November 5, 2021

Saturday 9: All I Have to Do Is Dream

I'm linking up with Sam and the gang for Saturday 9, because I need some distraction this week. If you've been visiting this week you know why. For those of you who aren't daughter and son-in-law were diagnosed with Covid this week. The kids are only 2 and 4 years old, too young to fend for themselves. So, while there are a couple of others who could help with childcare and delivering whatever Megan and Cody need, none of them are willing. I am trying to be all things to everyone, keep the dog from killing the new kitten, and keep the new kitten from destroying the house (seriously, this cat's name should have been Velcro because his claws are ALWAYS out and he is always climbing or attached to something).

Anyway, looking forward to relaxing a little with all of you.

Saturday 9: All I Have to Do Is Dream (1958)

I can't hear this song without thinking of one of the residents at the nursing home I formerly worked at. She was unresponsive the entire time I worked there and passed just before I left. One day I was pushing her around the building in her chair and I had music playing on my phone. This song came on and she sang along! Gosh, did I cry. I loved seeing how music got through to people and brought out unexpected responses. It was always such a magic moment.

 Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) Did you dream last night?  Probably. Sleep experts say we all dream every night. Now if you want to know if I remembered any dreams, the answer is "no." I rarely remember my dreams.

2) In this song, The Everly Brothers dream of kissing "lips of wine." Do you prefer red or white wine?  I probably lean a little more toward red wine or blush wine. Though, I will drink any kind provided it's sweet. I don't like dry wines.
3) In 1975, Rolling Stone ranked Phil and Don #1 on their list of the greatest duos of all time. Name another musical twosome. England Dan & John Ford Coley

4) Mike Love has acknowledged the influence The Everly Brothers had on The Beach Boys' harmonies. What's your favorite Beach Boys song?  Little Deuce Coupe

5) The pressure of touring took its toll on the Everly Brothers' personal relationship, and those stresses spilled onto the stage. They once had a fight in front their audience that ended with Phil smashing his guitar and storming off. Have you ever busted something in anger?  Not that I can remember. I was more of a hold it all in girl and since becoming a Christian, I usually make like Elsa and let it go.
6) One of Don's friends was author/storyteller Garrison Keillor and that's how the Everly Brothers came to perform on Keillor's radio program, A Prairie Home Companion. Do you often listen to the radio or to podcasts?  I listen to a little radio in the car, but otherwise, no to both. I was a fan of Garrison Keillor, though. I loved his stories and his books about Lake Woebegone. 
7) The brothers chose to live in different cities and held opposite views on politics. Don said, "Everything is different about us, except when we sing." Do you have siblings? If so, are you more alike or different?  I have three half-siblings, but I only found out about them two years ago. I have met the brother who is right after me in age. We couldn't be more different in our thinking or lives. I've met my sister who is the youngest of all of us. I think we could have been close if we'd had the chance to know each other growing up. We seem to think alike on a lot of things. The other brother I have not met and I may not meet him until our father's funeral (if there is one). He is semi-estranged from the rest of them so I doubt he's all that eager to meet me.

8) In 1958, the year this song was a hit, Americans were doing the Cuban dance, the cha-cha-cha. Do you ever dance or sing when you're home alone? Of course!

9) Random question -- Do you believe we each get one true love? Not really. I tend to believe real love is a choice to want the best for another person and commit to do your best to ensure they get it. And you make that commitment brand new in your heart and mind every day. I think it's possible to find someone you are willing to give that kind of commitment to more than once in a lifetime.

Typing this proved difficult as the new kitten is fascinated by my fingers flying on the keys and the movement on the screen. 


  1. Hi Stacy. I love your answers. I usually don't remember my dreams either. I have read a couple of Garrison Keillor's books and really liked them. I like the Elsa way of dealing with frustrations. Hope your daughter and son-in-law are getting better. I hope you can relax a little and have a good weekend.

  2. I am so sorry to hear covid hit your family. I had it, and anyone who says it's "just the flu" is woefully uninformed. The grandkids know you so well, it's probably comforting for them to be with you.

    That's a sweet memory you have attached to this Everly Brothers song!

    England Dan and John Ford Coley had terrific harmonies, too.

    1. Yeah, I'm sure it's good that I can keep them. I don't think it would go well with anyone else.

      England Dan and John Ford Coley really did have great harmonies and that picture of them in the young and happy looking!

  3. Praying you don't get sick Stacey. I like what you said about true love. I guess we can say that Jesus is our number 1 true love!

    1. Thank you, Susan. I'm a little rundown and achy today, but that could just be old age (lol) or the result of chasing a toddler and a preschooler around for a few days.

  4. Praying for your kids to get well soon. Praying for YOU to have the strength to keep up with the kiddos and the cat and dog, etc., etc. I loved the Everly Brothers, but didn't know they had trouble getting along. I guess that is pretty typical of siblings, however. Weird. I'm glad you got to meet your half siblings, and maybe the estranged one will come around someday. Have a blessed and sweet weekend, in spite of all the stuff!

  5. Keeping in prayer over your family, Stacy. I hope you have a beautiful day. smiles

    1. Thank you for the prayers. Yep, I had a good day...all alone in peace and quiet. Colton is congested and coughing up a storm so I sent him over to the sick house. He has to have a covid test for school on Monday, anyway, so I guess we'll find out what's up then.

  6. Those are such wonderful old songs. They all make me smile.
    So sorry the kids got sick. Praying for a quick healing.
    Blessings. xx

  7. Oh darn. I didn't realize Megan fell ill, as well. What a blessing you and Tim are to them. (But I did snicker about the Jasper, aka Velcro.)
    Not a fan of the Everly Bros. or Beach Boys, but I loved England Dan and John. Thanks for including that video!

    1. Yep, Megan's got it and we don't know what to think of Colton. He's congested and coughing. A lot. But otherwise he acts just fine. I sent him home just in case. He already has an appointment to be tested on Monday because of school.

  8. I hope you stay healthy!

    I have a bunch of podcasts that I want to listen to, but I forget to.

  9. Wow you have a lot going on. Did your father pass away or are you projecting into the future? Is he ill. I hope your daughter and her husband do not have issues with Covid. They're lucky to have you there to care for the kids.

    1. Oh geez, I didn't think about it being confusing to someone reading. No, my biological father hasn't passed away. He should be on his way to Texas for the winter about now. He is, however, 82 with a not so great heart so it is kind of there in the not too, too distant future. It's just that I can't imagine any other time I might get to meet the third sibling.

  10. Oh, Stacy, I’m sorry to hear your family is ill. Sending healing thoughts.

  11. I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter and son in law. Like Songbird, I’m sending healing thought out to you all. Prayers for you all. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼
    I was going to tell you that I had a dream about you this afternoon. It was a happy and calm one. I came to visit you at a sort of hillside house. It was definitely you.

    1. had a dream about me? That is really cool. And unexpected since we only know each other through blogging. I guess you never know how the mind will work. I'll take that dream as a sign of calm ahead. :) Thank you for your prayers.

  12. My husband is just getting over covid. He was home for two weeks. He goes back Monday. He didn't have it too bad. Josh and I are vaccinated, we didn't get it. I am so glad. I hope your daughter and son-in-law are all better soon.
    Your memory from the nursing home made me think of my dad. Music is in the part of the brain that forgets last. He would not talk much, but would sing songs. I loved it. Any way to hear his voice. I sure do miss him. Loved your answers. Have a nice weekend.

  13. I remember music at the facility where I worked. It was a favorite thing of the residents. We had live bands in all the time, and so many would sing, or get up and dance.

  14. #2 The tannins in red wines don't agree with my stomach.
    #3 I liked their music but I never knew their name.
    #4 That song always reminds me of our trips to Connecticut Dragway on Sunday afternoons.


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Moving Day

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