February 15, 2021

February Blog Daily (Sort of) - 13, 14 & 15


Click Here for prompts.

Ugh. I am not doing very well at this blog daily thing. Sorry, sorry, SORRY! Sometimes life just gets busy. Or I forget. I'm getting older, you know.

Anyway, here's three days worth of catching up.

Day 13

What is something you loved doing when you were younger, but don't do any more? Why did you stop doing it?  Riding a bike and taking long walks were both favorite things when I was young. The biking...eh, the kids came along and jobs and I haven't even owned a bike in years. The walking stopped because of pain.

Day 14

How do you show others love? What do others do that makes you feel loved?  I try to be considerate of them, of their wants, needs, feelings. I try to meet some of those wants and needs. And I like to do little unexpected things or give a gift that shows I really put some thought into finding the perfect thing for them. I guess one of the things that makes me feel most loved is when someone makes time for me (and not because they want something from me). People are so busy these days that can be a rare thing.

Day 15

What is something other people think is fun that you would NEVER do? Why not? What would happen if you did?  The first thing that came to mind was snow skiing. Why? Because I'm not a fan of cold and snow and I suspect it takes way more coordination than I possess. The result would be broken bones or loss of life...and probably not just for me, but also for innocent bystanders.


  1. I tried to learn to snow ski when I was younger. It was really fun, but the thing that stopped me was the expense. Charly and I are both frugal and skiing is a very expensive sport, so I took a couple of lessons with a friend and decided fun yes, but not something worth pursuing. I enjoy reading your Blog Daily this month.

  2. I went snow skiing once, in my early 20s. It took me 30 minutes standing at the top of the kiddie hill, watching 5-year olds ski past me before I shoved off. When I got to the bottom, I took my skis off and that was that. Not for me. No thanks. LOL. I enjoyed your three day catch-up, Stacy!

  3. I wanted to learn how to ski but I hurt my back when I was 21 and then again in when I was 30 so I was just not physically able too. And now I have osteoporosis and I have to be careful I don't have a simple fall!

  4. I am completely uncoordinated, but I loved snow skiing! I was forced to do it -- same fears as you -- twice. First by my uncle, then by a boyfriend. I spent all my time on the kiddie hill, and much of my time on my butt, but still, it was exhilarating! I never made a habit of it because of the travel involved. I live in the flatlands, and would have to go quite a distance to do it again. But it was glorious!


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes