February 1, 2021


Welcoming...February, a new week, and a new day!

In Latrobe...it's 28* with some moderate snow. The winter storm warning continues until tomorrow morning. We ended up on the lighter end of things by the end of yesterday thanks to strong winds all day that kept the snow from piling up. 

Rescheduling...my dental appointment. I'm supposed to get fitted for a crown or get a crown...bit of confusion there. Anyway, not worth the drive when the roads may be bad.

Reading...Jesus Politics: How to Win Back the Soul of America by Phil Robertson.

Listening to...the morning news and all the news about the weather.

The weekend...wasn't terribly exciting except for Friday evening when I got together with a few friends from my Bible study group for an evening of snacks and games. We played a game called Codenames. So much fun! Tim worked Saturday and later we kept the grandkids while our daughter and son-in-law did a major grocery shopping trip. Sunday we were hunkered down with the snow...lots of reading, tv watching, and napping.

Looking forward to...(hopefully) Tim having some vacation time off after today or tomorrow and getting to work on that bathroom/laundry room redo. 

On the agenda...in anticipation of Tim being off and the above mentioned project getting under way, I have to pack up all of my Beatrice Potter figurines in anticipation of moving the china from my great-grandmother's china cupboard to my massive corner cupboard. 

I had hoped to give the figurines to our oldest granddaughter one day, but I don't know if that will ever be so for now I'm going to pack them up. My aunt gave them to me for every birthday and Christmas growing up and they are lovely, but they were never something I was all that into. That type of knick-knack just isn't my thing.

Why the move? The china cupboard shares a wall with the bathroom we'll be working in so I don't want to be rattling the china. Plus, I've been meaning to move it to the corner cupboard for a while because great-grandma's cupboard is old and not as sturdy as one would like. (I bought bubble wrap for the figurines back at the beginning of the pandemic!) And it needs some repairing from when Tim got a bit impatient a while ago and tried to move it with everything still in it. Now seems to be the perfect time.

Celebrating...a good visit with my diet doctor. She prescribed a second medication that I take in the evening. It's in addition to the Adipex. The new one helps control those evening cravings...and it really seems to work! Now if I can just get motivated to actually exercise. Covid has turned me into a slug.

A thought to leave you with...

"This rapidly dividing, rapidly growing embryo? Is it life? I suppose if it were an oak tree, there'd be no doubt. And there's no doubt in the mind of the Almighty about human life either. In fact, as far as he's concerned, life begins even before conception. He said as much to the prophet Jeremiah:

The word of the Lord came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." (Jer. 1:5)

 - Phil Robertson, Jesus Politics



  1. Those figurines are so sweet. You have a great collection. I hope the bathroom project goes well. I just checked the library for that book, and they don't have it. Sounds interesting. Will chekc another library close by. Hope you have a good week.

  2. Bubble wrap is good and maybe one of the kids will appreciate the figurines. Our "good china" is all packed away in five boxes, in one of the guest room closets. Granddaughter says she loves it and wants it but doesn't have room in her apartment right now. I have a feeling I will be putting it up for sale one day. Kids just don't seem to care about family heirlooms anymore. No one wants them. Sigh. Good luck with the bathroom re-do! Please keep us posted!!

  3. Good luck moving the hutch, it sure is pretty! Hope you give us a review on the book you're reading, Phil Robertson doesn't 'candy-coat' his views. I like him, he's a been there, done that, rough old man.

  4. Knick-knacks are not my thing either. Just something else for me to wash and dust. I do have a few small bird statues, but that's about it. Oh, and a couple of do-dads that belonged to my beloved 2nd step-Mom. I look at them and remember how much she liked them. That's a happy memory.
    It's REALLY windy and getting colder today. As I get older, I enjoy a little warmer weather more, especially after I lost all that weight last year. Guess I lost my layer of protective blubber. *lol*
    Y'all stay safe and warm. xx

  5. Congratulations on the great doctor visit! Oh, that china cabinet looks like a big job. I'm not into certain collectibles either, but still feel a certain familial responsibility (sentimentality?) to hang onto them. Maybe Leah will want them someday. Keep warm!

  6. Smart thinking packing everything up with all the work on the other side of the wall!!!
    Glad you were on the tail end of the snow storm. No one wants all that to deal with.

  7. Love to hear about projects and improvements, etc, especially when I'm not having to do them! LOL. Your bunny figurines are so sweet, I hope your young granddaughter will want them some time, but don't wait too late. Hope you are all staying safe and warm. The books sounds interesting. Is that the Duck Dynasty man? I never watched that show, but heard it was good. Keep a positive and happy thought no matter what this old world throws at us...Jesus is still the One in charge no matter who else thinks they are...


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes