February 16, 2021

Tuesday 4

Welcome to the Tuesday 4 where we continue on in honor of it's original author, Toni Taddeo. Now we link up with and thank Anne for continuing the tradition.

Today we want to talk about you. And food. 

1.   What's your favorite thing to do when you have time on your hands?  I will usually reach for a book or the laptop in bad/cold weather. In warmer weather I like to work in the garden, swim, take walks, or just read in the shade.

2.   Company coming tonight for dinner what do you cook?  Something they wouldn't normally cook for themselves, but something simple so I can enjoy the company rather than being stuck in the kitchen.

3.   The weather is perfect outside, how would you spend the day?  Most of the time I'd choose doing something with the family, especially the grandkids. It doesn't matter what it is, just so we're together and having fun. If it's a fall day, however, I'd choose to either visit the wineries along the NY/PA border with my hubby or some friends or go to a fall festival of some sort with the same choices of companionship.

4.   It's morning and you just got up, what do you have for breakfast?  Nothing. I do 16-hour fasting. I don't eat after 8:00 in the evening and then don't eat before noon the next day...or adjusted if for some reason I eat after 8:00.


  1. #1 is also my Go To when I've "nothing else to do". I love being outside, but if I can't, then it's a book, the Holy Bible, playing on the computer working on my genealogy, that sort of thing.
    My husband and I also fast from breakfast to supper. No more eating snacks or lunch. We've both lost so much weight and feel so much better. I want to keep eating this way from now on.
    Hope y'all stay warm and safe.
    Blessings. xx

    1. I make it all day until supper once in a while, but I'm usually too hungry to go that long. I may get there. I can make it until 2:00 a lot of the time before I start getting hungry.

  2. Hanging out with family is always fun!! Happy Tuesday!

  3. Reading is my thing too! I always have a book or two with me. Have a cozy day! We got ice up here! No power outages, just icy driveways and sidewalks. Stay safe!

    1. We didn't even get ice this time around. Just a lot of rain overnight and some flurries today. Glad it didn't get bad up your way.

  4. Wineries, yes! The Finger Lakes region has so many beautiful places. I cannot tolerate alcohol anymore (my heart races), but I would go along still, and be the d.d., as the wineries are so lovely. I also do fasting, so no brekkie for me, either.

    1. Yes! The beautiful scenery is my favorite part, too. I've never been to the Finger Lakes region for the wineries, though. If we are ever free to cross state lines again perhaps we'll get there.

  5. Lasagna is my favorite go to dinner.
    I love it when my hubby fixes breakfast, he's our cook.
    I couldn't fast like that, don't know how you do it.
    I always enjoy your answers.
    Have a great Tuesday.

    1. The fasting was HARD at first, but your body eventually adjusts. I wish my husband was the cook. Then again maybe not. He makes a big mess when he cooks. lol

  6. I didnt know you did the fasting thing!!! you need to do a post on how its worked for you & how you feel with it.

    1. Yeah, I've played at it for a while, but am getting serious about it. I need to work on the exercise to go with it. Winter and the pandemic are not helping with that.

  7. Are you fasting intermittently or always.. I couldnt do that.. I have to have breakfast with my diabetes, but we only eat two meals a day and that helps me lose weight depending on waht it is... Actually my appetite isnt what it was so food isnt on my mind as much.. trhat is a good thing!

    1. It probably isn't for you, for sure, if you have diabetes. I fast from 8 p.m.-noon every day. Sometimes I go longer and only have one meal a day.

  8. I am much like you on #4. I do not intentionally do that, but it seems that is about the way I eat. Interesting. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


    1. Good for you, Lori! I wish it just came naturally to me. They say the intermittent fasting is much more like how we originally ate than 3 meals a day and is supposed to be much better for us.

  9. I have to have breakfast. I don't eat anything 3 hours before bed. I am a late bird and don't get out of bed until 8 or 9. I can't afford to lose weight, but I did get some belly fat with all the junk I ate during the holidays. I posted about my lent journaling on my Wednesday post.


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes