a couple of favorites are sunflowers, zinnias, roses, and hollyhocks.

03  Do you add a sauce, ketchup or other artificial flavorings to your food?  It depends on the food and the sauce. For something like a good steak I will not dump any sauce on it, but a hamburger needs some ketchup.

04  Describe yourself using only words that begin with the letter 'T'.  Thankful, thinking, tranquil, truthful, teachable, traditional.

05  What is/was your lover's pet name for you?  Ace

06  What is your least favorite color?  I don't really hate any colors, but I don't think I own anything puce-colored and I probably never will.

07  Who did you vote for in the last election, and did they win?  I'm not sure this is the best question with the Sunday Stealing crowd as we have some pretty wide splits in politics, but I make no apologies for voting for Donald Trump. And yes, he won. 

08  What is/was your grandfathers’ names? They were Allen Albert, Joseph, and as I've recently learned about my biological father's family, William Dale. All were of English, Scotch, and/or Irish descent. 

09  What is the best present you ever received?  I've received some wonderful gifts in my life, but I think I'd have to choose the electric typewriter my parents gave me before I went to college.

10  What is 17 1/2% of 97 + 42 x (6 / 2) – 137?  Purple? The combination to your safe? Aliens?

11  What would be the best possible way you could live?  Surrounded by family, doing something I enjoy, safe, and financially secure. Not really far off of how I'm living now.

12  Given the choice of absolutely anything, what would be your dream job?  I would love to deal in antiques or old books.
13  What position do you sleep in at night?  On my side with my arm under my pillow. Sometimes on my back. Never, ever on my stomach. 

14  What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?  I endured some bullying when I went to a private elementary school. I'm not dredging it up. It was hateful, but kid stuff and it's long behind me.

15  Who is your favorite fictional character?  The one and only Jo March.

16  What food do you hate most in the world?  I'm not crazy about eggplant, sushi, or any kind of nuts.

17  When was the last time you were ill?  It's been a couple of years. Considering where I work, I've been lucky with that. 

18  If you were transformed into a wild creature, what would it be?  If I get to choose, I think I'd choose to be a sloth. LOL

19  What was your favorite toy as a child, and whatever happened to it?  My Barbies were my favorite and most of them are somewhere in my mom's attic. Mom just had some of the Barbie clothes my grandmother knit for me framed as a Christmas gift.

20  What's the most amazing thing you've ever seen?  My children and my grandchildren.


  1. Dealing in old books would be fun. I would read as many as I could.




  2. I LOVE SLOTHS!!!! Duh, why didn't I think of that, lol. Bahwahahaha on #10. smiles

    Have a great day friend, smiles

    1. I was just trying to think of an animal that doesn't do much.

  3. Replies
    1. I only thought of the presidential elections...I guess because that's all we're hearing about these days. Well, that and the corona virus.

  4. I love old books & antiques too. Very interesting job that would be...

    1. I would probably turn into a workaholic if either were my job.

  5. I chuckled at sloth but it's a good choice! Fun questions and I enjoyed your answers! I quit linking up for Sunday Stealing (and Sat 9) because of nasty comments I received from people who don't think like I do so I get what you mean! Happy Sunday!

    1. Yes, I remember. It got pretty ugly in meme circles for a while there. I hope we don't go down that road again.

  6. What a cool thing to frame some of the Barbie clothes. I wish my mother felt sentimental about any of my things. I still am angry that she threw away my high school diary!

    1. I was very surprised and touched by the gift. I was very close to my grandmother so it means a lot. Your mom tossed your diary? Oh, that would make me angry, too!

  7. Oh, it would be so nice to have an old bookshop! Very romantic kind of work I would think. Same with antiques. Oh my gosh, what if that was the safe combination? We'd most of us never get into it again!

    1. It would be great work if we could get it! And yes, whatever is in the safe would be safe from me if that was the combination!

  8. I, too, would love towork in a book shop... I love books about book shops! You handled the political question well.. I also, make no excuses!

    1. It would be a lovely occupation, wouldn't it?

  9. I hope you know that despite the differences in politics, I at least am adult enough to still be friends. :-)

    1. I do. I just remember the tension getting a bit thick during the last election. We've all been having such a nice time here lately that I'd hate to see politics come between any of us. It is definitely a line in the sand for some these days.

  10. I love the aroma of old books! And I'm pretty sure a sloth is my spirit animal (jus' saying). Great "T" adjectives! The first 3 that came up on my Google search were manipulative, macabre and malefic …. not even going there!

    1. Isn't "old book" just the most divine smell? Hmm...yeah, if I have a spirit animal it has to be a sloth or is there a procrastination critter out there? Whoa...heavy adjectives!


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