July 12, 2020

Sunday Stealing Goes to the Movies

Thanks to our Sunday Stealing hostess, Bev, for another week of challenging questions.

From Sharon Compton

1. Last movie you watched.  Open Season: Scared Stupid (Colton was here this afternoon.)

2. Last movie you watched in a theater.  It's been quite a while, but I think it might have been I Can Only Imagine.

3. Film you’ve always wanted to watch, but haven’t.  Gone With the Wind

4. Favorite movie soundtrack.
  It comes down to a tie between Saturday Night Fever and Grease. Honorable mentions go to the soundtracks from the 2nd version of The Parent Trap and a little known 
Matthew McConaughey film, Sahara.

5. Your favorite movie duo.  Bing Crosby and Bob Hope.

6. Movie you like because of its story.  The Blind Side

7. A film that disappointed you.  Misery. I'm not a Stephen King fan, but I did read that one and the movie didn't even come close to the depth of the book...even if Kathy Bates won awards for best actress.

8. Favorite scene from a movie.  I can't pick just one.

9. Your guilty pleasure movie. Uh, if you've been around here at all, you know it's Dirty Dancing. A close second would be The Great Outdoors with John Candy and Dan Aykroyd. 

10. A movie you keep going back to.  While You Were Sleeping, Sweet Home Alabama, Hope Floats...and the ones mentioned above.

11. A quote your admire from your favorite movie.  "Me? I'm scared of everything! I'm scared of what I saw; I'm scared of what I did, of who I am! And most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you." --Frances "Baby" Houseman, Dirty Dancing

12. A movie based on a true story.  We Are Marshall

13. Your favorite actor/actress.  Dennis Quaid and Sandra Bullock

14. A sequel you’re not a fan of.  The 2nd installments of the Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, and the original Star Wars trilogies come to mind.

15. A film you know by heart.  Dirty Dancing, A Christmas Story, and Christmas Vacation.

16. Your favorite opening scene.  Again...I can't pick one.

17. A film that was based on a book and was executed well. Little Women has fared quite well in most versions.

18. A comedy film.  Road to Rio

19. TV series you’re binging on now.  I'm not exactly binging, but I've started watching Yellowstone.

20. A TV series you think is underrated.  I don't watch a lot of series TV so I can't really think of anything.


  1. Hi Stacy, I am not watching as much tv right now. I like to listen to music when I Bible journal/craft. I spent 2 hours in the spa on Friday after the grands left. Pretty soon you will be doing the same!

    1. I listen to music when I am doing my thing (writing/drawing/coloring/etc), too and yes, I hope we will be in the pool by next weekend.

  2. I knew you'd have Dirty Dancing in there. :-) I bet you know what a lot of my answers will be, too. I am not really binging anything, either, but I put down the series I am currently watching as it comes out.

    1. I wasn't surprised by your answers...at least not by most of them. You do love your LOTR!

  3. I'm telling you, Yellowstone is a good show...if you can get past the bad language and violence. lolol

    Have a beautiful day friend.

    1. Well, the language and violence didn't stop me with Longmire (watched the entire series and am working on the books!). I just have to work on Yellowstone on my own because Tim didn't like it...too much soap opera-y stuff for him. LOL

  4. I liked all of your answers,
    especially #6.
    Have a great Sunday!

    1. Thanks Gloria! Blind Side was so good and such a different role for Sandra Bullock.

  5. "Hope Floats" is when I fell in love with Harry Connick, Jr. I miss him on American Idol.

    1. I didn't know it was him the first time I saw it, then I couldn't believe it was him when I found out. He was so dreamy in it!

  6. Soooo many great choices! The Blind Side is a favorite of mine as well. I keeping forgetting, but still want to see Little Women. Sorry, but I can't think of a single sequel that was worth the price of admission. (Hurrumph, lol.)

    1. The second movie is almost never worth it, but the third is often excellent.

  7. GWTW is a great movie, a little long, but great! Hope you get to watch it someday. So many good movies, it's hard for me to pick favorites.

    1. It was hard! I was tempted so many times while reading the others' answers to come back and change mine.

  8. we're watching longmire...don't think of it as having bad language but that doesn't bother me as much as violence.

    1. For whatever reason, neither bothered me on Longmire. I loved the whole series and the books are great!

  9. Nobody puts baby in a corner. Loved your answers.

  10. I love Blind Side and also John Candy! Your #10 could be mine - all three of those are great! We Are Marshall... great movie. I've seen Dirty Dancing at least a dozen times or more. It was hard for me to answer with just one or two movies.

    1. John Candy is another great talent who left us too soon.

  11. I love Sahara, it's a great romp, and great music. Ditto Dirty Dancing. Baby has always been one of my favorite characters...

    1. Yes! Oh my gosh, I don't think I've ever run into anyone else who is a fan!

  12. "Little Women" was a great choice. I haven't seen the most recent one, but all the others have done well.

    Agree with you completely on Back to the Future II...yet III was the best of the bunch, I thought.

    1. I agree. The third movie is always much better than the second.

  13. I loved the old version of Little Women, with Katharine Hepburn as Jo. My last movie to see in the theater was The Titanic! I'm not kidding. Don't go to too many movies. I've seen a lot on tv. Love old Cary Grant movies. Gone With the Wind was amazing, I can't believe you haven't seen it! I hope you can some day. It is definitely a classic. Thank you for your response regarding my family search. Someday someone will pop up out of nowhere and put all the pieces together. I'm having fun in the journey. Have a blessed week.

    1. I don't think I've seen the version of Little Women with Katharine Hepburn. The oldest one I've seen had Elizabeth Taylor. My son and his wife are notoriously slow at answering anything so it's possible I'll still hear if there are any names she recognized from her research.

  14. Great choices for soundtracks! Can't go wrong with the Bee Gees in my book.

    I can't bring myself to read or watch Misery even though I'm a huge Stephen King fan.

  15. I haven't seen the latest version of Little Women, but all others. Unless there was a silent film version. I ought to go look. Katherine Hepburn's Jo is my favorite portrayal so far.


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