November 4, 2021

Thankful Thursday

I'm coming in late on this Thankful Thursday and it's going to be a bit of a struggle to feel thankful, but I will do it...because there is always, always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for. If God doesn't cause it, He allows it for a purpose that may not be easy to see right in the moment. Looking at it that way, everything in life is a blessing. And I'm hanging on to that. Linking up, as always, with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand.

Our son-in-law tested positive for Covid yesterday. He has been spiking a fever on and off of up to 104.5. Our daughter started getting sick last night. She got tested today but won't have results until tomorrow or Saturday. She was trying to take care of Cody and the kids (who have been pushing all her buttons lately as it is), but she reached her limit when she started feeling sick.

So, the kids have been with me most of the day. They seem to be doing pretty well. They both just finished a course of antibiotics and got over a nasty virus and ear infections. They are coughing more than they were the other day, but otherwise they are happy and playing and watching movies. For that I am thankful. 

I spoke with my employer this morning and let them know what was going on. Since I am symptom-free and have been vaccinated, I only have to stay home for 10 days. At first they said I had to be tested, but later changed their mind. I already had it scheduled so will go through with it tomorrow morning. Anyway, I'm thankful I can be home to keep Colton and Leah. Because there is no one else who could would do it. (Our son-in-law's parents could, but his mom is already freaking out and has them all but dead and buried in her mind.)

I'm thankful for all the streaming channels that give us so many options for entertainment and that the kids have been pretty mellow for me and mostly agreeable. 

I'm thankful I feel fine so far.

I'm thankful for everyone who is praying for the family.

I'm thankful for Colton's teacher who has set it up to Zoom with him for a little while every day so he doesn't miss out on everything. She even got the class on this morning to say hi to him. Between actual sickness and the over-cautious rules at school, the poor kid has missed more often than he's been able to attend so far this year. 


  1. Hi Stacy. You will all be in my prayers. I hope everyone is better quickly.

  2. Praying for your family Stacy!

  3. Oh, darn! So sorry much of your family's challenges have fallen on your shoulders, Stacy. Colton's teacher sounds like a gem. Please keep us updated, as you're able. Praying!

  4. Praying for everyone - it doesnt get spread & symptoms are minimal.

  5. Prayers for all! And yes, streaming services are wonderful! Remember the old days of VHS tapes! I swear everytime I put one in, it had to be rewound!

  6. Praying for all the family to get well asap. Still wondering if the antibodies infusion is available in your area? Your son in law sounds like he needs it, and your daughter may need it too. Praying they will be able to fight this off, but please make sure they get the right medicines. It is so frustrating that they really don't help people fight this thing until they are so sick they have to be hospitalized. Praying that doesn't happen. May the Lord give you strength to take care of the little ones...(((hugs))) for all of you.

  7. Glad you are vaccinated…hopefully will save your life…


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes