February 18, 2021

Thankful Thursday

It's another snowy day and another Thankful Thursday with blogging buddy, Rebecca Jo over at Knit By God's Hand

I'm running late with posting again. I had a few errands to run and a dentist appointment to get to before the weather gets as yucky as they are predicting. In spite of all the dire warnings we've had this week, we have been missed by most of the weather and what we got was timed so that it didn't affect too much. 

This week I am thankful for...

Blogging Community

The wonderful blogging community we have built here. So many of us are connected through the memes and then moved on to Facebook, email, and even meeting in person. Whenever one of us goes through a rough patch, it is a comfort to know so many are praying and reaching out. 

I'm glad we can all do that for our blogging friend, Terri, over at Your Friend from Florida. If you've somehow missed hearing, Terri, very unexpectedly, lost her beloved husband, Joe, to complications of Covid-19. Joe had been in the hospital for a week, but by all reports was doing well and Terri expected him to be released to come home soon. My heart aches for Terri and the grief she is experiencing right now. 

Terri, we love you and you are in our thoughts and prayers!

Also, while you're praying for Terri, please keep Rebecca Jo and her husband, Ricky, in your prayers as well. Both of them are battling Covid right now.

You know, I really don't waste my energy on hate, but it's very tempting to hate Covid.

Silver Linings

Terri has a wonderful family and a great, close-knit community of friends around her right now. She was able to be with Joe at the end. Joe knew the Lord, so Terri knows where he is and that one day she will see him again. Even in the midst of our darkest hours, God is faithful in his blessings.

If we focus on the storms, we'll lose sight of Jesus. If we focus on Jesus, we'll lose sight of the storms.

Missed Weather

Again, I am sooooo glad all the nasty weather this week has barely touched us. Just a few inches here and there....though I guess we will see what tonight brings.

God's Care & Provision

We have a lot of family in the South. My father, his wife, and one of Tim's nieces live in Texas. My father lives in Rockport. Our niece is in Houston. We also have family in Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, the Florida panhandle, North Carolina, and Tennessee. As far as we know, all are hanging in there. We worried most about the niece in Houston. She is alone in an apartment with 3 young children while her husband is deployed in Afghanistan. Her power went out at 2:00 A.M. on Monday morning and didn't come back on until the wee hours of yesterday. She is still without water. They lost all of their perishable food so she had to go to the store yesterday. She and the kids had to stand in the rain for 30 minutes to get in a store.

So thankful that this wasn't worse. All those people without power...it could have been much, much worse.

Progress (hopefully)

After spending all day in the ER on Tuesday, our daughter finally got to see a urologist on Wednesday. She is still dealing with the same kidney stone. They still think she can pass it on her own. They put her on Flowmax to help the flow of urine. 

She's also on something to help with the pains she always gets that are diagnosed as UTI's and she gets put on antibiotics. We just learned that of all the times she's been told that, from her teenage years to the present, she has never actually had a UTI. In her records it shows that all the cultures came back negative. Really? Not once, not even when the doctors had to answer to me, has anyone ever called and said hey, stop taking the antibiotics because you don't have an infection. Not once. Ever. It turns out she has interstitial cystitis or chronic inflammation of the bladder. It's quite possible that this is what has caused most of her discomfort all these years rather than "female issues."

The Grandkids

With all that's been going on I've had the kids quite a bit during the last week. They even stayed over night on Saturday. They just fill my heart and make me so happy.

Just because sometimes you 
gotta dance on the table.

Marriage Enrichment Group

A friend invited me to join a group of women on Facebook who are doing a 40-day....well, I don't really know what to call it. There is a leader. She gives us daily and weekly "homework," little things to do to rekindle romance or foster intimacy. We pray for each other and our husbands. It's pretty cool and there are young women who just got married on up to us "old" grandma types. The homework is pretty silly and I know Tim's going to look at me like I've lost my mind, but maybe that's a good thing. Sometimes we get so busy or so tired we forget to just have fun and play.

An Unexpected Breakfast

When we woke up to ice covering everything on Valentine's Day, it killed our plans to try and get into Guy Fieri's restaurant for the Valentine couple's special. That turned out to be not so bad because when Megan and Cody came to get the kids, I made breakfast and we all hung out for a while. We don't get to do that often because of the guys' work schedules.


Yep, I'm always thankful for each one of you.

Hope you're having a good week and that you are safe and warm. Blessings to you! 


  1. That photo of the kiddos is so precious! Thank you for your kind words, Stacy! I am so blessed.

    1. You're welcome, Terri. Love and hugs to you.

  2. I'm so thankful for y'all too. For everyone here that is praying for each other and being caring. We are all truly blessed. I look forward to giving everyone a hug when we're all in Heaven together worshiping at the feet of Jesus. xx

    1. Seriously, are we not all going to have the biggest, bestest party in heaven?!

  3. So very sad about Terri's husband. I read her post this morning. I have found that member of the blogging community are mostly wonderfully kind people who really care about each other. I feel blessed to be part of that community. Your grandchildren are darling. Glad your daughter is getter some answers, and in fact I sent you an email about that very thing. See you again soon. :-)

    1. Thank you for your friendship, Deb. I'm glad you're part of my community. :)

  4. This post is overwhelmingly jam packed and I don't know what to say ... except that I hope your daughter's recovery begins to go smoothly. It's not fair that she's gone through so much to get well! Oh, and I smiled when I read about you and Tim doing your homework.

    1. Yeah, sorry. These Thankful Thursday posts are like that for most of us...just sharing all the good things we're thankful for. Thanks for thinking of my daughter. She is only 28 and she has sure had a rough time of it physically these last couple of years. It has taken a toll on her and everyone around her. The homework...ha! I haven't actually attempted it yet. He worked very late the first two nights of it so had hardly any sleep and last night fell asleep as soon as he ate. Maybe tonight.

  5. So many good things here. Thank you for your kind words regarding Terri and Joe. When one of us hurts, we all hurt. Been praying for your daughter, and I am glad someone seems to be getting a handle on what her issues are. Hopefully they can help her get well and not have such a hard time with this. Your "marriage" class sounds like fun, and I am sure your hubby will appreciate the "homework"! LOL. Nothing wrong with putting a little spice and fun back in your lives, no matter what age! Your grandkids are so cute and fun. What a joy for you to get to enjoy them so much! You are blessed!!! I hope your family in TX, etc. are safe and getting better now. This sure has been a rough week for them. Take care and stay warm where you are. Blessings!

    1. Thank you as always, my sweet friend, for the prayers and concern. It is a joy to know I have friends like you covering me in prayer. Nope, nothing wrong with a little spice. I have to get over feeling like a dork doing it. Some of it is just soooo silly, but I guess that's the point. To have fun and enjoy each other. Maybe I will get to really try it tonight. Tim worked so late on Tuesday and Wednesday that he basically worked more than a double shift. Last night he was exhausted and fell asleep as soon as he ate.


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes