June 18, 2020

Thankful Thursday

'Morning, y'all! I am up much too early after being up late and spending the night tossing and turning...a direct result, I'm thinking, of indulging in a diet Coke after two weeks of staying away from the stuff. Ah well, it gives me lots of time to share on this Thankful Thursday before getting on with the day. Linking up with our host, Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand.

This week I am thankful...   

** for a lesson learned in my own home Bible studies. It concerns the power the past has over us and how to break that. The thought is that we all have painful things in our past and we are not going to forget them. Quit expecting that and telling yourself or others to forgive and forget. People experience painful things...the traumatic death of a loved one, a violent crime, a spouse who commits adultery...the list is endless. People who have experienced such things will never be able to forget. They, we, I can break their hold. 

It has to do with the power those memories have on our actions. People tend to act the most on what they remember/think of the most. So, a key to breaking the hold is to stop acting on them. As we stop allowing a memory to cause us to act (or react) in negative ways, the memory, while still there, loses its power over us and will with time come to the forefront less and less. 

** I was able to get my hair done yesterday! Susie is a friend from high school and she left it up to me if I wanted us to wear masks or not. I chose not. We had such a lovely time chatting that I didn't even realize I was there for over 2 hours! I'm tickled with the results. Please don't mind the first-thing-in-the-morning-still-in-my-pajamas-with-puffy-eyes look. Ha!

** Tim was agreeable to Chinese take-out for dinner last night since it was 5:30 before I got done at the salon.

** for a new determination to, not just look each day for things I am grateful for, but also to look for the wonder and the everyday miracles. It's leading to more intentional living...more living in the moment. And a lot more joy.

** I agreed to ride along with Megan and the grands to Sam's Club yesterday. We had a good time. Megan and I had some pretty serious conversations on the ride to and from and no feathers got ruffled (a rare thing with my girl who battles anxiety, depression, and self-image issues). Colton had a blast and kept his Nana amused. 

He learned he could say his mommy's name and then proceeded, to Mommy's dismay, to call (loudly) for "Megan" repeatedly for a good 5 minutes. He was just so tickled with himself. I tried not to show how amused I was, but he was just so darn happy with the whole thing.

Then there was another tiny milestone with Leah. We all had a brownie bite when we got outside to the truck. Megan was sharing hers with Leah, but turned away for a moment. Leah saw mine and made a very loud sound to get my attention and pointed at my brownie. Not a big thing, but one of those everyday miracles, seeing her being able to tell me what she wanted.

This was her offering to share her Cheerios with me on Monday.

** for cuddles with my favorite grandkitty, Kiki.

** for a good Bible study class on Tuesday. We are reviewing the foundations of a life of faith before moving on to our next study. This week we discussed repentance. Great conversation and insights. It was a good note to end on since we won't be meeting for the next 2 weeks as many are going to visit family or going to their beach homes for the Fourth of July.

** Tim went to work on Saturday, but ended up getting to come home because none of the sub-contractors showed up. We went to a couple of indoor flea markets and in the evening had Colton for some time just for him.

** for several days of comfortable temperatures before the heat and humidity come back tomorrow and stay at least through the weekend. Come on pool guy...where are you???

** for a sparkling clean car. Tim had gotten me a gift certificate to have my car detailed for Christmas along with Weather-Tech floor mats. It was inspired by the fact that he'd used my car while his truck was in the garage and there was so much mud built up on the floor...and crumbs because he eats in his vehicle a lot...and just dust from the job site. 

I had been holding off for nicer weather. Why get a car detailed in the middle of the winter with all the snow and salt and slop, right? Well, then the virus happened and even though we had nice weather, there was no detailing happening. I called as soon as our governor moved us to the green phase, but it was still a couple of weeks before they could get me in.

Anyway, it took them all day, but my baby looks like new!

** for the dedicated and brave police officers who put on the uniform and the badge and go to work every day.

** as always, for each one of you!

Have a blessed & thankful day!


  1. I love your hair!!! ((squealing with delight)). I might just have to suck it up and do my own, since haircoloring isn't allowed yet here. You take fantastic photos, smiles. I DO NOT.

    I always enjoy your posts. I am always grateful and thankful for your friendship. smiles

  2. Great hair cut! Looks good. Here in NJ I think you go to prison for life if you go to a beautician and take off the mask LOL. Its so sweet when kids learn to talk.

  3. Great hair cut, and what a thoughtful gift a car detailing is after a long muddy season.

  4. Your hair looks great, Stacy! Nice to get your car detailed! It probably looks brand new. How fun when the little ones learn something new and are so proud of themselves! It is a blessing that you are there with them each day. Yes to thanking our men and women in blue! I enjoyed your blessings today!

  5. Gee, I wish I looked half as good as you first thing in the morning! Hair looks wonderful! Your opener about the past's hold on us sounds interesting, indeed. Much to ponder on my part. Not sure I wouldn't start snickering at Colton's calling "Megan." Too cute!

  6. Always love a fresh hair cut.
    I love when kids call their parents by their real name - sounds so funny.
    Yeah, I cleaned out my car the other day - it looked brand new - & we went to the barn & hay all over the floor board. So frustrating

  7. Love your hair...it looks so nice! I had mine cut last week too, but no pictures. I'm not that crazy about it. I probably will need to get another permanent soon as my hair has lost its "bounce". Sounds like you had a great week and much to be thankful for. We do need to count our blessings in these turbulent times. We are truly blessed, and yes, thankful for the men and women in blue who do so much to protect us. God bless America and heal our land.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes