February 9, 2021

Tuesday 4: St. Valentine's Day

Welcome to a snowy day here in southwestern Pennsylvania. The forecast was for an inch or two at most, but I'm just back in from shoveling paths and potty spots for Daisy through 6 inches and it is still coming down...though not as much as earlier. I had hoped to share a photo of the snow, but either my phone, my email, or the internet is not cooperating and I can't seem get a picture to send to completion.

Don't mind me as I enjoy a bowl of my friend's homemade wedding soup and thaw out a bit while linking up with Anne for the Tuesday 4. Today we're talking about...


1. St Valentine paid for the weddings of poor girls. Today weddings can cost a fortune. What do you think about wedding expenses?
  If you can afford it, great. If you can't, it's ridiculous to go into debt and, in my opinion, pretty darn selfish to expect your parents to pay for it. Our daughter had a LOT of big ideas when she was planning her wedding (thanks soooo much Pinterest). She wasn't, at the time, thrilled when we said no to a lot of things and ruled that a lot of things would be done ourselves. We also chose to use the field at my stepfather's farm rather than any of the rustic venues she was looking at (that alone saved $5000-10,000!). We save the money for the catering, the DJ, the tent and tables and chairs. I bought silk flowers and a friend made all the arrangements. The same friend, our daughter, and I made all the table decorations. Anyway, total cost for the entire thing was about $5000. Now that is doable! And it turned out beautiful. A niece who had worked as a wedding planner said it was absolutely perfect and our daughter wrote us a huge thank you on Facebook thanking us for the perfect wedding day. So there you go...it doesn't have to break the bank. 

2. Do you or did you send Valentines to people?  I only send them to the grandchildren. Tim and I sometimes exchange cards but it's not a given. We are of the mindset that there shouldn't have to be a special day to tell the ones you love that you do. You should be telling them all the time! This year we are keeping the Colton and Leah overnight on the 13th and on the 14th we are hoping to enjoy the Valentine dinner at Guy Fieri's restaurant at the casino. I still haven't gotten to eat there and there is a couple's special that day.

3. Do you find Valentine's day to be romantic?  Not particularly. Tim and I have done grand romantic gestures in the past, but on the whole I think it puts an awful lot of pressure on the younger folks. Kids feel bad if they are left out when cards are given out and thanks to social media, I think a lot of young ladies have very high expectations of their fellas. It doesn't seem all that romantic if you feel you HAVE to do it just to not disappoint.

4. Do you do anything special for Valentine's Day with partners or family?  Oops! I kind of answered that already. Sometimes, but it's not really a big deal.


  1. Hi, Stacey, Thank you for visiting my blog. Yes, I think it's insane to go deeply into debt for one-day's celebration. I sort of harbor the idea that Valentine's Day is just a big money maker for restaurants, florists and the like. I like your idea of showing love all year long.

  2. I have to agree with you on #1..... if you can do it yourselves to save money then yes!! Going into debt is just crazy! Happy Tuesday!

  3. I do not think you should go in debt over a wedding. I am glad you found ways to cut costs. My parents did too and I had a beautiful wedding. The most expensive thing was the dress and it wasn't that much. I cannot believe the venues these days for weddings. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  4. You are so right about letting the ones you love know it everyday. Still, I love Valentine's Day because it's fun!! Hope you get to go to Guy Fieri's, I would love to hear all about it!!

  5. Our daughters both had wedding receptions in the church hall. We economized and the girls seemed OK with it at the time. Charly and I are pretty low key on Valentines - usually a card and a small gift. I send Valentines Cards, candy bars and McDonalds gift cards to the grandkids for Valentines this year. I used to do more, but often less is more if you know what I mean. Hope you get to to to Guy Fieri's. Hope you have a good day. Fun to read your answers.

  6. First of all, thanks so much for you kind words on my blog! And your daughter’s wedding sounds wonderful! I am sure she looks back on it with wonderful memories. God bless and us all !

  7. Wonderful thoughts and ideas well expressed! I agree with it all! I hope you get to have some fun for Valentine's Day, and that your family does as well. We usually combine my hubby's birthday (16th) party with Valentine's Day, so that kind of covers everything. I've never expected a lot of "romantic stuff"...we just enjoy being together every day and thank the good Lord for each day we have. That's romance! This will be our 52nd Valentines' Day together. (the first one was when we were engaged). I call that romance too!

  8. Hi Stacy:
    I really enjoyed your answers.
    Your daughter's wedding sounds terrific and beautiful.
    Ron always gets me some candy hearts, small things can be romantic.
    Have a great week.

  9. It is not a big holiday for us either but we do acknowledge it with cards and going out to eat. Your daughter's wedding was so great (from the pictures you shared)! Yes, you can do great things and not break the bank!! Enjoy the kiddos!!

  10. enjoyed your answers and think we all agree on the cost of weddings that's not what is important


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes