March 19, 2021

Saturday 9: Ordinary People


Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, John Legend sings that both he and his girl have "room to grow." What about you? In what areas would you like to improve?  There's always room to grow in every area, but right now I'd specifically like to improve my eating and exercise habits.

2) He sings that when he hangs up in anger, she calls him back. Are you quicker to anger, or quicker to forgive?  It wasn't always the case, but I'm probably quicker to forgive these days. Things have to get pretty bad before I get angry.

3) "Ordinary People" was John Legend's first big hit. He originally wrote it for The Black Eyed Peas, but -- happily for him -- recorded it himself. Have you ever purchased a gift for someone else but then decided to keep it yourself?  I'm sure I have, but I can't think of what it might have been at the moment.
4) Ordinary People is also the title of an acclaimed novel by Judith Guest and an Oscar-winning film. Are you familiar with either the movie or the book?  I remember the movie. I think I saw it once years and years ago.

5) John is married to Chrissy Teigen, who gained fame as a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model. When is the last time you dove in? Were you in a pool, lake, river or sea?  Last summer in the pool in my own backyard.

6) John unexpectedly proposed to Chrissy on vacation, but he was afraid airport security would ruin the surprise when they went through his carry on very thoroughly. He worried she would see the ring box and he'd have to drop down to one knee right there at the airport! Tell us about one of your flights: your first, your most recent or your most memorable.  I made a few trips back and forth between Orlando and Pittsburgh by myself with our infant son. Those were great trips! Either the airline moved me to first class so I'd have more room and be more comfortable or some very nice older business men would take me under their wing...fussing with the baby, carrying my bag, offering to buy snacks and drinks. I'm sure it wouldn't be the same with how the airlines are now, but those were great trips.

7) John is currently a coach on The Voice. The other coaches are Nick Jonas, Kelly Clarkson and Blake Shelton. Of those four singers, which is your favorite?  While I'm not a fan of his personal choices and behavior, if we are going just on voice and songs, I like Blake Shelton.

8) In 2005, when this song was popular, Johnny Carson died. After he retired from The Tonight Show in 1993, he traveled extensively and discovered he especially enjoyed photographic safaris in Africa. If time and money were no object, where would you go on vacation?  If those two things and safety were not a problem, I would be on the first plane to Egypt and Israel that I could arrange!
9) Random question -- In your typical day, what's the longest you usually go without saying a word to another person: all day, a few hours, an hour, or five minutes?  It's never more than a few hours.

Thanks as always to Crazy Sam for the music and questions! Play along here.


  1. #6 reminds me of the times I flew to Virginia. I was headed for my spa getaways in Colonial Williamsburg, but both times the planes were filled with service people en route to Langley AFB. "Let me get that for you, ma'am." Those lovely kids helped me with my bags before I realized I needed assistance. Maybe it sounds corny, but this made me feel so good about America.

  2. Hi Stacy, you are right, there is always room to grow! I put Israel too. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we get to go one day?

  3. Yup on #1 & #2
    I need more exercise and it takes an awful lot to get me mad.

    1. I have a feeling most of us 9'ers need more exercise. Maybe it's just part of getting to be a certain age.

  4. I always enjoy your answers.
    I also would like to go to Egypt.
    Have a great Saturday.

    1. Thanks, Gloria. Yes, I want to see Egypt...always have. I would love to see all that ancientness.

  5. I enjoyed your answers...I actually had a certain member of management (in regards to your last thought) tell me repeatedly I talk to much and need to stop. Excuse me, my job description states hospitality. ANYWAYS, Thanks for the smiles. I hope you have a great Saturday my friend.

    1. You? Talk too much? I can't imagine! lol I imagine you to be chatty but in a good way...just friendly and easy to talk to. :)

  6. I, too, have been giving Serious Thought to my poor eating and (non)exercise habits. What extraordinary flights you enjoyed. Wow. I miss the days when random strangers practiced acts of kindness.

    1. I miss those days, too. Now days I wouldn't even trust those business men to be on the up and up. Isn't that a shame? As for diet and exercise...the diet didn't get any better today, but Tim and I took a walk with Colton and Leah after supper tonight. It's a start!

  7. I was so glad when I was able to start forgiving and move on. I was horrible before that about holding on to anger. My mom still does, so I feel like I was able to accomplish something by doing that. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

    1. I used to hang on to hurts, too, and it was such a miserable way to live. Learning to let go is the best gift I've ever given myself and those around me.

  8. Those flights sound great, although traveling with an infant maybe not so much. I think that would be difficult under any circumstances.

    1. Fortunately, my son was always a good traveler and flying never bothered him as it seems to bother some infants.

  9. Replies
    1. I'm so excited...we bought the materials for the deck today! It was so late in the season and materials were unavailable everywhere last year that we didn't get one put on once the pool was up. This year it's rising prices and the high probability of materials being scarce again that has us scrambling way ahead of the need to get everything we need.

  10. Egypt and Israel are on my bucket list too

  11. Fun questions again this week. I am so out of touch with music and singers. I always likes John Legend and Blake Shelton but am not fond of most celebrity politics. Wishing you a good week ahead!

    1. It's not even the politics I dislike with Blake. He just behaves poorly sometimes.


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