August 26, 2020

A Doggone Good Hodgepodge

Thanks to Joyce @ From This Side of the Pond for the questions and for hosting us!

1. The Hodgepodge lands on National Dog Day this year (August 26th). Do you own a dog? Did you have a dog when you were growing up, or maybe some other kind of pet? Would you say you're more of a dog person or a cat person? Neither is okay too : ) 
I have ALWAYS had a dog. Currently I only have one, my little diva dog, Daisy. Daisy is a Toy Poodle. She's what they call party colored (a mix of colors) but she didn't quite make it to the party. She has a bit of white on the tip of her tail and when she is out in the sunlight you can tell that she is actually patches of black and dark gray. I bought her at a garage sale! While I am a dog person, I do like cats and have been thinking more and more that Daisy may be my last dog for the time being, that I will share life with a cat next. As for other pets, over the years I've had turtles, guinea pigs, hamsters, parakeets, rabbits, chickens, and a goat.

2. Last time you felt 'dog tired'?  Sunday. I wasn't feeling great due to the new diet. I did a lot of napping.

3. It's said you can't teach an old dog new tricks. When did you last prove this idiom true or
prove it wrong?  I don't know about "tricks" but I hope that I am always learning something new as long as I'm alive and my mind is intact. To stop learning is to stagnate and that's when the mind grows dull.

4. A favorite book, television show, or movie featuring a dog. Why did you love it?  I loved the Beethoven movies as much as my kids did when they were growing up. As for why, just because he was cute and the movies were fun.

5. Last time you had reason to (literally or figuratively) exclaim 'hot diggity dog'?  I was watching Mickey's Clubhouse with my grandson and there is a song with those words in it that I sang along with.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.  Gosh, it gets harder and harder to fill this space as life continues to be in some stage of lock down. I guess for today I will just say that I'm praying (and ask you to pray, too) for all those in the path of Hurricane Laura and for all the students and teachers struggling to find their way with the new way of doing school.


  1. As I live in the direct path of Laura's eye, I thank you for praying for the people in my state. It could be devastating with winds and rain.

  2. Wow, praying for your friend "Libby" Day above, as she is in the path of Hurricane Laura. Libby, we will be praying. I live in Florida and understand all too well the wrath of a hurricane. Praying you will be safe and protected from the fury of the storm. Stacy, I love your cute little Diva Dog Daisy! She looks like a sweetie.. Interesting that you bought her at a garage sale! We don't currently have any pets. Just too confining for us at this point. But our kids who live nearby have two adorable Pekingese pups, "Sugar and Spice", and they are our "grandpuppies". As far as "teaching a dog new tricks", Facebook and Blogger keep throwing new curveballs at us I guess to keep us on our toes. I don't like change, but you are right that we need to keep learning something new to keep our brains functioning. Being retired I can tell that I am getting a bit "soft" in the head and need to challenge myself to keep pushing forward. Some days I just want to go back to bed and forget about it all! LOL. Have a wonderful day!!

    1. I've finally adjusted to the new Blogger format, but you all are scaring me with your complaints about the new Facebook. They haven't nailed me with that yet...which is odd because every other time they've rolled out a new look I had it long before anyone else.

  3. Amen to your #6. I highly recommend cats as pets. They are much easier to care for than dogs... but I do also love dogs. Cats just fit our lifestyle better. We can be gone all day and they just sleep while we are gone. Our neighbor's go away and their little Angel (dachshund) barks constantly until they return. It must wear her out. I even told them to bring her over here when they will be gone most of the day but so far, they just go and let her bark. If they could hear her, they might let us dog sit. We only hear her if we go outside but I feel bad for her.

    1. I have had both cats and dogs. While I love the companionship of dogs, we are sort of in the same place you are...leaving a dog home alone too much. Cats don't care and you don't have to take cats out to potty in blizzards or downpours!

  4. I love your little Daisy! I loved the Beethoven movies too. I hope you are feeling better and that the diet is going well. Prayers for those in the path of the storm.

  5. Your furbaby is cute and she is lucky you found her at that garage sale! We have been watching the news about the hurricane and praying. Have a wonderful day!

  6. Gosh, Daisy is so cute! My great grandmother had a toy poodle who was !!PINK!! and her name was Mitzi. Boy, she was kind of mean, LOL. My great grandmother loved that dog though, smiles.

    Have a great day friend...smiles (and I'll refrain from discussing the shutdown and our weasel governors.)

    1. My grandmother had a poodle named Mitzi, but she was the sweetest dog ever and SMART! I was heartbroken when she died.

      Yeah, let's just skip our governors.

  7. I liked Beethoven too, I forgot about him. Daisy is so cute and you got her at a garage sale!! WoW Living on the Texas coast we're watching that storm very closely. Thankfully it's going to miss us although we will get a lot of the outer bands.

  8. I agree with your random thought! My neighbor is hosting an engagement celebration this weekend (outside which I always feel needs saying these days so I don't get hate mail : ) and the guests area all coming from Houston so probably won't happen now given the weather there. I was looking at a list of dog shows/movies when I wrote this question and was reminded of the tv show my girls liked when they were young called Wishbone. I'd forgotten all about him but it was a cute show. I always liked Beethoven too. Keep writing even though it requires a little too much brain power and creativity lately!

    1. Our niece lives in Houston with her three young children. Her husband is away for military training leading up to shipping overseas in October. Thankfully, the projected path seems to have shifted east a little and Houston won't be hit as bad.

  9. Looking like she does, Daisy totally deserves the title, "Diva"! Happy to join you and others in prayer for the Gulf Coast.

  10. I'm with you on the praying... so much to pray about right now

    1. For real. It feels like the whole world is falling apart.

  11. We prayed for schools and students this morning at prayer meeting. I'll add all those in the path of Laura, too. So much to pray about. I'm glad we have a God that listens to His children. Hope the rest of your week goes well.

    1. Thank you, Ellen. I, too, am glad that God listens to His children and that all things are in His control. This world gone crazy would be too much to take without knowing that!

  12. Your dog is so cute. Praying.


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Moving Day

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