February 1, 2021

February Blog Daily

I nearly forgot. Today marks Day 1 of Blog Daily with Kwizgiver. If you'd like to join in the fun, here are the prompts.

So day 1, the highlight of my January...all in all, it wasn't a very exciting month. I guess maybe I'll say it was this past Friday evening when I got together with a few people from my Bible study for snacks and games. So much fun to do something so normal!


  1. It's nice to feel normal after such an abnormal year. May God give us more "normal" days ahead, and none of this "new normal" stuff they keep trying to force down our throats...just saying...I like my old normal.

  2. I was in a group chat with my girlfriends and we were lamenting that we haven't been together in over a year! (Granted two of them live out of state...)

  3. Paul Newman's character got the name Cool Hand Luke because, "sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand." Sounds like that's what you're saying about your January. Sometimes not very exciting can be just fine.

  4. That is a fun list. It will be interesting to read your responses this month. I love that word... normal. Will life ever be the normal we remember fondly? Happy February!


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes