July 6, 2021

Tuesday 4: Blogging

Welcome to the Tuesday 4This week the questions were supplied by Pamela Steiner... Here we go, let's talk about Blogging!

1.  Tell us about your blog.  When did you start blogging?  Well, this isn't my first rodeo blog. I've actually lost count of how many reincarnations there have been. I started blogging back in 2001 when a blog was pretty much one static page. (I used to joke that blogging back then was done by drawing on the cave walls with charcoal.) That first one was created to share ministry ideas with other youth leaders and pastors. Then there was one to keep the youth group up to date on happenings. From there, I jumped to personal blogs. 

I've never kept one for more than a few years, this one may turn out to be the exception. I always seem to get the urge to change everything when I enter a new phase in life. Some of them have been wildly popular. Some not as much.

The one thing that has stayed consistent through all of it, is the wonderful people I've met. People used to think you were crazy when you talked about having friends you'd never met, but it turned out we bloggers aren't so crazy after all. I've stayed in contact with a few people since the beginning and I'm always looking forward to "meeting" new friends. We have a great, supportive community here!
2.  What prompted you to begin blogging?  A friend in youth ministry told me about it and said I "had to try it." He was sure that I would love it since I enjoy writing. He was correct. He may have created a bit of a monster! Ha! I have been at it for 20 years (holy cow, can that be right???) and he lasted about a minute.
3.  What was your first blog about and why did you choose that subject/title?  I remember it was named K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid). I don't remember my thinking behind that, though. As I mentioned above, it was about youth ministry.  Other blog titles over the years include: One Foot On a Banana Peel, From the Porch Swing, Paint Splotches, and I Carried a Watermelon. There were several more, but those stand out in my memory.
4.  How has your blog changed over time, and has it done for you what you hoped it would do in the first place?  After that first blog, which was sort of professional in nature, every blog has been different and has reflected the period in life that I was in. I would say they did what I hoped they would do, which was give me a voice and connect me with others. I used to write a lot more original content than I do now. (Do I even do that now? Not very much, that's for sure.) The biggest change is that while I keep at it, it isn't the passion that it once was.


  1. I love that "drawing on a cave wall with charcoal" analogy!! *lol* You're so much more clever than me. I forgot to mention I started mine to also share the Gospel. There are so many lost now it's sad. They're not hearing the Gospel any other way, I fear, except in cyber space.
    Blessings. xx

  2. It isn't a passion for me anymore either, which is why I do not blog everyday anymore. I do enjoy my blogging friends though. I learned a very lot about you today! Thank-you for sharing all of that. I enjoyed it very much. I am so glad I met you. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  3. Great reasons to blog. Sometimes its hard to carry on but I enjoy it.

  4. Hi Stacy. Fun post. I love the first blog name you had. I enjoy blogging and have been at it since 2007. You are right about the very nice people who are bloggers. I have met some of the best people as blogger friends. So glad I found your blog. It is one of my favorites. :-)

  5. Blogging sure aint like the good ole days... cave drawings & all!!!
    I feel that though on the passion. I enjoy it & the friendships that come from it - but its nothing like it used to be.
    I still dont hear "I carried a watermelon" & not think of you :)

  6. Cave drawings ...funny girl! Pretty sure I met you during the "Watermelon" season of your life. I always took pains to keep my blog and social media separate, so few would put two-and-two together. (Hence, 'Mevely.') One of my managers even used to ridicule bloggers. So glad we met one another along the way!

  7. Thank you so much for joining in with this today, Stacy! I haven't known you as long as some others, although I remember learning not long ago that we were both in the Random Journal Day season with Dawn and Susie and so many others who we kind of lost along the way. Dawn is still blogging, but mostly about journaling. We've all come through some difficult times as well as joyful times, and it is wonderful to have this community to share our joys and trials with. I've found more support in this community than in my "real community" at times. It seems as though more people pay attention to what I am going through here than in my "real life". But then again, I sometimes forget that I haven't told them about what I'm going through and I think I've told everyone and I'm surprised they don't know. So then I tell them they should read my blog so they'll know what I'm up to. LOL. I'm so glad we've met here and I hope we get to meet in person someday. What was the watermelon one about? A baby? You haven't been blogging THAT long. LOL. Just wondering. I like the KISS title too. That's one of my favorite sayings, although I'm not supposed to say "stupid". LOL. Have a great day. Thanks again for sharing these great stories.

  8. It's awesome to read from you and other women bloggers who have known of each other for quite some time. I think the social platforms can be a great way to get information out about ministries.

  9. I enjoyed reading about how you got started blogging. This has been a fun exercise today! I have in-person friends who don't really understand having blogging friends but my friends here feel as close as those in-person friends. One of these days, you will be an in-person friend, Stacy. We will meet!! xo

  10. Hi Stacy, I am so glad we have met. I feel like we are similar in may ways. I just commented on your previous entry too. I know blogging is different from what I described in my post. Things change over time. I say life happens. I think blogging is good for our brains. So we I need to blog! Blogging has got me through rough times. I have met a few of my blogging friends over the years. Keep blogging Stacy, you are one of my favorite reads!

  11. I loved these questions and I have enjoyed hearing how everyone got their start.

  12. Hi! I found you via Tuesday 4. I like reading about how people got their starts in blogging and where blogging has taken them. I'm impressed you started your first blog in 2001. That's even before me and I feel like I've been around forever. I know what you mean about blogging being less of a passion than it once was. Feel the same way, but I keep on going.


Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. Your comments mean a lot to me and I try to answer them as soon as I can.

Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes