February 3, 2021

February Blog Daily - 3

Click Here for the prompts.

What is a common misconception people have about you? What do you wish they knew?  Wow. The only thing I can think of is that during this last election cycle all of my more liberal family members and friends seem to assume that because I supported President Trump I am racist and a whole host of other nasty things. I am not. What I am is a woman who is deeply faithful to her Lord and Savior and who does her best to follow the word of the Bible. In an increasingly complicated world I try to weigh my decisions against the rules for living Jesus set forth and that includes who I cast my vote for. I did not support everything that Trump did and I certainly wish he had stayed off Twitter or at least thought before he spoke, but when it came down to it, he was the man I felt would do more to protect Christian principles and causes and that's why I voted for him. 


  1. Yep... without even knowing who we really are, we are stamped as racists. It is such a shame. And ditto every word Patti posted above!

  2. Ditto what you said. We are all lumped into that same category because of our stance, and we know the reasons why we voted as we did...they have no clue. It is their loss, and sadly our loss too. It will come back to bite them eventually. Praying for God's protection over our families and loved ones in this crazy new world we are being forced into. May God's will be done...

  3. Your original post did not impugn me in any way, Stacy, and I appreciate that. But as a liberal woman I can read above that there is a perception that somehow my Christianity is not as dearly held as those of a conservative woman. It's as though it's not possible to be both a Christian woman and a patriotic American who believes in the religious freedom this nation was founded on. Yet here I am, confounding those presumptions. As Abraham Lincoln said, "My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.”


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes