March 24, 2020

Tuesday 4: Inspire Me

We slept in a bit around here this morning and we're just getting around to breakfast and moving...had to turn on the morning news first and get our daily dose of what new thing is happening with (cue evil music) the virus. 

Not a lot on the agenda. Tim's going to work on the bathroom (it will be done today except for the ceiling), I'm going to keep cleaning and organizing kitchen cabinets, I'll read, do some baking, he'll watch movies. I hope I can get him to play some games while we are home. I love games, but he's always too tired when he's working.

Anyway...before I get going on my incredibly busy day. Ha! Here's this week's Tuesday 4 questions.

1. Who inspires you and why?  Lots of people inspire me for all kinds of different reasons, but in general I'm inspired by anyone who selflessly gives of themselves to make the world or the lives of others a little better.

2. Convince us to read one of your favorite books.  I think today I will recommend the James Rollins Sigma Force series since the latest book is due to arrive in my mailbox today. Sigma Force is a super secret agency that exists deep under the Smithsonian and is under the DARPA umbrella, though only the director knows of their existence. Each team member has been chosen for their unique gifts...some in science, some math, some as soldiers, some computers, etc. Together they work to save the world from unique threats that no one else is equipped to handle. The books are fast paced, well written, and deal with the moral questions of technologies we are beginning to hear about in real life. They make you think. And they keep you on the edge of your seat.

3. What meal does your family just love and will you share the recipe?  They love my meatloaf, which is loosely based on the recipe in my grandmother's Betty Crocker cookbook. 

  • 1 lb. ground beef
  • 1/2 lb. ground pork
  • 1 cup bread crumbs (can be seasoned or not)
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1/4 cup minced onion
  • pepper
  • celery salt
  • garlic powder
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • any other seasonings you want
I don't have measurements for the seasonings. I just add to taste. Mix everything together, put in a loaf pan, and bake at 350 degrees for an hour or until it's as done as you like.

It's simple, but very good. People who hate meatloaf, have eaten it and loved it.

4. In Brambly Hedge they make Rose Petal Jam. What kind do you like and why?  Strawberry-Rhubarb. I just like the little bit of tart with the sweet.


  1. I chose Meatloaf too, smiles. Great minds and all, wink. lol

    Ick on Rhubarb, lol.

    Totally agree on number 1, smiles.

    Have a great day friend!

  2. We had meatloaf yesterday. Yesterday I did a post on my Bible jouraling. I am doing that with my grand daughter today.

  3. meatloaf is very popular. I used to have Jackie Kennedy's White House recipe by her chef Rene Verdun. It was beef, cream, seasoned salt, crumbs , egg.. very good!

  4. We love meatloaf! Enjoyed visiting today, hope you're staying well.

  5. My neighbor brought over meat loaf yesterday! Ready to pop in the oven!
    I like apricot jam and fig preserves.....

    Louis Dean will be working on my bathroom today! The toilet - or commode - as I call it, is leaking. He thought it was one thing but apparently there was another! I’m glad he’s a Handy Man!

  6. Oh, you reminded me of my dear mother... she loved strawberry rhubard conserve. We used to freeze it every summer so she'd have all year long!

  7. Hi Stacy. The meat loaf recipe sounds so good. I read your post about resigning from your job. I don't blame you at all. I probably would have done the same thing. I am sure you will be able to find another job if you ever want one. Stay safe and well. I am also enjoying a lot more time at home with my husband.

  8. Love your response to #1! That book sounds like something my son would enjoy. Nothing on the level like what you describe, but his little team (while in the Army) were specifically chosen by their individual strengths to complement one another.

  9. I make a good meatloaf too, but don't use a recipe. I just remember how Mom did it! Fun questions again this week! Did you know Joyce is bringing back the Hodgepodge for Wednesdays?!! I'm so excited!

  10. I'm not a big fan of meatloaf, but my Mom used to make rhubarb pies.
    I enjoyed your answers. Have a great Tuesday.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes