July 30, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Y'all...I am just completely over this new Blogger format and it's only day one. I have written and posted my Thankful Thursday list FOUR times and every single time it has dropped the majority of what I've written. Basically, it keeps the titles and the photos and nothing else. I can't sit here any longer. I have stuff to do. I really hope this bug-a-boo goes away in the next couple of days or I'm going to have to move the blog again.


  1. yeah...it took me awhile to post the post for today yesterday evening. I am so over changes, period. sigh. Happy Friendship Day, Stacy.

  2. I’m not totally thrilled with it either.

  3. I've had a couple of hiccups with it but it is working okay for me. I've moved three times... don't want to move again. Hang in there.

  4. I haven't had any problems so far. Hopefully it's just a glitch that will be worked out.

  5. You can switch back.... there's a button on the bottom that says something like "Revert to classic"

  6. I like to stroke out, trying to post this evening, and having Blogger delete whole portions. Maybe she's menopausal? LOL.


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes