February 5, 2021

Saturday 9 & Days 5-6 of February Blog Daily

Saturday 9: Waiting for Tonight (1999)

Thanks as always to Sam @ Saturday 9 for the music and questions.

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Jennifer Lopez anticipates a night of unbridled passion with the love of her life. What are you waiting for tonight? (No pressure; it doesn't have to be as thrilling as hers.)  That's good because I'm doing this on Friday night and at this point all that lies ahead of me is going to bed. Unless, of course, the folks on Ancient Aliens actually capture a real, live alien.

2) She sings that she's glad she's beyond those nights that found her tossing and turning alone in her bed. Did you enjoy restful sleep last night?  For as long as it lasted, I did. I tend to sleep very deeply, but quite often not for very long. Last night was a short one.
3) Whatever Jennifer has planned for tonight, it won't include alcohol. She never drinks liquor. What's the last adult beverage you enjoyed?  It was wine, but I don't know when it was. During the holidays.

4) Ms. Lopez performed "Waiting for Tonight" during last year's Super Bowl halftime show. Will you be watching The Big Game this weekend?  If I do it will be purely for the commercials and the halftime show. I couldn't care less who wins this year.
5) Speaking of this weekend, The Weeknd will headline the Super Bowl 2021 halftime show. Are you a fan of his?  I don't even know who he is. So I guess that means if I watch it will be solely for the commercials.

6) Super Bowl Sunday is the #1 day for guacamole consumption in the US. When did you most recently eat something with avocado in it?  We got spinach and avocado dip somewhere not too long ago, but I'm drawing a blank on where we got it from.

7) Chicken wings are a popular Super Bowl dish, too. When did you most recently eat chicken? How was it prepared?  I had it today. I had a bunch of Cracker Barrel gift cards I needed to use. My friend is leaving next week for the rest of the month and her 70th birthday will take place while she's away so we wanted a girls' day before she leaves. I had chicken and dumplings. Comfort food at its finest. She just found out she needs to be on a gluten-free diet so it was grilled catfish for her. Afterward we did some damage in the store. 

8) This year, fast food chain Chipotle will run their first-ever Super Bowl ad. Do you pay closer attention to commercials during the Super Bowl?  Of course! Unless my Steelers are in the game or an artist I really like has been tabbed for the halftime show, the commercials are the only reason I watch!

9) Random question: Are you more likely to pretend to be more naive than you really are, or more sophisticated?  Neither. I am who I am. 

Click Here for prompts

Day 5. What is your favorite time of day?
It changes from time to time depending on what's going on in my life. Right now I am fond of mornings because I start my day with a couple hours of Bible reading and study, prayer, and journaling.

Day 6. What's one thing that you've always wanted to try, but haven't yet?
Riding in a hot air balloon.


  1. Hi Stacy:
    I do the same thing about sleeping (#2).
    I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a great Saturday.

    1. Thanks, Gloria. I hope we can both get some better sleep one of these days.

  2. I don't usually pay much attention to the Super bowl, but I know the guys will be watching so maybe I'll catch a few of the ads. I don't care about the half time show. They haven't had a decent one worth watching in so long, we usually just watch something else until it's over. I do hope your daughter can get some help for her health situation soon that will give her relief. Praying for her and for you too, because even though I KNOW you love having your grandbabies there, yes, you do need time to do your own things as well. Your lunch with the girls at Cracker Barrel sounds great. I wish we had one near to us. I have a gift card that I can't even use without traveling over an hour to get to one. One of the drawbacks of living out in the boonies. LOL. Have a happy Saturday!

  3. I wish I could drink wine! So many of my friends take pairing their wines with their meals *very* seriously and I'd like to share their enthusiasm. But since menopause, even a thimbleful triggers a migraine. My doctor suspects it's the sulfites (whatever they are).

    1. I know several people who have that problem and one friend who turns beet red and sweats like crazy if she drinks wine (they say that's the tannins, whatever THOSE are). I like wine, but I don't worry much about pairing it correctly...but I am also likely to drink chocolate milk with spaghetti if that's what I want so that probably doesn't mean much. lol

  4. No SB here...or commercials ((shrugging)). Anyways, I hope you have a beautiful weekend, my friend.

    1. Most likely not here, either. Sunday's are usually all about the History Channel.

  5. Love, love, love the chicken and dumplings at Cracker Barrel. The last time we went, they were out. Grrrrrr.

    1. They were good, but I didn't think they were as good as they used to be. Same for the green beans.

  6. It seems like as a group Saturday 9ers do not sleep that well.
    I with you on #5 and #9

    1. That's kind of sad about the sleep. I wonder why that is?
      It's good to have company. :)

  7. I've never heard of The Neighborhood, either. Before today, I didn't care who wins the SB ... then. CBS This Morning profiled one of KC's starting linebackers who's also a medical doctor. He chose to sit out this season to work treating Covid patients.
    KC all the way!

    1. Wow! God bless that boy's heart! I don't know about the team, but he is awesome!

  8. I've never heard of The Weekend. I don't know who's playing in the big game. It's Puppy Bowl for me!

    1. I would probably put that on, but I'm sure my husband would hate that just as much as the game. lol

  9. Oh, you've got to go up in a hot air balloon. I did that once for a news story. I won a Virginia Press Association Award for the article, but the ride was amazing. My husband wouldn't go up, so he stayed with the chase crew. When you're way up high like that and the gas isn't on, you can hear everything. Dogs barking, people talking (and make out the words!) and see stuff for miles. You feel like you're on a cloud and since you're moving with the wind, it doesn't feel windy. There is a bump on the landing but not a bad one. I hope you get to do this soon.

    1. Oh, how cool that sounds! My hubby would go with me in a heartbeat. I don't know of any companies locally that take people for rides, though. It isn't a huge thing here. Because of the mountains, I'd guess.

  10. I think a hot air balloon ride would be fun! I didn't know who or what The Weekend was but I did Google him. I listened to one song and it was good. Hoping his halftime show is decent. Happy weekend!

  11. I forgot about avocado and spinach dip. I like that too. It has been years since I have had it though. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!


  12. I love this! And you. I have been having so many problems with wordpress, and when I looked at your page...WOW it looks great! Wordpress was going to be what I used for my book, but bleah.

    I am so craving Cracker Barrel I LOVE their grilled chicken tenderloins ... Great blog as usual!! xoxo

    1. I think they work together. It seems like any time I've switched to one because of problems with the other, it isn't very long before the one I'm using starts acting up.

      Craving Cracker Barrel? I guess you aren't feeling too poorly with covid. I hope you are soon back to normal and cleared to get out of the house!

  13. Cracker Barrel doesn't exist near me, so I'm very envious. I'll split the cost of a balloon ride with you so we can both finally get that done! :D

  14. When you said you were at Cracker Barrel for lunch I thought,"what the hay?.. We have a Crate And Barrel, here. I thought, This is new and we have to see how they set up a restaurant inside the one here"

  15. I am not a football fan and I don't think I've ever watched the Super Bowl. Bet not a lot of people can say that. I wonder if the Cracker Barrel near me is open. I'd love to go somewhere to eat.

    1. Wow, I bet you're right about not many being able to say that. Even when I wasn't terribly interested as a kid, it was always on in our house. Of course it wasn't much like it is now! I don't know. Ours is open but at 50% capacity. All the tables were full even for lunch on a weekday. We were yakking away and realized how long we'd been sitting and felt guilty for tying up the table when they have half as many.


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