December 13, 2021


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas as the decorations are finally all up, the shopping is in full swing, the wrapping has begun, and the obligatory Christmas movie is on the's not a Hallmark, though, but a very odd one called Christmas Time about two brothers who've been estranged for years (one brother thinks he's a time I said, odd).

The weather
Anyway, the sun is shining and the temperature is in the mid 40's. Not particularly Christmassy, but nice, and the coolest day we'll see until the weekend.

Listening to
Still the 24/7 Christmas music radio station.

Already told you. Oops.

The way I feel this Christmas. It feels like everything has shifted back into clear focus, that priorities are in order, and it's all about Jesus. I mean, it always has been, but I've often stressed over things that just don't matter. This year...I'm relaxed and focused on what Christmas is all about. As for the rest, whatever gets done or happens will be fine.

Today is Colton's birthday. My little Boogie Man is 5 years old. How can that be? He has brought so much joy and love to our lives and I am so thankful for him.

About our dear blogging friend, Linda, and the heartbreak she and her husband are experiencing due to the loss of their beloved son, Liam, over the weekend. My heart aches for them and I ask you to keep them in your thoughts and prayers if you would.

Grateful and blessed.

Beyond measure for my family (even the ones that don't speak to us) and friends, my church, my pets (especially now that the kitty is settling down some) and this good life the Lord has blessed me with.

No quote today.
Just a wish that you love and enjoy every moment of your life and the people who fill it. Take the time to pay attention to and appreciate the things that really matter. Don't sweat the small stuff or the stuff that won't even matter tomorrow.


  1. Congratulations! You are now officially a cat lady! We're a vast club, not exclusive but consisting of only the best people.:)

    Happy birthday to your little man. Enjoy these last warm days. They will be a memory soon enough.

  2. Happy Birthday to Colton! I got my first batch of cards out. Gave hubby the sealing job and he went overboard. Hoping your recipe is not smeared! It is cold here in the 50's. We are watching It's a Wonderful life.

  3. Hi Stacy. I love your gratitude even when life isn't perfect. You should know that you are a great example to me in the way you are dealing with the situation with difficult family members. Happy Birthday to Colton. I am so glad you have your daughter and her children in your life. Have a great week!

  4. Colton is FIVE?! Oh my goodness the time flies. I always enjoy my visits here, Stacy. Your posts are uplifting and encouraging and filled with love. Thanks for that!! xo

  5. The smile on that little girl's face ... so adorable! Makes me feel festive and blessed too. I'm glad you feel better and focused. Best to enjoy what we have and not worry about the future.
    CHRISTmas Blessings To You All. xx

  6. Happy Birthday to Colton!! He is a sweetie pie I can tell, and that picture of Leah is just darling! She makes me smile and I am sure she does you too. Love the kitty too!!! Glad he is settling down. Yes, Jesus is the Reason for Christmas, and I am trying to stay focused on that. I am way behind in my shopping and am in a bit of a panic because we are meeting my hubby's brother and family this Thursday to exchange gifts and I still don't know what I am getting for them. Today is THE DAY!! Pray I can pull it together in time. Praying for Linda and David constantly. They are so much on my heart. I know this pain of losing a son, but for them it is their only child too, and that makes it especially hard. May God comfort them as only He can. Have a blessed and beautiful day my friend. I enjoyed your happy post.

  7. Oh my goodness, HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLTON!!!! Thank you sweet friend...bless you.

  8. Colton is really growing up fast! How is he 5?


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Moving Day

Hey everyone, I launched my new blog home today. Nothing fancy...just a little more me, I hope. Come visit me! In My Shoes