July 26, 2020

Monday Morning Musings

Currently in Latrobe...

Weather...It's nice this morning but we're heading for 90 degrees and lots of humidity this afternoon.

On tap...our big TV won't work with Hulu Live. Sigh. I have to decide whether to get a Ruku thing-y and stream through that ( I have no idea how that kind of thing works!) or see if I can find a compatible TV that's in stock. Have I mentioned that I really hate technology at times...and change is not exactly my favorite, either.

If I survive that, I'm meeting a friend for lunch at Sharky's...a local sports bar and restaurant that we like.

Tim has an appointment with the urologist this afternoon. He hasn't been back since he had the bladder stone removed a couple of years ago. He's starting to have problems again, so it's past time he goes.

Reading...The Lending Library by Aliza Fogelson

Being driven to distraction...by a stupid fly that keeps landing on the screen or flying into me. Like he can't see me.

Celebrating...our daughter's birthday was Saturday. She is now the same age I was when I had her. Holy cow. How the heck did that happen???  Then Wednesday is little Leah's actual birthday.

Feeling...kind of stiff and sore. We worked outside in the yard yesterday. I might have overdone it a bit. Plus it was HOT and ever since I had heat exhaustion during Megan's wedding I just can't do extreme heat. I need to get at my stretches and strengthening exercises I got at physical therapy to lose the stiffness.

In the garden...the spaghetti squash are done. I picked the three that grew and pulled the vine as it was nearly dead, anyway. I got a couple more zucchini but those plants aren't doing all that great this year, either. I have some green tomatoes and picked one red one and a bunch of cherry tomatoes, but even those aren't doing that well this summer. The heat? The weeks of drought? I watered them daily so I don't know. I have little baby cantaloupes, though, so that's kind of cool. The peppers are coming, but they are red ones so it will be a while yet.

Over...all of it. The virus, the violence, the ugliness, the hate, politics. You name it. I'm over it.

Fired...the guy we've been waiting on to install the pool all summer. If it was just that he's that busy we'd be okay with it if he just played straight with us, but he has told us so many stories. Sometimes he changes his story in the same conversation. We're tired of excuses. Tired of getting the runaround. Tired of him never calling when he says he will. 

He was not happy nor very nice when we gave him the news. He said he had sand being delivered. How were we supposed to know? He never called to tell us. Tim told him to cancel it and not to bother showing up. I'm ordering sand tomorrow and Tim's going to line up some people to help him and hopefully get it up next weekend. We won't be any worse off than if we waited and we'll probably be ahead of the game.

In the kitchen...we're getting Hello Fresh meals delivered a couple of days per week again. We really enjoy them and I like that they are portion controlled. Tim is disappointed that there are no leftovers. Ha! Last night we had deliciously seasoned flat iron steak, roasted Brussels sprouts and loaded smashed potatoes. Tonight we're having pork burgers. I forget what kind...mushroom-swiss, maybe? The pork burgers are always to die for, but they are really high calorie meals. I think tonight's is about 1100 calories. Ouch! But no worse than McDonald's, I guess.

Making me laugh...

What did you say? You'd better come out
here and say that to my face!

I don't know if I'm an introvert because of this
or this is because I'm an introvert.

It's worse if they ask you to do the praying.

More true than I care to admit.

I'm just gonna apologize for this last one in
advance...but be sure to hear it in Sean
Connery's voice when you read it.

Happy Monday!


  1. Have a great day Stacy. Hot here too and I am so in agreement about your "Over it".

  2. That doll head wine glass - I snorted laughed!!!!
    Pool Guy - SEEE YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's ridiculous that you've had to wait this long.
    Get a Roku - youll love it - its easy - if I can work a roku & get everything going on it, you can - believe me - I'm the WORST at technology.

  3. This was a lot of fun to read. :)

  4. Thanks for the giggles! Glad you fired the pool installer. If he is THAT busy, he can use the sand somewhere else. Jerk. Good luck with the install. We love Roku and it works great on our Roku TV (Walmart). We canceled cable and have Roku, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and AcornTV - all for nearly $100 per month less than the cable company. Keep us posted!

  5. Oh my goodness... I don't know what to comment on first. That doll head wine glass is, well, creepy. No thank you! I'd have to drink a lot of wine before I could drink out of that (and I don't even drink! LOL) Glad you gave the pool guy the heave ho. He had to go.Hope you can get the pool done before the summer is over! Oh, we have a Roku and HULU live. Roku is a one time expense I think, but hulu is a monthly charge, but that is what we do, and we are happy for it. We can get all the channels we need that way, including Fox news. I don't think you can get Fox news on just the ROKU. Hope everything else goes smoothly this week. Try to stay cool!

  6. Ugh, on these inconsiderate 'service' people; they're everywhere it seems. Those memes are especially funny today; I actually resemble one or two.

  7. I like the squirrel picture because it reminds me of a hamster I once had. I hope you get your pool in soon. I can't even go out and enjoy the backyard because of the ankle biter mosquitoes. They bite all day! They leave me with half dollar welts that itch like crazy!


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes