July 29, 2020

A Moving Hodgepodge

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! I'm linking up today with Joyce @ From This Side of the Pond.

1. Last time you moved house?  We've lived right here for the last 26 years and I hope I never have to move again...unless someone comes in and does it for me. Something you've learned in moving house?  If you want to make sure something makes it to the new house, be the one to pack it and then be there to be sure it is loaded on the truck. A sad fact of moving is that things seem to disappear.

2. Move mountains, move along, make a wrong move, moved to tears, get a move on, move up, move over, move out of the way, move the deck chairs on the Titanic, move it!...pick one and tell us how it fits your recent circumstances.  I'll go with "move out of the way" because our grandson kept trying to run me over with his big Power Wheels pickup truck this evening. It's a good thing it doesn't go too fast and I've still got a little zip left in me!

3. What have you been doing to make yourself move (aka stay fit-active) during these strange times?  Not a lot, sadly. I did have to go to a couple weeks of physical therapy recently for a badly inflamed IT band so now I've got stretches and strengthening exercises to do every day.

4. This week's calendar includes celebrations for the following foods-

National Coffee Milkshake Day (Sunday), National Creme Brûlée Day (Monday), National Milk Chocolate Day (Tuesday), National Chicken Wing Day (Wednesday), National Lasagne Day (Wednesday), National Cheesecake Day (Thursday), and National Avocado Day (Friday)

Which one on the list would you be most inclined to celebrate? Which would you be most inclined to skip?
  It might be a tie between celebrating milk chocolate and lasagne, unless....is there such a thing as chocolate lasagne? Least likely to celebrate? Coffee milkshakes. I don't do coffee.

5. Next week's Hodgepodge lands in August! I know!! Raise your hand if you feel like July flew by in the blink of an eye? Now bid farewell to your July acrostic style. If you don't know what that means click here.

J - Just
U - ugly
L - leg
(of the)
Y - year

6.  Insert your own random thought here.  It's been a busier week than usual (at least since the pandemic started). Monday I went out to lunch with a friend and Tim had an appointment with the urologist. He's got to get some tests done, but he doesn't know what for. Sigh. I hate not being able to go with him. Tuesday I did a little shopping with our daughter and her kids and her husband came over and got us hooked up with our new wifi and Roku. Today I'm going with Mom to take some books to a library that's about an hour away. They're collecting for their used book sale which we'll go back for. Today is also our granddaughter's actual first birthday (her party was a week and a half ago). Friday I'm hoping we can finally take everyone out to dinner for all the birthdays and anniversaries we missed when everything was closed down. Saturday Tim, our daughter's husband, and whoever else Tim can round up to help are going to start putting up the pool.


  1. Keeping Tim in prayer.

    AND there is a thing such as Ice Cream lasanga, I'll have to find the recipe in my box and post it. I enjoyed your answers and glad to see you post. smiles

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Prayers for Tim.
      I enjoyed your answers as usual.
      Have a great day.

  3. After we moved into our house nearly 20 years ago - I always said, this is it - I'm never moving again. Its hard work

  4. Glad you didn't get run down by that cool truck! Sending prayers for Tim. Have a great day :)

  5. Prayers lifted for Tim! Gosh, Colton looks so serious and grown-up behind the wheel of that truck. Thankfully, I'm not missing anything from our cross-country move but know of several people whose things mysteriously disappeared. I think in large part because of my paranoia, Tom leased a small U-Haul trailer where we carried some items neither of us trusted to the movers.

  6. Hooray for the pool work! Keep us posted! That Power Wheels pickup truck is SO cool! Wow!! Your birthday round-up sounds like fun. Please take pictures to share!! :)

  7. Pretty sure I've seen a chocolate lasagne on Pinterest. It is for sur pool weather here. So humid!! Enjoy your errands and doing normal things : ) I've been to our library a couple of times since they reopened. They have someone at the door counting entries and a designated queue for checkout. They've moved the scanner outside of a plexiglass shield so you scan your own books and they don't touch your card. It was easy and I admire places of business finding ways to keep moving forward.

  8. Enjoyed your post. Hope Tim's tests go ok. It's certainly difficult doing anything normal at the moment. That truck is huge! You definitely don't want to get knocked down by it. Chocolate lasagne? Hopefully not lol.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes