November 1, 2021


The thermometer outside the kitchen window is reading 41 degrees this evening and the furnace is running. November has arrived. High temperatures will remain under 50 degrees all week.

I'm reading Confessions of a Curious Bookseller by Elizabeth Green. This book is really different. The entire book consists of emails, blog posts, hand-written notes, and journal entries between the main character, the rather odd owner of a used book store, and the people she comes into contact with. It's certainly unusual, but I'm hooked and have to know what happens next. 

I'm watching the most recent episode of NCIS. I had to get caught up and wrap my mind around the idea of no more Gibbs. As much as I like McGee...he's no Gibbs. Sigh.

I signed back up for frndly today so I'm good to go for the Hallmark Christmas movie season!

Cooking has not been a high priority lately because life has been busy. I was off today and looking forward to a productive day at home, but Megan and the kids were in and out and I kept Leah this afternoon while Megan took Colton to an appointment. Anyway, no time to do real cooking again. Supper was shrimp and corn chowder I'd bought at Sam's Club a few months ago and stuck in the freezer. It was amazingly good! If you like seafood you should look for it at Sam's.

I've been celebrating and enjoying all things autumn...those gorgeous photos I shared yesterday, Halloween, sweaters, cozy candles and blankets, and all the rest.

This evening I'm thinking about our son-in-law. We just got the kiddos over whatever nasty bug they had that left them both with double ear infections and now he is not feeling well.

Also about the friend who does my hair. Her mom has been in the hospital for a few weeks with covid. It has taken its toll on her lungs and there is nothing more they can do. They removed her from everything today and started her on a morphine drip.

What's new, in case you missed it, is that we've welcomed a new member to the family. Tim surprised me on Halloween with a Maine Coon kitten, who I've named Jasper.

I've also added one more "member" to the family, probably the only Basset Hound I will ever own. His name is Cooper and he's the easiest pet ever!

As time goes on you can expect to see Coop sporting seasonal attire.

Making me laugh:


  1. Hi Stacy. That book sounds like one I would like. I hope your week is going well. I love your new kitty. We had a Maine Coon Cat years back when our kids were little. That cat was so friendly and lovely. We always said that he thought he was a dog. Best. Cat. Ever. If we get another cat, it will be a Maine Coon. Have a good Tuesday!

  2. Hi Stacy, fall arrived here today too. The sun didn't even come out. After a busy weekend, it was mostly a pajama day. I am working on my blog now and will post later. I will have to try that soup you mentioned. We are going to Sam's on Tuesday. I have 2 Hallmark Channels. I watch NICS and now CSI Las Vegas is back! enjoy your fall weather!

  3. Loved the photos. Congratulations on the new kitty.
    Sure wish it would cool off more here but it is nice out.
    Blessings. xx

  4. This book doesn't sound remotely like anything I like to read ... but your description has me super intrigued. (And the price is right!) Jasper's such a cool-looking cat; what does Miss Daisy think of him? Welcome Cooper!

  5. Welcome Jasper!!! such a beauty!!!
    I'm so intrigued by that book!!!

  6. Even WE had chilly weather over the weekend, 40's in the morning and 60's-low 70's in the daytime. I think it's hot again today, but not for long. I love your sweet kitty Jasper. What a surprise! I actually looked at some cute kittens at our local flea market on Saturday morning. I was so tempted, but when I thought of vet bills and kitty litter boxes, I walked away. LOL. So I will enjoy your kitty vicariously. Be sure to share lots of pictures of his antics so we can enjoy him. And Cooper is so cute. He looks real! Can't wait to see how he dresses up! Hope your SIL isn't real sick, and praying for your hairdresser's mom. Please take care and enjoy your week.

  7. I am so excited for you AND for Jasper! Main Coons are so beautiful! They also get BIG! Still giggling at the memes. Cooper is very cute. Perhaps Jasper will find Cooper is nice to cuddle up with! I enjoyed my visit here! xo

  8. Grinning...thank you for Jasper and of course Cooper. I am so sorry about your friend /her mother. How horrible. Keeping in prayer.


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes