February 15, 2021


The Weather

A winter storm advisory went into effect at 1:00 this morning and stays in effect until 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday. We woke up to ice on everything on Sunday. That is still there. Over the next day and a half we are supposed to see freezing rain, sleet, snow, rain, and whatever else can be thrown at us. The total snow accumulation isn't supposed to be more than 5 or 6 inches, but all those lovely freezing layers...

Weekend Highlights

Colton and Leah spent Saturday night with us so their mommy and daddy could have a Valentine's date. We were excited to have them stay, but worried about how the actual sleeping would go. We hear so many stories of how they don't sleep that we expected to be up all night. Both kids went to bed with no trouble and Leah slept until 9:00 and we woke Colton up around 10:00. Colton even did a great job with potty training for us.

Megan and Cody came over to get the kids Sunday morning and I made cinnamon rolls and eggs for anyone who wanted them. Colton isn't a breakfast person, but boy, Leah sure liked it. She had a bowl of Captain Crunch, too.

It was 12:30 before everyone cleared out. We had decided not to go to Guy Fieri's restaurant for lunch because of the icy conditions (we'd have had to go a couple of hours early to try and get seated), but by the time everyone left the roads, at least, were clear. The same couldn't be said of the deck, sidewalks and driveway. We decided to brave Walmart to stock up (as did the majority of the people in the area) since we're going to have some nasty weather off and on all week. 

We were going to call for Mexican from Don Patron's and pick it up on the way home, but since it was an odd time (3:00 in the afternoon) we decided to see if we could get in. Apparently, Mexican is not a popular choice for Valentine's Day or everyone did their dinners out on Saturday, because we walked right in and there was hardly anyone there. We had a yummy meal and then came home and unloaded the groceries.

The rest of Sunday was uneventful except for a panicked call from Megan. She had been trimming Colton's nails and he was fighting her something awful. She ended up snipping the tip of his finger and he was screaming and crying and bleeding all over. We went flying over and Tim was able to get the bleeding stopped as soon as he convinced Megan to let him raise his hand up and to stop squeezing it (in putting pressure on it, she was actually squeezing his finger and forcing the blood out). Tim got him a little calmer and got some Neosporin on it and bandaged it up. Poor little guy was really upset. The finger will be sore for a while, but he'll be okay. It's possible that Megan was more upset than Colton was.

Today's To-Do List

Start figuring out the Instant Pot I got for Christmas. 

Laundry (always)


On the Calendar 

Not much due to the weather and Covid.

Tuesday evening I have Bible study online.

I am supposed to go to the dentist's to finally get my crown on Thursday afternoon, but at this point the forecast is for freezing rain and snow. If it's bad enough I will be cancelling for the third time.

Get the lesson I am teaching to our Bible study group done for next week.

Other than that, it's possible that we will have to pick up our new mattress. We weren't given an exact day, just told it would probably be this week. The weather may change that, though. The new dryer is scheduled to come on Friday. Also possible this week, the kitchen island I ordered from Amazon may come. It's got a delivery date of the 19th-23rd. Any and all of those will mean some changing around of "stuff" will have to take place.


Sunset Beach by Mary Kay Andrews

Something New to Try

Getting kind of tired of TV. It all seems the same after all these months. I bought a couple of jigsaw puzzles at Goodwill and got a puzzle board on Amazon so I can keep pieces sorted and put it all away when I'm not working on it. With the kids around, I can't leave a puzzle sit out. Anyway, hoping it will prove to be a new way to pass some time. Others sure seem to enjoy them.

By the way, yes, I have become that woman who is driving her mailman crazy with all the Amazon packages.

Happy Monday, y'all!


  1. Wow! What a weekend you had! So glad Colton's finger wasn't too badly nipped. That hurts!!! Scary for a little boy!!! (and a mommy too). Wow, I love the island! is it on wheels? It sure is pretty. I guess you do keep the delivery people busy! Hope the weather doesn't hold them back too much. You will have quite a week of good stuff happening in spite of the weather hopefully. Sounds like your Valentine's day went pretty well too in spite of the weather! We had thunderstorms and tornado warnings here, but thankfully none touched down anywhere that we know of. I guess the Nascar race had to finally be postponed...I don't know...we turned it off after the big accident. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful week and that all your packages skate right in on time! LOL.

  2. Hi Stacy:
    We have bad weather also, but not as bad as you have had.
    However, we have had snow and a little freezing.
    Poor Colton, his finger will surely be sore for a while and poor
    Mommy she was scared too. Glad Tim got Colton's finger bandaged to stop
    the bleeding. Sounds like Leah and Colton still had a good time anyway.
    Sorry you missed going to Guy Fieri's (the food was good when we went) but sounds like you had a good Mexican meal even though it was at an odd time to go.
    Hope everything goes good with your "stuff" (I like the island).
    Have a great day in spite of the weather.

  3. Hi Stacy. You grandkids are so darling. So great you can spend a lot of time with them. The finger mishap was rough. I did that with my oldest when she was a baby and we both cried and cried and I think I was more traumatized because I still remember it and feel bad about it, even though it was a total accident trying to trim little nails on wiggling little hands. I love that kitchen island. It will look great. Yeah, I'm with you Amazon. That Amazon deliver person knows our home well. ;-) Hope your week goes well.

  4. LOL... laughing at the Amazon jokes because I have been ordering too. Since Joe is still in the hospital and I am still on quarantine, all the things on our Sam's list that we didn't get to have been ordered by me from Amazon. One day, I got FOUR boxes!! We have plenty of paper products now and I actually like the brands better than Sam's so this might be a new way to stock up!! That picture of the little ones is SO cute! Good luck with all of your deliveries. I really like your island!! Please share photos when you get it in place! Stay safe and stay warm up there! xo

  5. that kitchen island! LOVE IT!
    I'm totally checking out that puzzle board. i've been wanting to work on a puzzle myself but with Ozzie, I'm not leaving a table that he can knock & pieces spill easily.
    Mexican is my favorite so I would totally have chosen that as a V-day dinner too.
    Stay safe & warm.

  6. Poor Colton! And I know I'd be just like Megan; even if something happens to one of our dogs. Too funny on the memes. Between Amazon and Chewy, I get to feeling sorry for the UPS driver. I considered giving him and our garbage men Valentines cards with $10 in them, then forgot until it was too late. (Loser, party of one.)


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes