May 13, 2020

A Risky Hodgepodge

1. Ever played the game Farkle?  Yes. I like it a lot online, but not so much in person at home. Are you a risk taker?  Sometimes. I was more so when I was younger. In games only or also in life? It was in real life, too.

2. What's your favorite thing about your yard or whatever outdoor space you may have?  It was our deck that was shaded by a Catalpa (Toby) tree, but we cut the tree down last year after it became infected with big nasty Catalpa worms...and because if we are lucky, we will be tearing the deck off to add on a big family room this year. The whole Covid19 thing has that up in the air.

3. Tell us about the most interesting building you've seen or been in.  Oh my, I don't even know how I'd choose. I love admiring different types of architecture so I always hunt up special places. I will say that I while I can appreciate the beauty of newer, more modern buildings, I tend to appreciate older ones. I don't think anything new compares to the quality of handcrafted work. Those men who made everything personally and by hand really cared, were proud of their work...and some of the stuff they managed to build without benefit of modern machines and technology are AMAZING!

4. In this current season of social distancing, what's something you've come to realize you take for granted in more ordinary times? Do you think you'll make a conscious effort to appreciate whatever that 'it' is once normal life resumes?  Just being able to gather with family or friends, to give and receive a hug...yes, I'm going to appreciate the heck out of it when I can do it again!

5. Share a favorite song with a springtime flower in the lyrics somewhere.  Build Me Up Buttercup

6. Insert your own random thought here.  Feeling excited, but somewhat nervous as we approach Friday, when the stay-at-home ban lifts here and some businesses can reopen. I'm glad we will be able to start getting out and about again, but I hope people will be responsible about it. In our online meeting last night, my bible study group decided that we will meet online again next week and see how things are going. If it seems to be wise, then we will meet in person the following week. Oh, what a reunion that is going to be!

Thanks to Joyce for fun questions again this week!


  1. Thanks, now I am humming the song ((grin)). We, here in the Southern Tier, are suppose to open on Phase 1 Friday--word on the street is our town won't be. I'm just done. Just keeping it real, 10 weeks and counting of being under house arrest.

    ANYWAYS--thanks for the daily smiles you bring.

    1. I hope your mayor lightens up and then we'll leave "house arrest" behind at the same time!

  2. We've had a couple very important reunions already but I am still looking forward to a hug from our daughter and her husband and then with our friends. I'm with you on being in awe of old architecture and the skills of artisans who could create such beautiful detail. Hope the rest of your week goes well.

    1. How nice that you've gotten to see people! That becomes possible for us on Friday.

  3. I nearly chose "Build Me Up Buttercup" myself … such a happy tune! I agree about the quality of older structures … the attention to detail. (That said, I think you may get a kick out of what I chose to spotlight this week.) I didn't realize Farkle was something I could do on-line, but will be checking it out while Tom's immersed in all his 'cowboy' TV shows.

    1. Yes, you can play Farkle online. I think it's in the Facebook Gameroom.

  4. I hope you get to build your nice new family room. That sounds like a wonderful project, and something to look forward to. Love the song (Buttercup). Haven't heard that one in a long time. Never played Farkle...have no idea... I hope your Bible study group will get to be together soon. I know everyone is getting so ready to come out and get out of hiding...Yes, I hope people will be sensible too...but I think people are quite ready to enjoy living again. Take care and enjoy your new "freedoms".

    1. Farkle is sort of like Yatzee...only not. lol It is a dice game and you try to get the best score you can.

  5. Farkle... I'm going to have to find it online so I can learn to play - plus I love a good game.

    1. I like it online, but I bought it for home and it's so confusing to play that way that we did it once and haven't looked at it again.

  6. Build Me Up Buttercup reminds me of Jr. High. I love how songs are so tied to memories. Music is so important. Hearing is the last sense to go. It helped my mom through her Alzheimers. I played hymns while my dad was dying. That is how I want to go out, with praise music!

    1. You are right, Susan. The part of the brain that stores and responds to music and rhythm (not to mention all the naughty stuff) is the last part of the brain that gets ravaged by the disease. Sometimes when they won't respond to anything else, they respond to music and brain scans show that it makes other parts of the brain fire up while they are listening.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes