February 12, 2021

Saturday 9: My Valentine

Saturday 9: My Valentine (2011)

Linking up with Sam and the Saturday 9 gang for the music and questions.

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) Paul McCartney sings that he won't let a day go by without remembering why he loves his valentine. What blessings are you thankful for today?  I'm doing this on Friday evening, so the thing I'm most thankful for is Lowe's making good on the dryer situation and I'm getting a brand new dryer at the discounted price. I'm also thankful my hubby put together the second stool we got for the kitchen island and the nice evening we had enjoying take-out Chinese (Chinese New Year, you know) and watching some Netflix.

2) Paul directed the video of Natalie Portman translating his song into American Sign Language (ASL), which is the third most commonly-used language in both the United States and Canada. British Sign Language (BSL), commonly used in EU countries, is very different. Do you find it easy to learn new languages?  No, not at all. Though back in college I did know a good bit of ASL. I've not really had any reason to use it in the last 36 years so not much has stuck with me.
3) The song is on Paul's Kisses on the Bottom CD, for which he won one of his 18 Grammy Awards. What compliment or accolade have you recently received?  To my amazement, the thing I seem to most often get complimented on is my calm, clear-headed thinking, and advice. People actually ask ME (!!!) for advice and that blows my mind. I usually don't feel like I have a clue.

4) Paul is an honorary NYPD detective. He was given this designation for performing a charity concert after 9/11. Do you know anyone in law enforcement?  I know several people who are in some type of law enforcement..

5) Bob Dylan has said of Paul, "I'm in awe of McCartney. He's about the only one I'm in awe of. He can do it all. He never lets up. He's just so effortless." Tell us about someone whose talent you admire.  I really can't think of anyone specific right now, but I always admire those I hear about who have been blessed in life and make a point of giving back to the world.

This is the last Saturday  9 before Valentine's Day and so this morning we shall focus on the upcoming holiday. 

6) The holiday is also known as The Feast of St. Valentine. Do you have a special meal planned for February 14?  Not to cook. The new Guy Fieri restaurant in the casino near us is having a couple's Valentine special. I've been dying to eat there so we're going to try to get in. It's first-come, first-served so who knows. Wish us luck!

7) The phrase "wear your heart on your sleeve" began in medieval times. On Valentine's Day, men would celebrate the holiday by displaying their lady love's name on their sleeves. If you were going to adopt this custom, whose name would you wear?  My hubby's for starters. Then I'd have to add our kids and grandchildren.

8) Women buy and send more Valentines than men do. Who received the last greeting card you sent?  I just sent Valentines to the grandchildren we don't see.

9) Men buy and send more roses at Valentine's Day than women do. What's your favorite flower?  Sunflowers with Zinnias as a close second. I do love roses, but I'd rather see them growing in the yard than dying in a vase.


  1. I love your answer to #9. Roses are my least favorite to see in bouquets because they don't last and watching them wither makes me sad.

    1. That and I find that they often don't reach their full beauty because they never seem to open up completely.

  2. I have around 10 rose bushed and 4 plumeria plants, so we can bring a few inside to enjoy and some are so fragrant. I hope you get to go to that new place. We watch a lot of cooking shows. Well hubby does more than me and he does most of the cooking! Have a great weekend!

    1. I've had a few rose bushes, but they don't seem to like our soil much and when I do get one to grow the deer strip them. They seem to leave everyone else's roses alone...I don't know why I'm so lucky.

  3. Oooo a dinner out sounds amazing.... our restaurants have just recently been allowed to have dine in again, so its going to be busy, so we will wait for a dinner out. Loved reading your answers! Happy Saturday!

    1. Our restaurants are only allowed dining it at 50% capacity, that's why it's so hard to get in. We're hoping if we go early for right when they start we might not have to wait too long.

  4. Sunday dinner for me will be take-out, either Italian or seafood.

    1. Hmm...that's a tough call. I love seafood, but sometimes in the winter you just want the comfort food and Italian sure is that. A win either way, I'm thinking!

  5. Wishing you a beautiful Valentine's Day, smiles.

  6. Hope you make it to that dinner! Sounds like fun.

    1. Thanks. I hope so. We've been hoping to get in since they reopened after Christmas.

  7. Interesting answers. Have a lovely Valentine's Day weekend.

  8. Amen(!) to roses growing v. standing in some vase. I didn't think we were doing anything special for Valentine's ... but your mention of Chinese take-out? Yessssss, ma'am!

    1. Soooo yummy and we have leftovers for today. :)

  9. That is great news on your dryer! I was without my dryer for a few months in the Fall. I was so excited to get my new one. Enjoy!
    I hope you are able to get in the restaurant. Good luck and enjoy! Loved your answers! Happy Valentine's Day! ♥


  10. Yay on the new dryer! I hope everything runs smoothly from here on out.
    My husband and I watch a lot of old British TV and films. I think we've learned most of their slang and mannerisms from the different areas of Britain. (Kinda like the difference between North & South here.) Maybe that's not a good thing. *lol*
    Y'all stay warm and safe. xx

  11. Glad the dryer situation is resolved. Good luck with Guy's!

  12. Good luck getting into the new restaurant for V-Day! Keep us posted!!


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