March 18, 2021

Thankful Thursday

Oh hey, nothing to see here...just me linking up with Rebecca Jo way late. Again. I had a good excuse today. I finally got my hair done and got rid of more than an inch of gray roots. I got an inch or two trimmed off the bottom, too. It turned out so friend, Susie is a genius with hair!

So, on the list of things I am thankful for this week, the hair is number one! Isn't it great how getting your hair done just perks you right up?

As for the rest of the list...

** I'm thankful Megan and Cody were able to get a great new vehicle that works for them and will fit their family for years to come. And that Cody could just keep his truck and they can have both. Guys and their trucks...if Cody was going to have to trade his truck he was insistent that they would get another truck. His allowance was it would have a crew cab to accommodate the family. Let me tell you, it is not fun hefting the kids in and out of car seats that are way up in a truck!

** I'm thankful Megan got the stitches out of her incision this morning and everything looks good. The infection is gone and they got all of the cyst.

** I'm thankful for yesterday's amazing weather. It was 74 and sunny! 

** I'm thankful I got out to shop with Megan and the kids for a bit yesterday. Carter's and Osh K'osh were having a sale. Megan stocked up on play clothes for the kids and I bought them each a couple of summer outfits and two pairs of shoes for Leah. She has a very wide foot and the top of her foot is high. Carter's velcro sneakers are the only ones we'd found that fit her well. Yesterday we found a pretty blue denim pair with a daisy on the side and a pair of sparkly pink sneaker/sandals...and they were on sale 40% off if you bought two pairs. Score! And Leah is so thrilled with them. Still, she was more than ready to be done shopping by the end of the afternoon.

Poor Colton zonked out and was asleep.

** I'm thankful Mom was able to get John in for his first dose of the vaccine yesterday. She's been trying for weeks with no success. He will be 80 next month and has diabetes and heart problems. He really wanted it. Mom hasn't been able to secure a spot for herself yet, though. I guess it will have to wait now since she is getting her knee replaced on Monday!

** I'm thankful my Bible study teacher and her husband are finally back from their month-long vacation and the group got together Tuesday evening. We all brought something and had a taco bar night. So yummy! And one friend brought 3 kinds of frozen treats from Dairy Queen for dessert. So bad for me, but I enjoyed a Dilly Bar without guilt.

The rest of the evening was spent visiting and catching up with each other and then to honor our teacher (and friend) for her 70th birthday, which had taken place while they were away, we each read her a letter we'd written telling her what she meant to us and shared some memories. It was a "pass the tissues" kind of night, but in a good way.

** I'm thankful Tim and I had dinner with my mom and John last night. Mom made our annual corned beef, cabbage, and potato dinner for St. Patrick's Day.

** I'm thankful everyone has been feeling pretty good (all things considered in Tim and Megan's cases) lately and we've had a quiet week and I didn't have to do quite so much babysitting. 

** I'm thankful for today's all-day rain that washes away winter's dirt and grit and helps the world come back to life.

** I'm thankful for a big pot of homemade chicken noodle soup simmering on the stove. Really. Does anything smell better on a cold, rainy day?

** I'm thankful, as always for the Lord and all He does for me, and for each one of you!



  1. So many wonderful things here to be thankful for! Love your hair! It looks so stylish! Wow, all those great buys for the kiddos sound wonderful, and the new vehicle, etc. and then the corned beef and cabbage and chicken noodle soup today all sound so good. We didn't get our corned beef and cabbage dinner yesterday. We had to cancel out as we've just had a difficult week physically exhausted mostly, and couldn't do the lunch here as originally planned, even tho someone else was bringing the main course. I just went back to bed and slept a while longer...what I needed. Better today, but getting old catches up with you after a while. LOL. Thank you for this post. I enjoyed it so much. I am kind off schedule this week.

    1. I was like that on Tuesday, Pam. I had no get up and go at all until evening. I don't know if it's the change in weather, the time change or what. Allergies are also starting to kick in so maybe that. Glad you are feeling better and it wasn't anything beyond needing a rest.

  2. That is a really nice picture of you, Stacy. So glad your week is going well with so much to be grateful for.

  3. That is a fantastic hair cut. Well done. You have a sweet face.
    Meant to say I've been praying for Megan. Glad she's doing better.
    And I'm thankful for you too. Y'all stay safe and warm.
    Keep looking up! Jesus is coming back. xx

    1. Aw, thank you...for the kind words and the prayers. Both are appreciated. And yes He is. I hope sooner rather than later.

  4. I mean, even late, you have a long list that is just full of loveliness!!!
    & that hair! Look at how fancy you are - I hope that man of yours takes you out to dinner to show your new look off :)

    1. Ha! Thank you. We went out to a little neighborhood place tonight so Tim could have his fish sandwich. Not exactly the place to show off a look, but it was out!

  5. Love your hair. What a really great picture! I'm glad to hear your daughter is doing so well. And congrats to them on a new vehicle. It really sounds like you got some good deals for the kids. I'm hoping to buy Colton some new things when we're with him next week. Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Oh, I hope you have the bestest time next week with your boy...and all the rest of the family, too!

  6. Girl, you're making me hungry!
    Love your hair! I stopped coloring mine last year, but it still feels SO good having another person touch my head. That's wonderful news and Megan, and I'm glad she didn't have to compromise on the car/truck situation. That picture of Leah makes me grin. What a doll!

    1. "about Megan" I meant to write.

    2. Thank you. I'm glad it worked out that they got a family vehicle, too. I'm often with her to take the kids shopping and it really is a pain getting them in and out of a truck. Yeah, Leah is something. I wish you could meet her. You would appreciate her sassiness, I think.

  7. As a barren spinster, I enjoy reading about your dinners with Tim. It makes me happy to know about happy couples. PS I gave you a shout-out last week. Sorry you missed it, because it was my opportunity to thank you for sharing your wisdom.

    1. I went and checked the post out after I saw this earlier. I'm glad if I offered any advice that helped you in any way. I know dementia is a tough monster to fight.

  8. I love your hair!!!!!
    Makes me wish to be at the salon myself!
    Lovely post, my friend.
    I sure do miss those kids clothing stores.
    Carters was my life for years and years!
    Have a cozy weekend down there.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes