February 4, 2021

February Blog Daily - 4


Click Here for prompts.

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been doing too well at making the rounds this week. I thought our daughter was on the upswing, but she continues to be a physical mess. Probably the single biggest thing contributing to all of her woes is that she simply cannot sleep at night. It's probably her anxiety since she seems to sleep just fine during the day. Unfortunately, that doesn't work out with two young kids in the house so I've been keeping the kids a big chunk out of every day. I love spending the time with them, but it does exhaust me and it sure doesn't leave much time to do other things so visiting your blogs has had to move down the list. Please be patient with me!

Anyway, on to today's Blog Daily prompt...

If you had a theme song, what would it be? 

Good question. I love music and I have always identified certain music with different times in my life, but one that's my theme song? I thought about Amazing Grace, Walking on Sunshine, Shake It Off, and I Will Survive but I guess that ultimately, I'll just stick with the one my blog is named for. It's a Great Day to Be Alive.


  1. Ughhh! Anxiety is a beast! Praying for you all. Great song :)


  2. Sorry your daughter is still suffering. I can still recall soaking in the bathtub, wishing I would pass out from the pain of my kidney stone. There's an awful afterlife to pain like that (you saw I posted about it myself with covid). You can't believe it will go away and when it does, you're terrified it will come back! I hope your daughter is being a good girl and taking her meds.

    PS So you like Taylor Swift? You surprise me.

    1. Oh, I know. I had a kidney stone before and my husband, unfortunately, gets them fairly often. Being good about her meds? She says she is, but historically speaking she's not great at it, so I don't know. I'm glad you are finally feeling better and eating real food. :) I know it was a long road back.

      Taylor Swift? Eh, I liked her better when she was country. I'm not so much a fan now, but she has a few fun songs.

  3. Sorry to hear about your daughter. I have been through anxiety and depression and it is really hard. I had to go on meds. One thing I notice is when I increased vitamin D and got sun, I felt much better. I got my computer back today only for it to crash again! But I did get a blog post in. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I know vitamin D can help with depression, tiredness, and lots of things. I didn't know about anxiety. It's so often overcast in this area that most people are at least slightly vitamin D deficient. I'm "blessed" to be one who doesn't seem to hold on to it at all so I take a pretty big dose (5000iu) every day just to stay at the bottom end of the acceptable range. I think Megan is supposed to be the same, but she is really bad about taking her meds. She admits it, but doesn't get any better about it. I've been on her case lately about the D just because of energy, but I'll have to tell her it helps depression and anxiety. Maybe that will motivate her.

  4. Hi Stacy. Great music. Thanks for sharing. Amen about Amazing Grace. That has to be my favorite right now. Sure hope your daughter can get some answers and get feeling better. I added Vit. D to my daily vitamin regimen a while back to help prevent getting Covid. I did not know that helps with anxiety and depression. Good to know. I struggle with anxiety too and it can sure affect my sleep. I am learning self-care strategies to deal with it. Hope you have a good weekend. I always look forward to reading your blog. Have a good weekend.

  5. Hi! Sorry to hear about your daughter. Anxiety is a heavy cross to bear. I recently found a wonderful app that is a tremendous help. It is DARE. Hope she finds some relief. Have a cozy weekend, my friend.

  6. I've never heard that song. :)

    I hope your daughter gets some relief soon.

  7. Yes, it is a great day to be alive. Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Perfect song! Sure hope your girl gets her days and nights figured out, for her sake, the kids' sake, and for your sake! Take care, Stacy!

  9. No apologies necessary! You're focusing on the most important people, as you should. :) Love this song. One of my friends used to pick up his little dog and dance with her around the kitchen while TT sang.

  10. When you're walking with God every day is great day to be alive. ENJOY

  11. I am so sorry to hear your daughter is struggling so much. I know it makes everyone anxious because you cant help like you want


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes