February 2, 2021

February Blog Daily - 2

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What are you looking forward to this month?

My husband having some vacation time to work on a project here at home and finding new things to do since I've decided to nearly abandon Facebook (not because of politics, but more on that later).


  1. Hope you get to accomplish what you want too.

  2. I hope your projects go smoothly. :)

  3. Hi Stacy. My husband and I are in the middle of watching The Social Dilemma on Netflix and I am reading the book by Jaron Lanier Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now. The book is mentioned on in The Social Dilemma. I totally get what you are feeling about Facebook. I have looked for that book by Phil Robertson you mentioned but it isn't in any libraries around here. I always like to try and read about and understand all sides and points of view. I will look forward to hearing about and maybe even seeing pictures of your bathroom project. Hope you aren't getting too much snow.

    1. Horrifying what they are doing to us all isn't it? I can see it all so clearly. They are playing every last one of us. No one is rational about politics anymore. And as for what they said it does to kids...my daughter is a couple of years older than the start age they mentioned, but I can see that very clearly, too. The anxiety, depression, and self-esteem issues are through the roof! It really makes me sad how easily they manipulate us and how little they care that they're doing it. It's all about the $$ and the power, I guess. :(

  4. Good luck on the projects.
    So are you leaving FB for good or just taking a break? I'm intrigued.

    1. For now I'm only checking my notifications once a day and only visiting anything important, sending birthday wishes, announcements or that sort of thing. I'm not going to "hang out" just chatting and browsing. I'm absolutely not going to read or comment on ANYTHING political. To me it is completely obvious that what they said in the movie was truth. We just watched all of it play out during this past election cycle and beyond. What they are doing is totally undermining our society and people have no clue at all.

  5. I pretty much just post my links to my blog on Facebook, and check up on some special people and try to post some positive things, but for the most part I'm rarely there anymore. I won't delete my account because of so many family pictures and memories there and connections to people I love, but I avoid conflict as much as possible. Let us know how your project goes. We will be waiting to see!

  6. Good luck with the projects. I am disenchanted with FB too and have learned to scroll past the garbage... and most of it is stinky garbage.

  7. Wow. I'm sorry you've had such a sad experience on Facebook. During the pandemic, especially, I've been grateful it keeps me connected, and I LOVE the photo sharing! But I can see how it causes problems, too. A friend of mine quit using it 10 years ago, when her son was in high school, because she felt other parents were too competitive, presenting their kids in a falsely positive light and it made her feel sad and inadequate as a mother.

  8. Yeah, I have reached that point too (concerning FB). Its sad, isnt it? I am just at a point where I am just tired of all this nonsense.

  9. As you know, I despise Facebook. I have been off completely since mid-2020. The political hate was really getting to me. And I've realized since being away that FB is just a distraction (actually, I think the whole internet is). When I was a mom of very little kids, I got more done than I do as an empty nester, all because I spend too much time online! Even blogs have distressed me. I only read about 4 blogs now. I have abandoned all Trump-bashing blogs. Anyone who was against the most pro-life president we have ever had is not someone I want to be reading.

    My husband is taking time off this month too, and he intends to work on projects!


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes