February 8, 2021

Currently & Blog Daily #8

In Latrobe...

it's partly sunny with a high of 29 predicted.

I'm reading...

Arctic Homestead by Norma Cobb and Charles W. Sasser


Tim went to church with me yesterday. He hasn't shown much interest in church since we went through a really rough time in one about 17 years ago. He tried going to one friends of ours were leading and he even completely refurbished the old church building they bought, but he did a slow fade on actually going to church. He wasn't jumping up and down excited yesterday, but he did say the pastor was pretty good. That's huge, people, HUGE!


I've got to pick up Tim's new prescription and bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies.


my Bible study group is getting together a day early and in person rather than on Zoom, because our leaders are leaving this week and won't be back until next month. We're having a soup supper and celebrating the wife's 70th birthday.

Stay tuned. I may be teaching one week while they are gone. Next week a young woman who has just grown by leaps and bounds over the last year will be teaching something the Lord has been showing her. I can't wait to see what it is. Her love of the Lord and enthusiasm is such a joy.

A thought to leave you with...

The law is susceptible to corruption by man. Follow Jesus. Always.

Blog Daily

Click Here for prompts.

I feel most tired when...

I'm bored. When I find myself with that listless, restless feeling of boredom, it seems to drain the life right out of me.


  1. So glad to hear of Tim's renewed interest in church services! Wish I could say the same about Tom, but like my old SS teacher used to say, "Go where you're fed."
    That Anne Frank image is so powerful. Do you mind if I share on FB?

  2. A year ago my Lifegroup went to the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. We got to experience the Anne Frank Exhibit. It was sad but informative. https://www.museumoftolerance.com/visit/exhibits/visit-anne-frank-exhibit/ We got to meet a Holocaust survivor that day and hear him share his experience. I am glad your hubby went to church with you. We have not gone back to in person service. I am sure you will be a good teacher. Have a great week!

  3. Ohh, that restless bored feeling--you captured it!

  4. Boredom can do that to a person, for sure! I'm glad Tim liked the Pastor! That is huge!! Perhaps dinner out with the Pastor and his wife with you two... might make a difference! Enjoy your in-person Bible study! xo

  5. that's awesome. It really is the small steps in getting a spouse to church so I'm celebrating small wins with you


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes