February 4, 2021

Thankful Thursday

Good morning! I can't believe we are closing in on the first week of February already. Time is just flying by so fast and I don't get it. I mean...there is nothing going on. It is pretty much the same old, same old day after day. So why is it all going so quickly???

Anyway, I'm taking some time this morning to link up with blogging buddy, Rebecca Jo over at Knit By God's Hand for Thankful Thursday. 

This week I am thankful...

** I asked my doctor about my aching back last week at my appointment. She's my diet doctor, but the one med I'm taking for that requires monitoring kidney and liver function so I mentioned it. She did some pushing around back there that brought tears to my eyes, nearly put me on the ceiling, and had my back still burning 15 minutes later. She said it was muscular. 

There are apparently large bands of muscle running along both sides of the spine and one side of mine is not happy. In fact, after she poked at it, it was downright ticked off. Just to be sure she had be swing by the lab before I left to get bloodwork done. She called that afternoon to say everything was good. So, heat and topical pain relievers are my new besties, but it's not my kidney or my liver so I'm good with that.

** Tim still doesn't have an answer about vacation time, but I'm getting my ducks in a row. I bought storage tubs to pack up my Beatrice Potter figurines (I refuse to actually start packing and moving things until he gets an answer) and today I went shopping for the white wall panels I want (found them...and they are in stock!) and for the dryer to match the washer we had to buy back in the spring.

If you recall, our washer died suddenly back in May or June. I didn't get what I wanted then. I actually had to get something way more expensive because it was all that was available at the time. People had used their tax refunds and stimulus checks to do a lot of home improvements and had wiped out stock. Plus, due to the pandemic it was impossible to get more stock in.

Well, I didn't have a lot of hope of getting the dryer to match our washer, but to my surprise they said they had tons at the warehouse and could have one here and delivered by Tuesday. I was about to say yes when the nice saleslady mentioned that they did have one in the back that was "damaged." She asked if I wanted her to check what was wrong with it, because "damaged" could mean anything from a scratch to the motor fell out. I said to go ahead and check because we've bought "damaged" stuff before that had nothing wrong but a tiny scratch on the side. It turned out this one was refused when they delivered it to someone because it was missing 2 screws in the back panel. The screws had already been replaced. She called the manager and they gave me $200 off! Yes!!

** Tim finally has an appointment to see our PCP this afternoon. He's needed to go for months, but has refused to go until all the stuff with his prostate and the urologist was sorted out.

** Lots and lots of time with Colton and Leah. Today they sat on my lap to watch a movie and Leah fell asleep. Is there anything sweeter than a little one asleep in your arms?

** I'm barely looking at Facebook and I'm not missing it.

** My family, my friends, my God, and all of you!


  1. Sleeping babies - just the best!! What a wonderful blessing that you are next door to those grands!! Great deal for your new dryer! High five!! Hard to believe we are into February already. I am thankful for you, too!

  2. I'm tired of FB too. Hardly ever post or go there. It's not real anyway and they're not the boss of me with their Leftist "Community Standards". *wink* I do and say what I want all the time, free of their tyranny.
    So there ... *lol*
    My husband has back problems related to a muscle. He goes to a Chiropractor. Dude's fixed him right up. No drugs. Works for me! Hope you have relief soon.
    Blessings. xx

  3. I really think little ones falling asleep in your arms is the best thing there is.
    Congrats on the $200.00 off. That always makes a big purchase so much better.
    So glad nothing was wrong with your liver. That's always scary!

  4. Sounds like you got a great deal on your dryer! Love it when God brings HIS plans together for us! I hope everything else works out so you can get it all finished. And spending time with your grandchildren is wonderful. I'm not missing Facebook either. I am rarely ever on there. The "thrill is gone". LOL. I love visiting here most of all, with all our friends. Thank you for being there!

  5. Your back can have such a mighty impact on everything from headaches to digestive issues. If your insurance will pay for it, I suggest a chiropractor, too. I avoided seeing one for years because I foolishly thought they weren't really doctors. But after my GP eliminated diabetes and DVT and I was still experiencing pain, I finally gave in within one session he diagnosed me as having spinal stenosis and within weeks I was better.

    If you can go, go. Really! You need all your energy for those little ones.


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes