March 25, 2021

Thankful Thursday

I'm linking up today with Rebecca Jo over at Knit By God's Hand for Thankful Thursday, my favorite blogging day of the week! I am a lifelong journal keeper and I keep an ongoing list of the things that I am thankful for or the ways I've been blessed in my journals, faithfully recording them every day. I believe firmly that a thankful heart is also a happy heart. It's always good to share the things that have blessed me here and link up with everyone who plays along. Those good things in our lives can serve to bless and encourage others, too.

This week I am thankful...

** for so many blessings, so many things to be thankful for. When I first read Ann Voskamp's book about keeping a list of all the things we are thankful for, the goal of 1000 things in a year seemed daunting. I learned that giving thanks is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets, and the easier the activity becomes. This year I have nearly 800 things listed and it's only the third month of the year! I could list more, but it would take too long and use up far too many journals.

** my mom's knee replacement surgery went well, the anesthesia didn't make her sick, and she was able to come home that same day. The nurses and therapists come to her house every day to check on her and work with her on getting around. She sounds a bit better and stronger every day.

It's a bit concerning, though, that she isn't doing as much time in the machine that moves the knee as she's supposed to or doing all of her exercises. At this point she is supposed to be on the machine 3x a day for 2 hours each time. She's only doing about 2 hours per day total. Last night she didn't do her exercises because she was watching the hockey game. Really, Mom?

Still, I'm thankful she's doing well.

** Daisy and my mom's miniature Schnauzer, Lacey, are getting along fairly well. Good thing, Lacey will probably be here for at least another week, I'm guessing. Maybe longer since she's so hyper.

** a really interesting discussion at Bible study about the veil covering the Holy of Holies in Israel's tabernacle. God gave a lot of very precise detail concerning how it was to be made and when you dig into stuff like how the dyes were made, the fact that it was woven 4-inches thick, etc. you realize there were a lot of little miracles happening in just that one thing.

** as we get ready to begin Holy Week, that God so loved the world He sent His only Son to take on the punishment for sin that I so deserve and that the Son, Jesus Christ, was obedient to the end (which was actually the beginning), dying on the cross so that you and I can live forever with Him in heaven.

** for a general sense of contentment. Life is good.

** for all of you!

Sorry to be late posting again. Between the nice weather, the grandkids, Mom, and everything...the days are really busy right now. 


  1. I love Ann Voskamp! We just finished her 1,000 Gifts (Bible study), but now I want to download her audio book, too.

    1. I met Ann years ago at a blogging convention. It was at the height of her book's was in the top 10 on the bestseller list and she was on lots of talk shows. Anyway, she was so shy and so unassuming. Everyone who attended the convention got a free copy of her book and she later sat and signed every copy, plus any copies you bought. As she signed the books, she prayed for either you or the person you would be giving it to. On the last day I was trying to find one more copy for a friend who'd asked if I could get her one. There were none to be found. I asked Ann who went on the search, too. When we couldn't find any more, she gave me her personal copy, signed it, prayed for my friend and hugged me tight.

  2. Much to be thankful for this week. I always love your Thankful Thursday posts. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. I am so thankful for our merciful God. I enjoyed your list. My therapist and ortho doc don't use that machine anymore so don't worry about your mom not using it. The exercises and really using the knee are more important. Glad she is doing so well. Keep us posted! xo

  4. Wonderful list...and I loved Ann V.'s book too. I haven't been as diligent in keeping up with my blessings list as I should be...there are so many and I am truly grateful, but I just don't get around to writing them down. You have reminded me that I need to do that more faithfully. I am thankful for YOU writing this and making me think about these blessings that I tend to take for granted sometimes. Thank you for your faithfulness. Praying your Mom will continue to heal well and get the proper exercise for her knee so it will heal well. God bless you and your sweet family.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes