June 15, 2020

Monday Morning Musings

These are the things we did over the weekend, that I'm going to do today, or that are on my mind this morning.

** Finally using my Christmas present from Tim today. He gave me a gift certificate to have my car detailed. Gosh, does it need it. I didn't want to get it done during the winter and then....virus. I called as soon as the stay-at-home order was lifted and this was the first appointment I could get.  

** Megan is picking me up after I drop the car off and then I am going to stay with Colton and Leah while she gets blood work done.

** Finished reading Spring House by Mary Ellen Taylor. It was very good. I like how it used history and jumping back and forth from the past to the present to solve some mysteries in the Buchanon/Jessup family. Now, what to read next?

** We laid out where the pool is going to go so we're ready for the install guy whenever he gets around to calling. Still no word, but it's only been one week since I talked to him and he said it would probably be 2-3.

** Tim's biopsy results came back negative! 

** Tim ended up not working on Saturday. He went, but none of the subcontractors showed up so he was back home by 9:00. We went to a couple of local flea markets. We didn't buy anything, but it was a nice outing.

** Colton went to Sam's Club with us later in the day on Saturday. He was so good and had so much fun talking about what he saw and talking to the other shoppers. We let him pick out a pool float for when our pool is ready to go. He picked a cute green alligator. I'm sure we'd have come home with a shark if they'd had one. The boy is shark crazy!

** I'm pretty sure I ended up with a dry socket when they pulled my tooth last Monday. I'd never had one, but when I was still having pain on Thursday I did some research and what was going on fit all the descriptions I read. I thought I'd be calling the dentist today, but I had very little pain yesterday and today seems to be continuing the trend. Yay!! I'm not sure what they can really do unless it's infected, anyway.

** It's going to be a perfect summer day...76 degrees and sunny.

** Leaving you with some new photos of the littlest grands.

Leah's hair on the trampoline. lol

Taking a break while out on a quad ride.

Really captures her ornery little personality. 

Looks thrilled, doesn't she?


  1. Awww on the photos, smiles. I would of loved to have gone flea shopping with ya smiling. YAY on Tim's negative test results. smiles

  2. Glad Tim's biopsy was negative.
    Good luck with your maybe dry socket.
    Have a good Monday.

  3. I love hearing what is going on in your world. So glad the biopsy was negative. Excellent news. Hope your dental work continues to feel less painful. Flea Market shopping sounds fun. Have a good week! See you again soon!

  4. I cant believe how big the kids are getting already!!!!
    NEGATIVE RESULTS - YAHOOOO!!!! That's awesome.
    I've only had my car for 10 months & it already could use a detail on it!

  5. The grands are so cute!!! Leah's hair picture was great! Glad the test came back negative. Enjoy your spring weather!

  6. Thank God for Tim's negative results! My '05 Camry could sure use a detail, but that's about as likely to happen as me getting a face-lift. Too much water under that bridge! Love Colton's little personality, and Leah's just too precious for words. That last one in the bonnet .. I can't even! (*smile*)

  7. Oh my gosh, those kiddos are adorable!! Praise God for the good biopsy results for Tim!! Prayers answered! Sounds like a nice few days! xo

  8. Oh what precious grand babies. You are so blessed!! What fun it must be to spend time with them. Wow. I am sure they are going to love the pool. Glad your tooth (or lack thereof) feels better today. Glad your hubby's test came back negative. Car detailing! Wow. That would be nice! But then we have dirt driveways and go walk on a dirt road, and we are always tracking in dirt to our car. It wouldn't last a day! LOL. Have a blessed week.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes