February 12, 2021

February Blog Daily - 11 & 12

Click Here for prompts.

What have you been most worried about lately? Is it realistic to worry about it? Is there anything you can do about it?  I'm not really much of a worrier. I get concerned about things, but I pretty much follow the Bible's teaching on worry. It won't add a single day or change anything. All it does is take a toll on a person's mental and physical health. Now, that said, what I've probably been most concerned about is our daughter's health and no, there really isn't much I can do other than watch the kids when she needs me to. (There is some news on that front, but I'll share that another time.)

Who makes you feel envious? What do they have/what are they doing that makes you feel that way? What do you think that means?  I feel a bit envious of those who do a lot of traveling or have a vacation home at the beach...and I'd suppose that means I really need a vacation! Aside from that, the last time I really, really wanted what someone else had happened when I was reading Phil Robertson's book. He talked about the ways his family lives out their faith and about how their whole faith community (church) does and it was just so far beyond anything I've experienced here even in churches. They are so open and honest, so willing to give of themselves, their time, and their money...I want that kind of community. What does it mean? I don't know, maybe I need to move to their town. Ha!



  1. I worry way too much. I guess I am most envious of people with "perfect" families and since no one has a "perfect" family, I guess I don't have anyone or anything to be envious of.

  2. I have often found that what I was "envious" of usually turned out to not be as wonderful as it appeared to be, and that I was much better off than I thought I was. Remember the old adage about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence? I try to keep that in mind when I start to feel envious. I've had people say they were envious of our family...and I've had to tell them they really don't know the whole story of our lives, and if they did, they would not envy us but be thankful they didn't have to go through some of the things we lived through. God knows exactly what each of us can endure and gives us the grace we need to our situation, but my grace is for my situation, and your grace is for your situation, and they aren't the same. Anyway, I want you to know I am praying for your daughter, whatever her circumstances may be. May God be there for her and help her through whatever is going on with her. Take care and be sure to get rest for yourself...and maybe plan a little vacation as soon as you are able! That would be something to look forward to. Blessings to you today dear friend.

    1. That is some good advice, Pam, and I do try to keep that in mind. I really don't envy people very much or very often. One, we aren't supposed to, and two, like you I've learned that we only see a fraction of someone else's life. As for the Robertson's lives, I really don't want their lives...the thought of stomping around in the swamp with gators and snakes is nearly enough to give me heart palpitations! I would just really like to observe their church and the people. It may be a regional thing. I have found that people are very apathetic here. Lots of opinions but little getting involved. The pandemic seems to have improved that a bit, but it's still not like it should be. My friend (and Bible study teacher) and I are hoping when the restrictions lift we can plan a road trip to visit the Robertson's town with our hubbies.

      Thanks for praying for our daughter. Her doctor just put her on cymbalta yesterday. She wants to see if it works for her. They are thinking she may have fibromyalgia and cymbalta is used to treat that and anxiety and depression. We have high hopes for it.

  3. I am so bad about worrying... & have to remind myself DAILY about what the Bible says about it. Seriously - I have scripture all over my mirror to remind me.

  4. I don't worry either, Stacy, for the same reasons you mentioned. It doesn't help anything or anyone. I also don't envy anymore. Once I figured out that the people I envied had their own problems, sometimes worse than mine. I am happy for people and just feel blessed myself. Happy weekend!


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes