July 5, 2021


Celebrating... my return to blogging after a week off. No, nothing was wrong. It was just one of those weeks that didn't really leave time or energy for it.

Shocked... that Tim actually stayed home today. It is his regular paid holiday for the 4th, but I really thought his workaholic soul would get the best of him and he'd go to work today. 

Enjoying... the cool, peace of the morning. The fireworks went on lonnnnng into the night last night and after a few cool days the temperature is set to soar back up around the 90 degree mark today.

Working... only a few hours on Wednesday. I met a new client last week, but won't be with her until the 12th. She actually has a lot of companion hours available each week, but her mom is having a lot of health issues and wants to hang on to the hours for medical appointments that may be coming up. I do have another new client to call this week and see if we can set up some hours. It will get there sooner or later.

Kind of over... all the work that goes into family holidays for all the longer they last. Mom and John are getting older and John never wants to stay very long, Tim is tired and tends to nap (or else he will get pretty cranky), and Megan and Cody get pulled and guilted by his mom who gets jealous and doesn't like to share the holidays. The kids have tried to get them to come to their house, where we could all just be together. That's a no go. Anyway, kind of thinking it's a waste to do all that cooking and preparing when nobody stays more than 2 hours or so.

Missing... the way family holidays used to be. I really think this is my least favorite part of getting older.

Thinking about... our son's reaction to his grandmother paying off the student loan she cosigned for him 15 years ago. We have been making the payments all these years (we said we would). Mom got it into her head to look into it and figured out how much interest we've paid over the years and decided that student loans are a racket that benefit only the lender. Since she was able to do it, she decided to pay it off. Great for us! But she also decided to send a letter to our son via certified mail (the only way she can be sure he received it), in which she sort of read him the riot act and laid on a guilt trip about his niece and nephew not knowing who he is and us being heartbroken. She also informed him he could consider it his inheritance. Sigh. Mom is the passive-aggressive type, but I don't know what she thinks her letter will accomplish. I'd guess all it will do is make him and his wife angrier yet (probably more at us than her).

Grateful... for all the ways I've seen God's hand in my life during the past week. It's been pretty apparent.

Cooking... not a blessed thing today! It's going to be super hot and the refrigerator is crammed full of leftovers from yesterday.

Feeling... tired and sort of down in the dumps. The latter most likely being caused by the former. I'm in a rough spot with sleep right now. I'm just not sleeping well or for very long. I try to go back to sleep, but the joints have been aching and I can't get comfortable. Really hoping something changes with that soon.

Irked by... all the rain we've been getting. Tim can't finish moving dirt around and grading the yard because it's either raining or the ground is too wet from the rain. Currently the pool sits in the middle of a mud pit. So not happy about it, but what can you do. We had hoped Tim could finish moving it around today since he's off, but then we got a couple of good downpours yesterday morning so there is no way. Somebody needs to stop doing their rain dance!

Today... just hanging out with family and probably getting in the pool this afternoon.


  1. Glad Tim is staying home today and our weather is back up
    to the nineties too.
    Thinking about... Don't know quite to say about this one except
    she is definitely the aggressive type.
    I hope you can get some sleep and feel better!
    All of the rain has caused problems.
    Have a good day my friend.


  2. I hope that today is restful and rejuvenating for you, Stacy. Changes in families are always an adjustment. I hope you feel more uplifted at the end of the day. I totally understand how you feel. Not getting enough sleep is rough. I am glad that Tim took today off and that you are getting more hours at work.

  3. She can pay off my student loans and adopt me, lol. All kidding aside, I am glad Tim is taking some off. I hope you have a beautiful day, friend. smiles

  4. Hoping you have a good day and get to swim and get a good nights sleep.

  5. I agree with all you said except we could use more rain, like always. *grin* SE Georgia misses out on the wet stuff too often. And I'm so over all the big "do's" for holidays or whatever. I think it's time to simplify in every sense of the word.
    Blessings. xx

  6. Having grown up in a close-knit Polish family, Tom often laments 'what was' (like you). I was lucky to see my grandmothers maybe once a year, and now both my granddaughters would rather hang out with their friends. Hope your rains let up long enough to enjoy that pool!

  7. I feel you. Holidays just ain't what they used to be and it is sad, indeed. We are expecting a lot of rain tomorrow evening into Wednesday from Elsa. Fingers crossed that she fizzles out before getting here. Glad Tim took the day off. Good for him. Have a blessed rest of the week! xo

  8. Wow! What a wonderful gift for your mother to pay off that student loan. I hope your son realizes what a sacrifice that is, and also that you have been doing it all this time for him. You have certainly gone way beyond the call of duty on that, and I pray he opens his eyes and realizes what God has done for him. Yes, I understand how you feel about the holidays/family/food, etc. We had a low key holiday this year and I miss the extended family that we used to have get together and make homemade ice cream and stuff, but on the other hand, I am the one who has always had to clean the house, prepare the main course and all the extras, while others just bring a dish to share, etc. and I end up totally exhausted. I enjoy being with family, but it's time for family to take over as I am physically not able to keep up with the strain of all the work it takes to make it happen. But our kids have their own issues as well, especially now that they own a store and it is open on Saturdays, so our weekends are limited in time to be together, etc. We will all figure it out, but life changes as we get older, and some of it isn't as much fun as before. But still...we want to make the effort to keep the family together as much as possible. Please take care and relax and enjoy your leftovers, and let God handle the rest.

  9. Hi Stacy, I can relate to some of what you said. This is the 2nd year we spent the holiday by ourselves. The kids were off doing their own things. I wonder how my parents felt when they were our ages. I guess I should not complain. They are all healthy and doing well. Sorry that you are not sleeping well. I have some nights like that. My main problem is that I don't go to bed at a decent hour. How is that book reading going on Forgiveness? Take care and send the rain our way.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes