August 4, 2020

Tuesday 4: FOOD!

Good morning and welcome to the Tuesday 4! The questions come from our friend Annie and she is also our hostess.

Today we are talking about Food, Glorious Food!

1.  What do you have at breakfast? What can you recommend?  I'm sort of weird when it comes to breakfast. I really don't like typical breakfast foods unless they are served later in the day. A lot of mornings I don't eat breakfast at all and count it as intermittent fasting. If I do eat, I typically eat some kind of leftovers from dinner. I will say that of "regular" breakfast foods my favorites are French toast and biscuits and sausage gravy.

2.  What is your favorite meal of the day and why?  Probably lunch because I'm hungry by then and because it's just me and I can eat whatever I want...things that Tim wouldn't touch with a 10-ft. pole. Also because I can take my time and read while I eat.

3.  Tell us about your typical lunch or dinner.  A typical dinner for us is either something home-style and homemade, take-out, or a Hello Fresh meal kit. It depends on what's going on and what kind of cooking mood I'm in. I do really like the meal kits. They include exactly the right amount of ingredients to serve 2 people, they are fresh, and they are new things that I wouldn't normally make. Whatever it is, because of how late Tim gets home from work and how tired he is, we usually eat in the living room so he can relax while watching some TV and talking.

4.  Were meals different growing up or do you continue much as your mother did?  They were way different when I was growing up. For starters, my dad had a hard and fast rule about everyone sitting down at the table for dinner. We held to that even when I played sports in high school. The only exceptions were the nights I had away games and wasn't around at all. Our meals were virtually always home-cooked and all of the vegetables came from Dad's garden. I learned to cook in high school when I figured out that Dad's rule that if Mom cooked then I had to do the dishes...also meant if I cooked, Mom had to do the dishes. I liked to experiment a lot and didn't really cook the same as her. I still don't. The home-style cooking I do I learned from my grandmother.


  1. Mmmm french toast, one of my faves!!! We had the same rule growing up, everyone at the table. Loved reading your answers!! Have a great Tuesday!

  2. Same rules...if I cook, the guys have to do the dishes and vice versa, its only fair. I enjoyed your answers. Have a beautiful day friend.

  3. When the girls were little, dinner was always at the table. Now that it's just hubby and me we eat in front of the TV and just relax. We both cook and clean up.

  4. We sometimes have leftovers later in the morning too, when I was a kid my favorite was leftover spaghetti for breakfast lol. I'm surprise my mother allowed that. We eat in front of the TV most nights now too. I still haven't tried the Hello Fresh kits. I like the idea that they have the exact amount of what's needed for the meal. Have a great day :)

  5. I need to try the Hello Fresh meal kit. I tried one before & I enjoyed it - but it took FOREVER to prep everything. I need ones that are a little more simple in the recipes too. Give me something you'd give a 1st grader :) LOL

  6. My favorite meal is breakfast -- usually consumed at noon. LOL. Growing up we ALWAYS ate at the table. In fact, after my mother and I finished the dishes she would set the table for the next meal. At the time I thought that was crazy, but looking back I think it created a welcoming feel.

  7. I learned some of my cooking from my Grandmother and my dad. My mom never really spent much time with me in the kitchen. Then as I got older I put together my own recipes and learned from other people. My mom does not have much patience. My dad was a teacher, so we would bake Those are good memories. Loved your answers. Have a nice Tuesday.

  8. I have coffee for breakfast because I'm not a breakfast eater.
    My husband made breakfast burritos this morning (he likes to cook).
    We will have these for lunch today, because we like a light supper.
    I see you get hungry by lunch time, so do I.
    I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a great Tuesday.

  9. Sounds good...whatever works for you is what matters. Some people like cold pizza for breakfast. Not me. I like mine warmed up. But not for breakfast. We do eat breakfast and lunch on tv trays in the living room and watch the news. Sometimes gives us indigestion to do that, however! LOL. But we eat supper at the table. Our son is home for supper and we like to spend that time talking to him and finding out about his day. Then he washes dishes...which is nice.

  10. Sometimes, by the time we are both up, showered and dressed, it is nearly (early) lunch time so we have a good breakfast and then eat our supper around 5:00. Our trouble is snacking later before bed. Not good! We eat many of our suppers on tables in front of the TV, but growing up did find all of us at the kitchen table, together, eating dinner. It was nice and we did that when the boys were still home with us, but not anymore (unless we have guests). Fun questions!!

  11. My hubby does most of the cooking now and I will wash the dishes. I was cooking in Jr. High because my mom worked. I had two other sisters so if I cooked, they washed and dried the dishes. It is much easier to cook and eat when it is just the two of us. There is no set rules. Hubby and I are on different breakfast schedules. It all works. :) How is the pool coming along?

    1. Unfortunately, I was an only child so no siblings to share the chores with.
      The pool is up and full of water. They gave us the wrong plug for the pump, however, so I had to go get the right one today. Tim will connect it tonight, add the chemicals and run it. So, if it's warm enough tomorrow we'll be able to swim...because of course the weather has cooled quite a bit. Only 77 for a high today.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes